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Meet the Team Lisa Kidd Rebecca Harrington Carly Burdock Beth Wilson Tiffany Brown James Pennington Kristi Weaver.

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2 Meet the Team Lisa Kidd Rebecca Harrington Carly Burdock Beth Wilson Tiffany Brown James Pennington Kristi Weaver

3 What’s New in Fifth Grade for 2013 - 2014 Common Core Curriculum Georgia has adopted the Common Core State Standards along with 47 other states across the nation. The development of national standards for K-12 English Language Arts and Mathematics was initiated by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). These standards provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success in college and career. Standards:

4 CCGPS Resources for Parents Parent Presentation: 0373/Centricity/Domain/22/CCGPS%20Paren t%20Presentation.pdf 0373/Centricity/Domain/22/CCGPS%20Paren t%20Presentation.pdf Guide for Students and Parents: 0373/Centricity/Domain/22/CC%20Shifts%20 Guide%20for%20Students%20and%20Parent s.pdf 0373/Centricity/Domain/22/CC%20Shifts%20 Guide%20for%20Students%20and%20Parent s.pdf

5 Formative Assessments  Daily, ongoing assessments/observations that are used to monitor student progress toward mastery of standards.  Formative assessments will receive a standards- based score as outlined in the rubric.  Formative scores will not be posted in Parent Portal. These scores will be communicated to parents in the weekly work folder sent home by the teacher. KEY TO FORMATIVE BASED ACHIEVEMENT 1 Limited or minimal progress toward standard 2 Ongoing progress toward standard 3 Consistent achievement of standard 4 100% mastery, above and beyond

6 Summative Assessments  Cumulative assessments will receive a traditional numeric grade and will be used to measure student mastery of standards.  Summative grades will be posted in Parent Portal and the average will serve as the report card grade. KEY TO SUMMATIVE BASED ACHIEVEMENT F <70% C 70-79% B 80-89% A 90-100%

7 Summative Assessment Re-tests  Students will be allowed ONE retest for each summative assessment in ELA and Math.  Students eligible for a retest must participate in re-teaching and re-learning sessions and/or assignments as determined by the teacher.  Students will receive the higher of the two grades.  The purpose of the retest is not to improve a student’s numeric grade but to demonstrate mastery of the skill.

8 Report Card ELA will be a combined Reading, English, and Writing grade. ELA and Math:  traditional numeric grades  standards based scores Science and Social Studies  traditional numeric grades.

9 First Quarter Report Card

10 Work Habits

11 Grades for Special Areas

12 Quarter 1 Standards


14 Parent Communication  Weekly newsletters  Quarterly rubrics, provided each nine weeks outlining standards by quarter to assist with monitoring student progress  Weekly student work with teacher feedback  Summative test scores posted in Parent Portal  Use of agendas, phone, and email for communication

15 Helpful Hints for Fifth Grade Daily use of agendaDaily use of agenda Review of graded workReview of graded work Mastery of multiplication factsMastery of multiplication facts Nightly reading of grade appropriate booksNightly reading of grade appropriate books LEXILE LevelsLEXILE Levels IXLIXL Raz-Reading – more info to comeRaz-Reading – more info to come Use of teacher websites and educational linksUse of teacher websites and educational links Parent PortalParent Portal USA Test Prep – ELA, Science, and SSUSA Test Prep – ELA, Science, and SS Foster independence while helping with review and study skillsFoster independence while helping with review and study skills

16 Bring Your Own Technology County-wide initiative Highly successful in 2012-2013 for SBE fifth grade Optional – Laptops or desktops provided for special teacher-assigned projects Only allowed on assigned days/times for specific classroom educational activity until notified otherwise Filtered wireless network – NO phone networks allowed Laptops or small Netbooks

17 BYOT Tips Practice independent laptop usage at home powering on/off accessing wireless (No 3G, 4G) saving documents attaching documents to email setting homepage browser –

18 BYOT Tips * Practice commonly used programs Word Processing PowerPoint IXL Raz-Kids *** Flash Player required for many assignments/websites ***

19 Fifth Grade Testing GA Writing Test – March 5GA Writing Test – March 5 CRCT – April 9,10, CRCT – April 9,10, 15,16,17 15,16,17 * Critical year for Math and Reading

20 Middle School Will my child be ready for middle school? Yes!Yes! Transition activities with middle school in the spring include visit to RMS, 6th grade ambassadors visiting SBE, counselor lessons, practicing with locks, etc…Transition activities with middle school in the spring include visit to RMS, 6th grade ambassadors visiting SBE, counselor lessons, practicing with locks, etc…

21 BYOT Presentation BYOT Presentation

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