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Static Electricity Nejoud Al Mana 8E. What is Static electricity? Static electricity is the unexpected shocks we get when we touch a doorknob or any other.

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Presentation on theme: "Static Electricity Nejoud Al Mana 8E. What is Static electricity? Static electricity is the unexpected shocks we get when we touch a doorknob or any other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Static Electricity Nejoud Al Mana 8E

2 What is Static electricity? Static electricity is the unexpected shocks we get when we touch a doorknob or any other metallic object, or when we rub a balloon in our hair and our hair stands up straight. These are all are produced by static electricity. Static electricity happens when any material gets or loses electrons and becomes positively or negatively charged.

3 Uses of static electricity #1 Static electricity is used for many things, like dust removal, there are some things that can take out dust from the air, like air purifiers. They use static electricity to make changes to the charges in the dust particles so that they stick to the filter of the purifier that has an opposite charge then the dust. This effect is also used in smokestacks to reduce the pollution.

4 Uses of static electricity #2 and 3 Static electricity can also be used in car painting. Car painting uses static charge to make sure a car's paint will resist the high speeds and weather to protect the car's metal interior. Photocopy machines use static electricity too. The photocopy machines use static to make ink get attracted to the places that need to be copied. It uses charges to apply the ink in the areas where ink needs to be in the paper. Those uses of static electricity are all man-made.

5 Uses of static electricity #4 Some natural static electricity are: Lightning is one example of natural static electricity, violent and un steady movements in storm clouds makes static electric charges that build up till they are released as electrons that create a bolt of lightning. One other example of natural static electricity is when people get a shock from a metallic object by walking on a carpet. When you walk on a carpet you get electrons and then when you touch the door nob you get a shock.

6 Problems of Static Electricity Lightning happens with static electricity, it cannot stop the static electricity getting out from the cloud to the Earth. This is a problem because lightning is very dangerous and it cloud damage things even though many people have survived lightning strikes, many people have been killed. In planes the planes are refueled, and the fuel is pumped at high speed through a pipe. When the fuel passes along the pipe a static charge happens. If it builds to a high enough level, a spark will happen. This can cause an explosion.

7 Bibliography

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