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Roaring 20s. Points of Interest An American culture starts to emerge Technology Temporary Happy Times (for some) Economy out of control Change Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Roaring 20s. Points of Interest An American culture starts to emerge Technology Temporary Happy Times (for some) Economy out of control Change Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roaring 20s

2 Points of Interest An American culture starts to emerge Technology Temporary Happy Times (for some) Economy out of control Change Change Change!

3 Isolation To Forget Fighting Wars

4 Middletown Study of how Americans live their lives and the changes that have been documented by sociologist Robert Lynd and Helen Merrell

5 Migration Patterns 1880- 1920 +

6 Nativism Angel Island Ellis Island


8 Equals Urban America in Cities 1926 NY

9 Tenement Houses

10 Cultural Fusion We hates the ways in how you dance

11 You are killing America! Nativist

12 Assimilating the Immigrant

13 Education, Movies, Food and Common Stores Early 1900 Education


15 1920 Economy Adjusting from WWI economy Car creates economic boom New products Stocks Advertising

16 Model T By 1927 one car produced every twenty- four seconds Sales jumped from 1.5 million to 5 million by late 1920s


18 Credit

19 1920 Economy Ford Ads=Persuasion Credit=Increases purchase power/consumption Welfare Capitalism and no to unions

20 Quick Changes Changing the old

21 Vamps and Flappers

22 California bathers being confronted by policewomen because they were "scantily clad" But we are hot

23 Science (Scope’s Trial)

24 City life sucks!

25 Innovation (1929) My wife forgot my sandwich

26 Common Stores

27 Movement Harlem Renaissance

28 Educate Immigrants Washington, DC, immigrant- naturalization school - 1920s National Photo Co. / Library of Congress LC-F801- 4509)

29 Credit I would like to buy this to impress Habib but I do not have $ You can buy using credit Is she talking about mu husband Habib?

30 20s issues prohibition Speakeasies Flappers and Vamps Women and 19 th Amendment Challenging 4 Virtues Old vs. New Scope’s Trial Economic Boom Car, credit and ads Common Culture Brands, movies, stores and radio

31 Review An American culture starts to emerge Technology Temporary Happy Times (for some) Economy out of control Change Change Change!

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