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TRENCHANT (TREN chunt)- Cutting, having a sharp point; sarcastic 1 1. Julie had a TRENCHANT tongue and was always putting her friends down behind their.

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Presentation on theme: "TRENCHANT (TREN chunt)- Cutting, having a sharp point; sarcastic 1 1. Julie had a TRENCHANT tongue and was always putting her friends down behind their."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRENCHANT (TREN chunt)- Cutting, having a sharp point; sarcastic 1 1. Julie had a TRENCHANT tongue and was always putting her friends down behind their backs. “A TRENCHANT mouth is characteristic of the famous Madagascar TRENCH ANT. LINK: TRENCH ANT You look like a clown!

2 PROCRASTINATE (PRO cras tuh nate) – To put off until a later time. 2 1.Tyesha would PROCRASTINATE until the last minute to do her homework. “Larry hated to cut the grass and would PROCRASTINATE about it for weeks.” LINK: GRASS HATE

3 ROSTER (raw ster) – A list of names; especially for personnel available for duty 3 1.Michelle saw her name on the active duty ROSTER when she reported to her sergeant. 2.The football program has a ROSTER for both teams. “Ross the rooster was not happy to find out that he was on the square dance team ROSTER.” LINK: ROOSTER

4 IMPEDE (im PEDE) – To interfere with; to delay 4 1.He was my uncle, but he always told me no matter what, not to let anyone IMPEDE my ambition to go to medical school. **Something that IMPEDES is an impediment. “The job of highway patrolmen Is to IMPEDE speeding motorists.” LINK: SPEED

5 FORBEAR (for BAYR) – To refrain form; to abstain 5 FORBEAR (for BAYR) – To refrain form; to abstain 5 1.Michelle said his motto was to never FORBEAR a good party for another time when you can have one today. 2.Autumn FORBORE her decision to go to the mall, deciding to spend time with her mother instead. “Please FORBEAR feeding these four types of bears.” LINK: FOUR BEARS

6 MIGRATORY (MIE gra tory) – Wandering 6 1.Wild geese MIGRATE to Canada in the summers and Mexico in the winters. 2.Fruit pickers are MIGRATORY workers who move from place to place at harvesting time. “ Stimmy the Stork MIGRATES through the sky searching for the right homes to deliver the babies.” LINK: STORK

7 EVADE (ee VADE) – To elude or avoid; to flee from a pursuer 7 1. The escaped prisoners EVADED the authorities by breaking into a church and disguising themselves as nuns. “ A magician uses illusions for EVADING injury when eating razor blades. LINK: BLADE

8 EFFACE (uh FACE) – To rub away 8 1.Someone vandalized the museum paintings by EFFACING each one with red spray paint. 1.To assure that he left no clues, the thief EFFACED his fingerprints from the stolen car. “The man with the EFFACED face.” LINK: ERASE

9 ASUNDER (uh SUN dur) – Separate into parts 9 1. When the earthquake stopped, and we came from our shelter, we found the city had been torn ASUNDER and not one single building was left standing. “ The thunder tore the homes ASUNDER.” LINK: THUNDER

10 INCITE (en Sight) – To arouse to action 10 1.The mob was INCITED to riot when the police arrived and began hitting people with their night sticks. 2.Waving a stick at Jerry’s dog only INCITES him and increases the chance he will bite you. “After the batter was hit with the ball, the team was INCITED to fight.” LINK: FIGHT

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