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The Marketing Mix. Marketing Mix Most famous phrase in marketing Sometimes known as the “________” The marketing mix consists of p____, p______, p______.

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Presentation on theme: "The Marketing Mix. Marketing Mix Most famous phrase in marketing Sometimes known as the “________” The marketing mix consists of p____, p______, p______."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marketing Mix

2 Marketing Mix Most famous phrase in marketing Sometimes known as the “________” The marketing mix consists of p____, p______, p______ and p_______.

3 The Marketing Mix

4 The Marketing Mix - Price There are many _____________ available when pricing a product.

5 The Marketing Mix - Price Premium Pricing Maintaining an artificially ________ price in order to encourage favourable perceptions among consumers. Predicated on consumer myth that high price equals superior _________ or strong _____________. Also referred to as _______ pricing or prestige pricing.

6 The Marketing Mix - Price Penetration Pricing Maintaining an artificially ___ price on newly-introduced goods or services in order to gain market ______ (share of overall product sales within given period and jurisdiction). Once objective is achieved, price is returned to market levels. Should not be confused with _______________ or predatory pricing which refers to pricing goods in ___________ markets below cost in order to eliminate domestic competition and establish monopolies.

7 The Marketing Mix - Price Economy Pricing This is a no frills ______-price strategy where production, marketing and distribution costs are kept to a _____________.

8 The Marketing Mix - Price Price Skimming Maintaining an artificially _________ price given lack of competition or due to significant ____________ advantage via product ________________ in terms of superior quality or unique product features. However, this pricing strategy is unsustainable as the higher selling price tends to attract new __________________ into the market, thus leading to price declines as supply gradually increases.

9 The Marketing Mix - Place Place refers to channels of ___________, or the path through which goods are moved from the manufacturer to the consumer (final user). Goods often move through one or several ______________________ along this path, e.g., wholesaler, retailer, agent, importer, etc.

10 The Marketing Mix - Place There are several basic channel decisions that must be made by producers: 1.Do we employ __________ or ___________ channels, i.e., direct to the consumer or indirect via a wholesaler, retailer, or agent? 2.Do we employ ___________ or ____________ channels to move our goods to the consumer?

11 The Marketing Mix - Place

12 The Marketing Mix - Product Product Life Cycle – Introduction Stage During this stage, the product is heavily promoted to create consumer ______________. If product has few competitors, price _____________ strategy is employed to maximize profits. If product has many competitors, _____________ pricing strategy is employed to maximize market share.

13 The Marketing Mix - Product Product Life Cycle – Growth Stage During this stage, numerous _____________ are attracted into the market offering similar products. Production become more profitable due to _______________ of scale. Companies may also form strategic ____________, joint ______________ or simply ____________ one other in order to eliminate competition.

14 The Marketing Mix - Product Product Life Cycle – Maturity Stage During this stage, revenues grow at a decreasing rate and eventually stabilize. Producers attempt to ________________ products via ________________ by creating a favourable ___________ of one’s offerings in the minds of consumers. Price _______ and intense _______________ continue.

15 The Marketing Mix - Product Product Life Cycle – Decline Stage During this stage there is a downturn in the market as more and more _________________ products are introduced and/or consumer _____________ change. Intense price-_________ occurs and many products are ultimately ___________ from t he market altogether.

16 The Marketing Mix - Promotion Promotion represents the various aspects of marketing communication with the goal of generating a positive customer response. Promotion includes paid ________________, public _______________, free ___________________, direct _____________ and personal _________________.

17 The Marketing Mix Summary

18 Marketing Mix – The Two Cs The marketing mix also refers to the two Cs: ______________ and ___________________.

19 The Marketing Mix - Consumers Marketers must determine the ____________ characteristics (e.g., age, gender, income and education levels, etc.) of their _________ market, or most typical potential consumers.

20 The Marketing Mix - Consumers Marketers must offer significant customer value ________________, which refers to the __________________ that consumers receive from the use of certain goods and services.

21 The Marketing Mix - Competition Marketers must also be cognizant of their _________ (similar product) and ________________ (discretionary income) competition.

22 The Marketing Mix - Competition Marketers must attempt to gain competitive advantage through (i) lower __________ costs via _________ of scale (ii) lower marketing and distribution costs (iii) product _____________ in terms of price, quality and unique features and (iv) brand _____________ (awareness, loyalty and insistence).

23 Activity: Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC). CD DVD iPhone iPad Cell phone Cigarettes in North America Cigarettes in the developing world

24 MS-DOS Play Station 3 Fax machine Kit-Kat and Aero chocolate bars PC greenest shopping bag Activity: Put the following products on the Product Life Cycle (PLC).

25 Group Activity You will be divided into groups of 4. Each group will be assigned a different company from You are to list and explain the 4 Ps for each company. In addition, identify competitors and describe the typical consumer (target market) according to: income, age, gender, lifestyle, attitudes and beliefs.

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