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8 th VA COMP Common Assessment #2: Art Criticism Brandon Tinney Cooper Middle School.

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1 8 th VA COMP Common Assessment #2: Art Criticism Brandon Tinney Cooper Middle School

2 Artwork I am Critiquing Title of Kit Kat, by Ashley M, color pencils, 2013

3 Description 1.What can you learn from the title of the artwork? It is about the candy Kit Kat 2. What subjects in the artwork can you recognize? Pop art 3.Looking at the elements of design, describe what qualities you see: -line curvy and some straight -shape ovels -color red and white because Kit Kat rappers are -value lighter on the left and darker on the right great shading -form not realy 3d -texture smooth -space all of the space is used 4. What media and techniques did the artist use? Shading pop art and bright color

4 Analysis 1.Emphasis: on the left side of the drawing 2.Balance: the color is the same 3.Proportion: proportion looks normal 4.Pattern: red and whight 5.Rhythm or Movement curvy lines 6.Unity and variety: not much varities

5 Interpretation 1.Is there symbolism in the artwork? What do you think it means? There is no symbolism. 2.What feeling do you think the artist wanted to give the viewer when looking at the work? To think about the candy Kit Kat. 3.Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced? Halloween when the kit Kat commercials come on 4.How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in your other classes? The candy kit kat is reperesented

6 Judgment 1.What parts of the work make you feel it is a success or failure? I feel it was a success because 2.What criteria (think of the style of the work) can you list to help others judge this work? 3.How unique is the work? Why do you feel this work is or isn’t unique? 4.What are some improvements you feel the artist could have made to the work?

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