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Thursday, November 15, 2012 Bell Ringer: The Fair Credit Reporting Act, is an important legal act, promoting the accuracy and privacy of information in.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, November 15, 2012 Bell Ringer: The Fair Credit Reporting Act, is an important legal act, promoting the accuracy and privacy of information in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, November 15, 2012 Bell Ringer: The Fair Credit Reporting Act, is an important legal act, promoting the accuracy and privacy of information in consumer credit reports. To be protected by this law, you need to know your rights. Under the Fair Credit Act it is the assumption that information is believable and credible. Using the context clues in the passage, determine what the Greek/Latin prefix “cred” means. a. hope b. believe c. pain d. sharp Hydroelectric projects must comply with the Endangered Species Act. This means that a federal agency with ESA responsibilities or “Service” must find that the impact of a hydropower project does not jeopardize an endangered species. Dam operations must either have no negative impact on listed fish, or operators must obtain incidental take authorization for the Project’s effects on listed species. Using the context clues in the passage, determine what the Greek/Latin prefix “hydro” means. a. ground b. authority c. earth d. water

2 Daily Learning Target  I can defend, through analysis of the text, that Santiago follows the hero’s journey.

3 The Hero’s Journey

4 Review from Yesterday 1.Reflect upon the reading from yesterday. Take at least 2 minutes to skim through the pages. What made an impression? What moral lesson from the fable can you relate to your life? 2.Now with a partner, using the assigned letter, write down a statement on the dry erase board that captures the theme of yesterday’s assigned reading. Use the theme sheet for help. 3.Be ready to share. Example: Letter B: Balance is the key to maintaining a life of fulfillment.

5 The Alchemist Finish reading to the star on page 42.

6 Exit Slip 1. One of the first major diversions from Santiago's journey is the theft of his money in Tangiers. How is Santiago’s money stolen? Using the terminology of the hero’s journey model, we could describe this experience as a Challenge/Temptation. How does the fable of the oil and the spoon relate to this Test? 2. Santiago realizes that he has a choice to make: he has to choose between thinking of himself as a poor victim of a thief and as an adventurer in quest of this treasure? What choice does he make, and how does this relate to the idea of Challenge/Temptation in the hero model?

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