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Sensor Data Management Due to the rapid development of internet, Web and cheaper hardware, sensor networks have become common. A sensor is a device which.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensor Data Management Due to the rapid development of internet, Web and cheaper hardware, sensor networks have become common. A sensor is a device which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensor Data Management Due to the rapid development of internet, Web and cheaper hardware, sensor networks have become common. A sensor is a device which responds to physical stimulus such as heat, pressure, light and produces a measurable electrical signal. Sensors have been used for a long time; inductive loop sensors at the traffic signals.

2 Sensor Data Data is delivered continually - stream No historical data is maintained, in general Sensor nodes have limited resources (power capacity, memory, communication band width).

3 Sensor Data Management How to manage the huge amount of streaming data? Consider, say 100,000 inductive loop sensors in Melbourne Each sensor produces, one tuple, every time a vehicle passes over it. We have hundreds of thousands of tuples generated per minute.

4 Streaming Data How to handle such data? What kind of queries can be processed? What should be the organisation of the sensors? Which and how much data need be retained to process the existing queries. Queries are dynamic (or streaming)

5 Streaming Queries Queries are dynamic. What data is retained/stored for how long is dependent on the current mix of queries. New algorithms to deal with the problems of sensor data management.

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