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Math Night Presented by: Faculty and Staff of Turning Point academy October 10, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Night Presented by: Faculty and Staff of Turning Point academy October 10, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Night Presented by: Faculty and Staff of Turning Point academy October 10, 2013

2 Order of Presentation 1. Common Core Shifts 2. Testing Shifts- MSA vs. PARCC 3. “Life Application”- Helping at Home 4. Activities Based Math 5. Classroom Break Out

3 What is the Common Core? (CCSS)  The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) describe what students are expected to learn from K-12  Covers Mathematics and English/ Language Arts

4 What does this mean for my student?  More rigorous classroom demands  A shift in instructional methods  More responsibility—deeper thinking and more explanation and justification required  Mastery of standards expected —no more re- teaching from year to year  New assessment—PARCC (Partnership for Assessment for Readiness for College & Careers)

5 Getting There… core/

6 Common Core States

7 Testing Changes MSA vs. PARCC Assessment of school progress will change in 2014. What is PARCC When will PARCC testing start Preparing for the PARCC Higher Order Thinking- ask questions that require explanation and reasoning.

8 MSA vs. PARCC MSA Look at the expression below. 12 + 4 x (12 - 9) What is the value of the expression? a. 24 b. 48 c. 51 d. 55

9 PARCC Part A

10 Part B

11 Part B cont.

12 Part C

13 Scoring the PARCC

14 8 Mathematical Practices  1 - Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.  2 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively.  3 - Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.  4 - Model with mathematics  5 - Use appropriate tools strategically.  6 - Attend to precision  7 - Look for and make use of structure (graphs, diagrams)  8 - Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (what patterns do you see?)

15 Life Application Math Skills at Home

16 Turn and Talk  What is your attitude towards Math? Was it a positive or negative experience? Explain  Share out

17 Building “Life Application” Math Skills at Home  Embrace the “Need to Know” factor  Interactive Math activities between parents and their children  Budget  Grocery shopping  Gas cost/miles  Cooking  Measuring

18 Math Rotations  K-3 rd Grade  Ms. Sayles  Ms. Covington  4 th -5 th Grade  & Mrs. Akinyode  6 th -8 th Grade  Ms. Roberts

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