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Part 2…. R efreshment R eplenishing R obot Acquiring and Delivering.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2…. R efreshment R eplenishing R obot Acquiring and Delivering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2…

2 R efreshment R eplenishing R obot Acquiring and Delivering

3 Objectives Build a line following robot that eliminates the need of a microcontroller; Digitally control the activation of the robot’s movements; Minimize human intervention; Adapt the mechanical aspect of the robot so it can be integrated with the base (Team B10); Solder all components into a single circuit; Minimize the use of pre-manufactured and pre- programmed circuits. RRR



6 Light Sensor RRR


8 4066 Quad Bilateral Analog Switch RRR


10 Digital Controlling Logic Logic gates truth table. « Pressure » Switch (A) « Position » Switch (B) No refreshment on robot; Position = Base. Nothing Refreshment on robot; Position = Base. GO! Refreshment on robot; Position = Couch. Nothing No refreshment on robot; Position = Couch. GO! back RRR


12 Problems/Challenges Encountered Triggering of circuit at specific moments; Integration of digital circuit without use of DAC and ADC; Minimizing total size of circuit for soldering. RRR

13 Progress Completed Entire robot circuit; Most of robot enclosure. To do Finish enclosure; Make path and calibrate robot with it. RRR

14 Sources ing%20a%20simple%20line%20follower//li ne%20sensor%20reflection.jpg ing%20a%20simple%20line%20follower//li ne%20sensor%20reflection.jpg a-simple-line-follower-robot/ a-simple-line-follower-robot/ ert9/Digit/images/4016_4066.GIF ert9/Digit/images/4016_4066.GIF RRR

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