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Getting Started in the Quality Assurance Program Holly Langer-Evans Michael Cagle Anne Tuccillo 2007-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Started in the Quality Assurance Program Holly Langer-Evans Michael Cagle Anne Tuccillo 2007-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Started in the Quality Assurance Program Holly Langer-Evans Michael Cagle Anne Tuccillo 2007-2008

2 Training Objectives Define the Quality Assurance (QA) Program and review its history Review Program Flexibilities and Requirements Provide Tools and Resources

3 History of the Program Quality Control Pilot Project – 1985 Authorized under Section 487A of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended in 1992 and 1998 Federal Register published /doc0134_bodyoftext.htm /doc0134_bodyoftext.htm

4 The Quality Assurance (QA) Program Advance Sustain AttainAttain

5 Flexibilities and Exemptions 668.53(a)(1) through (4) 668.54 (a)(1)(2) and (4) 668.56 668.57 668.60(a) Policies and Procedures Applicants to be Verified Items to be Verified Acceptable Documentation Deadlines for Submitting Documentation Regulation:Exemption:

6 The ISIR Analysis Tool

7 The Dashboard

8 The Process of Analyzing Data Field Change Report

9 QA Program Requirements for using the ISIR Analysis Tool Upload and Validate Records Analyze Data Provide Institutional Verification Criteria to regional Representative

10 2007-08 Timeline of Activities for the ISIR Analysis Tool February 2007 2008 Version of IA Tool on the Web is available March – September Begin implementing your verification selection criteria & complete verifying your applicants October Prepare flat file, upload data; November, December, January Analyze Data; FSA collects school data; Notify QA Rep. of institutional verification criteria

11 FSA Assessments Perform Self-Evaluation and improvement by using the FSA Assessments

12 IFAP Where to find the Federal Student Aid Assessments

13 School Portal http://Federal Student Where to find the Federal Student Aid Assessments

14 The Redesign of the Assessments New Look and Feel Introduce the New Policy and Procedure Assessment

15 The Federal Student Aid Assessments – Re-Designed

16 Why use the Federal Student Aid Assessments?

17 Policies & Procedures Assessment Policies and Procedures At A Glance Minimum Requirements Regulations Activities

18 Effective Practices Innovation – Effective Practices Opportunity to review a successful practice reported by one of your colleagues Opportunity to report a successful practice to the Department.

19 QA Program Requirements for the FSA Assessments Complete two Assessments or activities Notify Regional Representative of the two assessments If applicable, complete the Management Enhancement or Effective Practice Forms

20 2007-08 Timeline of Activities for the FSA Assessments June 2007 Identify assessments to complete for the upcoming award year (2007 2008) July Establish teams to complete Assessments August – May Complete Assessments, and any Management Enhancements or Effective Practices February 1, 2008 Notify QA Representative which assessment or activity you will complete

21 Importance of Team Building “It’s a fact that people working as a team can achieve better results than individuals working alone.”

22 Team Activity When I say go, list 10 body parts that have only 3 letters in them. You can’t use slang.

23 Answer Key LipJaw Hip Rib GumLeg EarArm EyeToe

24 Use the Team Building Tool

25 QA Regional Representatives Regions 1, 2, and 5 – Holly Langer-Evans – (617) 289-0136 Regions 3, 4, 6 & 7 – Anne Tuccillo – (202) 377-4378 Regions 8, 9, and 10 – Michael Cagle – (206) 615-2586 You will also receive messages from us via the Quality Assurance Program Listserv

26 QA Program Resources QA Program Website - QA Program Listserv - Send email to to subscribe to the QA Program listserv QA Program Mailbox - QA Program Training - Information for Financial Aid Professionals - Team Building Website -

27 What have we learned? What the QA Program is and what it can do for your school How to embrace the Flexibilities of the Program and be proactive Additional Resources available to assist in the administration of the Program

28 Questions

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