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Easy Ways to Be Green 1. Eat Organic Crops grown without chemical pesticides do not contaminate the earth with toxic substances. 2. Eat Less Meat Meat.

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2 Easy Ways to Be Green 1. Eat Organic Crops grown without chemical pesticides do not contaminate the earth with toxic substances. 2. Eat Less Meat Meat production, compared to plant production, has a carbon footprint that is 57 times bigger!

3 3. Use Less Energy Turn off lights, computers, etc, whenever not in use. 4. Use Less Gas Driving 62 mph (100 km/h) versus 75 mph (120 km/h) will reduce fuel consumption by 15 percent.

4 5. Use Less Plastic (and More Glass & Wood) Use reusable grocery bags. China will save 37 million barrels of oil each year because of their ban on plastic bags. Use glass containers for storing your food. Your body will be happier because the chemical in plastics leaches into your food.

5 6. Use Less Water Install low-flow shower heads, taps and faucets. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands, or rinsing dishes or vegetables. This saves three gallons per minute. Use biodegradable (phosphate-free) detergent and soaps.

6 7.Simplify Your Life The best things in life are free and also abundant! Walk to save on gas whenever possible. Grow a garden instead of stressing yourself.

7 Read more:

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