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Cultural Conflicts.  Scopes Trial  Role of teaching religion in school  Fundamentalism- What does it mean?  Literal vs interperation  Religion begins.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Conflicts.  Scopes Trial  Role of teaching religion in school  Fundamentalism- What does it mean?  Literal vs interperation  Religion begins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Conflicts

2  Scopes Trial  Role of teaching religion in school  Fundamentalism- What does it mean?  Literal vs interperation  Religion begins to modernize

3  Flourished in small cities during Prohibition  Fought against alcohol  Attacked immigrants, African Americans  Stressed nationalism, racial purity  Violent, uneducated rural whites  Spread to northern cities. Why?  5 million members

4  Immigrants associated with radicalism, disloyalty  Rural Americans believe immigrants are destroying American values  Immigration is limited- quota  1924- National Origins Act- limits immigration  Limits specific groups

5  Change occurred rapidly (cities, boom)  Fear and hostility of urban society  Democrat Al Smith stood no chance against Hoover  Smith represented the big city, Catholics  Hoover is typical Iowa farm boy  Hoover wins in land slide  America is rapidly changing

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