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A MERICA BEFORE THE J AZZ A GE Events in American History that Created the Roaring Twenties.

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2 A MERICA BEFORE THE J AZZ A GE Events in American History that Created the Roaring Twenties

3 A MERICA AT W AR !! America looks hungrily at its neighbor$ The American Press…Yellow Journalism War with Spain…Remember the Maine! A “Nice Little War” 1898 The Myth of the Rough Riders The Emergence of Theodore Roosevelt…a teddy bear of a president

4 A MERICA E MERGING AS A W ORLD P OWER The Power Brokers Age of Invention Isolationism Political Aspirations American Military

5 W ORLD W AR Empires & Emerging Nations Germany v. France & England American Expeditionary Forces Go “Over There” American Forces Turn the Tide

6 P OLITICAL M ANEUVERING President Wilson Travels to Europe 14 Points League of Nations U.S. Senate Shuts the Door Wilson Dies Trying

7 A IN ’ T W E G OT F UN... The Jazz Age The Roaring 20’s Prohibition Women Vote Fads & Fashions Sports…The Babe Lucky Lindy Politics as Usual Rhapsody in Blue

8 T HE G REAT G ATSBY F. Scott Fitzgerald & Zelda Sayre Symbols of the 20’s Themes

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