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Identity Theft: Protect Yourself By Rachel Gaines.

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Presentation on theme: "Identity Theft: Protect Yourself By Rachel Gaines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identity Theft: Protect Yourself By Rachel Gaines


3 Shred financial documents and paperwork Protect your Social Security number Don’t give out personal information Never click on links sent in unsolicited emails Don’t use an obvious password Keep your personal information in secure place

4 Be alert for: –Bills that do not arrive –Unexpected credit card statements –Denials of credit for no apparent reason –Calls or letters about purchases you did not make

5 Place “Fraud Alert” on credit reports Close accounts File a police report Report the theft to the Federal Trade Commission

6 ID Theft: What It’s All About Deter, Detect, Defend Brochure Virus Worms Anti-Virus Protection

7 Multi-layers of protection is preferred Many people rely on the advice of others Free protection is not enough Back round information is important


9 What Does The Identity Thief Want? Where Does Identity Thief Find These? How Are These Used? How Can You Defend Yourself? Other Precautions To Take

10 What Does The Identity Thief Want? Your Social Security number Your driver’s license Your account numbers Your PIN(s) and passwords

11 Where Does Identity Thief Find These? Your wallet or purse Your mailbox Your glove compartment Your trash You

12 How Are These Used? Counterfeit checks Drain bank account File for bankruptcy Give your name to police during arrest Change mailing address Open new credit card accounts

13 How Can You Defend Yourself? Don’t put the obvious in your purse or wallet Don’t write your PIN on back of cards Check credit card bills carefully and regularly Take outgoing mail to local post office Shed anything that contains any personal information

14 Other Precautions To Take Don’t sign back of credit card, write “check photo id” instead Three major credit reporting agencies –(Equifax, Experian and TransUnion)EquifaxExperianTransUnion Cut old credit cards into small strips When reordering personal checks, pick them up at the bank Don’t carry Social Security number around

15 What Does The Virtual Thief Want? Where Does The Virtual Thief Find These?Where Does The Virtual Thief Find These? How You Can Defend Yourself Precautions

16 What Does The Virtual Thief Want? To capture your information Create a new identity based on that information

17 Where Does The Virtual Thief Find These? Gaps in your system Through spreadsheets and documents

18 How You Can Defend Yourself Use unique passwords Change passwords regularly Don’t set your system to “Remember My Password” Don’t write down passwords

19 Precautions Purchase Anti-virus software Keep operation system software updated Install a firewall


21 Work cited Federal Trade Commission, [] A Better Business Bureau, [ rs.asp] rs.asp

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