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Human Urinary System Common Signs and Symptoms ©Richard L. Goldman March 9, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology.

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2 Human Urinary System Common Signs and Symptoms ©Richard L. Goldman March 9, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology

3 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 Glycosuria glye-kohs-YOO-ree-ah gly/o=sugar ur/o=sugar -ia=condition Abnormal presence of a sugar, especially glucose, in the urine.

4 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 Hematuria he-mah-TOO ree-ah hemat/o=blood ur/o=urine -ia=condition Abnormal presence of blood in the urine.

5 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 4 Ketonuria kee-toh-NOO-ree-ah keton/o=ketone bodies ur/o=urine -ia=condition Presence of excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine.

6 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 5 Lethargy LETH-ar-jee The state or quality of being different, apathetic (without emotion,) or sluggish.

7 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 6 Malaise mah-LAYZ A vague feeling of bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of disease or infection.

8 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 7 Nocturia nok-TOO-ree-ah noct/o=night ur/o=urine -ia=condition Urination, especially excessive, at night; also called nycturia.

9 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 8 Oliguria Ol-gi-YOO-ree-ah olig/o=scanty ur/o=urine -ia=condition Secretion of a dimished amount of urine in relation to the fluid intake; scanty urine output.

10 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 9 Polydipsia pol-ee-DIP-see-ah poly-= excessive dips/o= thrist -ia=condition Excessive thirst.

11 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 10 polyuria pol-ee-YOO-ree-ah poly- =excessive ur/o=urine -ia=condition Excretion of abnormally large amounts of urine.

12 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 11 pyelonephritis (acute) pye-eh-loh-neh-FRY-tis pyel/o = renal pelvis nephr/o = kidney -it is = inflammation A bacterial infiection of the renal pelvis of the kidney.

13 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 12 Pyuria pye-YOO-ree-ah py/o=pus ur/o=urine -ia=condition The presence of pus in the urine, usually a sign of an infection of the urinary tract.

14 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 13 renal calculi Stone formation in the kidney

15 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 14 renal cell carcinoma REE-nal SELL car-sin-OH-mah re/o = kidney -al = pertaining to carcin/o = cancer -oma = tumor A malignant tumor of the kidney occuring in adulthood.

16 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 15 renal failure, chronic KRON-ik REE-nal FAIL-yoor ren/o = kidney -al = pertaining to ur/o = urine -emia = blood condition Progressively slow development of kidney failure occuring over a period of years. The late stages of chronic renal failure are known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD).

17 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 16 urgency ER-jen-see A feeling of the need to void urine immediately.

18 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 17 vesicoureteral reflux vess-ih-koh-yoo-REE-ter-al REE-fluks vesi/o = urinary bladder ureter/o = ureter -al = pertaining to An abnormal backflow (reflux) of urine from the bladder to ther ureter.

19 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 18 Wilm's tumor A milignant tumor of the kidney occuring predominately in childhood.

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