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PowerPoint Jeopardy InventionsIndustrial Revolution EconomicsIndustrial Revolution Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint Jeopardy InventionsIndustrial Revolution EconomicsIndustrial Revolution Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint Jeopardy InventionsIndustrial Revolution EconomicsIndustrial Revolution Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50

2 Who invented the Flying Shuttle? Category 1 – 10 points

3 Who invented the Spinning Jenny? Category 1 – 20 points

4 Who invented the Power Loom? Category 1 – 30 points

5 Who invented the Steam-driven Locomotive? Category 1 – 40 points

6 Who invented the Steam Engine? Category 1 – 50 points

7 In which industry did the IR begin? (hint: it’s another name for cloth and fabric) Category 2 – 10 points

8 What were the (3) factors of production? Category 2 – 20 points

9 Name Britain’s first 4 industrial cities. Category 2 – 30 points

10 How did crop rotation increase crop production? Category 2 – 40 points

11 How did the middle class change British society? Category 2 – 50 points

12 What policy let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference? Category 3 – 10 points

13 In what economic system are the factors of production are privately owned? Category 3 – 20 points

14 This is a form of complete socialism in which the means of production are owned by the people and private property does not exist. Category 3 – 30 points

15 What group believes that government should control the economy by owning the factors of production? Category 3 – 40 points

16 What are Adam Smith’s Three Natural Laws of Economics? Category 3 – 50 points

17 Why did the IR begin in Great Britain? Category 4 – 10 points

18 What were immediate benefits of the IR? Category 4 – 20 points

19 How did Britain keep their industrial secrets from the US? Category 4 – 30 points

20 The US was able to industrialize because they had: Category 4 – 40 points

21 What industry did Italy focus on? Category 4 – 50 points

22 What industry did Spain focus on during the IR? Category 5 – 10 points

23 What 3 steps did Japan take towards industrialization? Category 5 – 20 points

24 What country led Europe in adopting industrial technology From Britain? (what was the 2 nd European country to industrialize?) Category 5 – 30 points

25 What is the growth and development of cities and the migration of people to them called? Category 5 – 40 points

26 What were the 4 immediate benefits of railroads? Category 5 – 50 points

27 How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to the Industrial Revolution?

28 What was the benefit of being a stockholder in a corporation?

29 The Communist Manifesto argues that: (3 things)

30 Why was child labor so common during the IR?

31 Give 3 examples of reform movements during this time.

32 What is an example of a long-term effect of the IR?

33 Earliest civilizations all developed near:

34 What was the name of the aristocratic class in Rome?

35 Whom do Muslims worship?

36 In ancient China, women were _____ to men.

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