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BI Professional Integration plus (BINplus) Elzbieta Rzeznik Regional manager BINplus.

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Presentation on theme: "BI Professional Integration plus (BINplus) Elzbieta Rzeznik Regional manager BINplus."— Presentation transcript:

1 BI Professional Integration plus (BINplus) Elzbieta Rzeznik Regional manager BINplus

2 BI Target audience: Foreign language speakers those looking for employment of 20% or more have little, or no, knowledge of German (i.e. below level B1) do not have much knowledge of computers require support with the preparation of their application documentation require support with the formulation of a personalised application strategy have a lack of knowledge of the current job market BINplus

3 BI Heterogenic target audience age, gender origin, time of immigration those who are accustomed to a school environment, or those who are unaccustomed to a school environment both those who are newly in search of employment as well as those who have been looking for employment for a longer period of time knowledge of German below B1 level are literate i.e. can read and write and are familiar with the Latin alphabet BINplus

4 BI Organisation Year-long course with the possibility of weekly admission 12 weeks, 5 times per week Monday – Friday each with three hours attendance time in the mornings and afternoons From 8:30 until 16:00 BINplus

5 BI Guidelines : The participants: Have a personal application strategy Have a complete application dossier Are informed about the requirements of the job market Actively participate in the open and opaque employment market Broaden the soft skills required in the Swiss employment market Activate and work on their personal network Broaden the spoken and written language skills pertinent to finding employment Apply and train for the necessary computing skills required for finding a job BINplus

6 BI Content of BINplus: Divided into 3 parts: Intake, computer course and professional integration, including pertinent case management (core of the programme) Core of the programme is professional integration which includes various activities Centred around five areas of activity a)Improvement of application skills/expertise b)Improvement of knowledge of employment market and working environment c)Language advancement d)Job hunting e)Process-orientated analysis and new orientation on the personal and professional level (case management) BINplus

7 BI a. Improvement of language skills: The improvement of language and language skills of the participants b. Improvement of application competency: Analysis, completion, up-dating, and optimisation of the application dossier and addition of profile of competencies The critical evaluation of application process to-date The appropriate use of the application process and the command of the mechanisms and instruments and techniques for a specific situation The improvement of personal presentation in a job interview as well as the correct and appropriate behaviour during the entire application process BINplus

8 BI c. Job market and working environment: Regular meetings with business representatives and/or visits to companies The analysis of the current job market and the changes in work environments Knowledge of their target market and their performance requirements d. Job search Action plan with a job seekers’ strategy Implementation of the job seekers’ strategy with the advice and mentoring of skilled personnel BINplus

9 BI e. Case Management Individual mentoring, counselling, and supervision of each participant Coaching sessions as per request with every participant (min. 30 mins per week) Set up a prioritised action plan Appropriate learning and promotional routes The case-management and coaching = instruments for the necessary individualisation of the programme, to reach the maximum impact of the various activities and to cater for the heterogeneity of the participants BINplus

10 BI Skilled personnel deployed Competent team of skilled staff who have experience in the promotion of language skills and integration into the work force, as well as in the counselling of candidates who speak foreign languages BINplus

11 BI Informationen on offer Secretariat: 031 380 81 33 Head of division: Tanja Tunjic Martinovic Before reservation, please enquire telephonically about the availability of course places Thank you for your attention. BINplus

12 BI Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your collaboration! BINplus

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