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What is the name of the galaxy we live in? a) Snickers b) Twix c) Milky Way d) Kit-Kat.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the name of the galaxy we live in? a) Snickers b) Twix c) Milky Way d) Kit-Kat."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the name of the galaxy we live in? a) Snickers b) Twix c) Milky Way d) Kit-Kat

2 How many planets are there in our solar system? a) 4 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9 Remember… Pluto is not a planet, he’s a dwarf

3 What is the largest object and the center of the solar system? a) Sun b) Ceres c) Moon d) Comets

4 What planet is called the Red Planet? a) Mercury b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Saturn

5 Which is the largest planet in the solar system? a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Venus d) Saturn

6 Which planet is known for its many large rings? a) Neptune b) Jupiter c) Mercury d) Saturn

7 What objects are called dirty snowballs? a) Asteroids b) Stars c) Comets d) moons

8 What objects fill the sky and there are more then 100 billion of them? a) Asteroids b) Stars c) Comets d) moons

9 What is the only planet that has humans or animals on it (where we live)? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Jupiter

10 Which planet is the brightest? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Uranus

11 Where is the highest volcano/mountain (Olympus Mons) located? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Pluto

12 Which is the smallest planet? a) Mercury b) Neptune c) Venus d) Pluto

13 What objects are in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter, in a “belt”? a) Asteroids b) Comets c) Stars d) Meteors

14 What is the lazy planet, that spins on its side? a) Uranus b) Neptune c) Mercury d) Pluto

15 Which planet has a giant storm called “The Giant Red Spot?” a) Uranus b) Jupiter c) Venus d) Sun

16 Which planet has a moon named Luna orbiting around it? a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Venus d) Pluto

17 Which planet has the largest canyon on it? a) Earth b) Mars c) Venus d) Pluto

18 What Planet is this?

19 What’s a “shooting star” called when it starts burning through Earth’s atmosphere? a) comets b) Moon rocks c) asteroids d) meteor

20 What object is this?

21 What’s in our universe? “Milky Way Galaxy”


23 Our Solar System

24 STARS -are big balls of plasma -there are more then 100 billion in our galaxy

25 Comets They are like “dirty snowballs” Made of rock and ice Form tails when they get close to the sun

26 “Shooting or Falling Stars” They are not actually stars at all, they are pieces of meteoroids (dust and rock) falling into Earth’s atmosphere turn into Meteors and start burning up Meteor Showers are from Earth running into the tail of a comet If any pieces hit the ground, they are called meteorites

27 Sun: King Sol the Largest object in our solar system is a medium sized star a million earths could fit inside the sun It’s not on fire, but it glows

28 Mercury Mercury: The Crater Planet The most extreme planet & not for visiting sunny side is burning hot dark side is freezing cold + there is no air on Mercury Closest to the sun It is covered in craters, mountains and rocks

29 Venus: The Hostile Planet Lots of volcanoes, venusquakes, mountains, valleys Earth’s sister planet Extremely HOT for any kind of life to survive on its surface, it’s covered in poisonous clouds You can see it at night with just your own eye because it shines so bright

30 Earth: Our Planet 3/4 of Earth’s surface is covered by water Is very unique and an oasis of life -the only planet to support life Our temperature, weather, and atmosphere are set just right to keep us alive there is about 7 billion humans on Earth -also there are animals, plants Earth has one moon, named Luna

31 Luna: Earth’s Moon It orbits Earth It is very rocky and covered with dirt

32 Mars: The Red Planet Mars is red because of the soil (kind of rusts) “RUSTY” Olympus Mons – highest volcano in our solar system Valles Marinaris – the deepest and widest canyon in our solar system Mars’ atmosphere is most like ours here on Earth

33 Asteroids Big rocks found in our solar system A ring of them are in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter called: The Asteroid Belt The biggest is Ceres: size of Texas

34 *Largest planet in the solar system -if you weighed 70 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 185 lbs on Jupiter The Giant Red Spot is actually a giant storm that has been raging for 300 years – it’s like a super hurricane (storm is as big as 2 earths) -no solid surface, entire planet is an ocean Jupiter The Giant Planet

35 Saturn *The 2 nd biggest, but the lightest *The Planet with rings *Rings are almost 200,000 miles wide, but less thick then the length of a football field *helium sky melts into a liquid chemical ocean

36 Uranus: The Lazy Planet has lots of clouds, and it might be a huge ocean has a few rings like Saturn spins completely on its side

37 NEPTUNE Has a giant storm, like Jupiter, called the The Great Dark Spot Its most like Uranus

38 PLUTO: The Dwarf Planet The smallest planet it’s not a real “planet” anymore It takes 248 years to go one time around the sun

39 Mnemonic Phrases: Remembering the Order of the Planets MercuryMy Many MyMother VenusVery ViciousVeronica EarthEducated Elderly EarthwormEnjoyed MarsMotherMenMightMy JupiterJust Jam SaturnServedSnoozeSwallowSandwich UranusUsUnderUsUnder Neptune Nachos / Noodles NewspapersNowNeptune Contributed by:Ahmet Kilinc Rebecca Draper Joel Schwartz Annie and Becky

40 Interactive Links

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