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Tom Maris & Patrick Meire OMES partners
FCA - CRT Lippenbroek Tom Maris & Patrick Meire OMES partners
Lippenbroek: pilot project
FCA: Flood Control Area CRT: Controlled Reduced Tide Financed by Agency of Nature and Forest EU-Life project Build by W&Z nv Monitoring is part of OMES
Concept FCA - CRT safety, ecology and a new ecosystem
- Lowered dike stretch Critical tides: whole storage capacity Only few times/year! Ecology: - Introducing estuarine ecosystem Tidal regime in area Two times a day! Ring Dike Lowered FCA dike FCA estuary Outlet polder Ring Dike Lowered FCA dike CRT estuary Outlet Inlet polder ‘New’ ecosystem: Lippenbroek since March 2006! - Area below high water level Separate in- and outlet sluices at different heights: First CRT in the world with neap-spring tide cycle!
Start inflow Maximum inflow Stop inflow Start outflow
Tidal curves in estuary CRT polder 6.0 Start inflow HW Maximum inflow Stop inflow Start outflow Estuary 5.0 sluice 4.7 stagnant 4.0 Water level (m TAW) 3.0 2.0 Polder 1.0 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (hour)
Tidal curves in estuary CRT polder
neap mean spring 6.0 Spring tide longer period of inflow high current speed flooding the polder Neap tide short period of inflow low current speed almost no water in 5.0 sluice 4.7 4.0 Water level (m TAW) 3.0 2.0 Polder 1.0 0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (hour) SPRING NEAP VARIATION: ONLY WITH HIGH INLET SLUICES
How will the ecosystem react on this?
Lippenbroek and mesocosm Differences in todal characteristics are expected How will the ecosystem react on this? Three step approach: Mesocosm experiment at campus complexity Mesocosm experiment in Schelde (Kruibeke) Pilot project Lippenbroek To provide scientific support for the design of future controlled inundation areas
Campus mesocosm - Controlled reduced tide vs. “natural” tidal regime
Flooding frequency Soil texture Phragmites australis growth chracteristics shoot diameter, length, number of leafs, biomass, rhizome density,…
Schelde mesocosm Metal pollution Soil texture
Mesocosm: heavy metals
Reed growth (biomass) not significantly affected by metal pollution (not shown) Aboveground biomass excludes extra heavy metals
Allometric relations Field data of Phragmites australis allometrics
Develop a non-destructive biomass sampling method for the mesocosms Total shoot dry weight Shoot length
Allometric relations Field data of Phragmites australis allometrics
Develop a non-destructive biomass sampling method for the mesocosms Total shoot dry weight Node diameter
Mesocosm: publications in prep.
3 year dataset, now ready for publication Reed allometric relations through life cycle, comparison field studies / mesocosms Heavy metals in reed (accumulation, retention, metal delivery) in polluted and non-polluted environment Reed growth under controlled reduced tide vs. natural tide Beyond that: Detailed experiments towards silicate availability under different external factors Experiments along a range of tidal inundation periods
FCA – CRT in the Schelde estuary
Pilot project Lippenbroek (freshwater)
Pilot project Lippenbroek
Management scenario Lippenbroek Lippenbroek 1: Ring Dike 2: FCA dike 3: Inlet sluice 4: Outlet sluice 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 10 ha of tidal nature developping since March 2006
Tidal curves in estuary Lippenbroek
6: Schelde estuary 6: Schelde estuary Reference site m TAW 1 6 1: Lippenbroek 1: Lippenbroek
shorter inundation time
Tidal curves in estuary Lippenbroek Estuary shorter inundation time higher inundation height no stagnant phase Lippenbroek longer inundation time lower inundation height stagnant phase
Gradient in inundation characteristics
Lippenbroek Schelde estuary Strong reduction of the high water level by 3 meter No reduction of the amplitude of the spring – neap variation Big spring – neap tide variation leading to a large gradient in inundation characteristics!
At all sites we measure continuously the water level
Intensive monitoring: 10 sites No walking or sampling No walking, permanent and vulnerable sampling designs can be installed Wooden bench to enter red or orange zone Zone for soil disturbing sampling, but intact vegetation Zone for all soil and vegetation disturbing measurements S10 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Benthos sampling Sedimentation Erosion Vegetation Soil Benthos Nutrients Bacterials Soil respiration Water quality .... At all sites we measure continuously the water level providing us: Inundation heigt Inundation frequency Inudation period
Benthos: sampling plan
Spatial considerations: 10 sites 6 cores per site 3 strata per core Fauna Environment Temporal considerations: 4 seasons 2 years Olivier Beauchard, ECOBE
Reference sites « Reference »: lotic physical dynamics (riverine system) in the surroundings of the Lippenbroek FLOOD EBB
Reference sites Willows Reeds Mudflat
Environmental variables by ECOBE
Per stratum: grain size proportions clays / silts / sands water content (at low tide) TOC total N / total P extractable N & P compaction pH plant debris Per site: flood frequency flood duration tidal amplitude sedimentation plant species - heavy metals in soil in pore water At the bridge or sluices current speed general water quality (SpCond, Oxygen, pH, spm, chl a, NO3, NO2, NH4, Kjehld N, SO4, Cl, PO4, BOD5, DSi, BSi) Temperature and oxygen Per core: stagnant water height (neap tide) stagnant water height (spring tide) mean height
Bioturbation Activities of the benthic fauna in the sediment :
Bioturbation (M. Tackx) Bioturbation Activities of the benthic fauna in the sediment : - Sediment reworking - Construction of burrows and tubes and related bio-irrigation
CONVEYOR-BELT FEEDING DOWNWARD NON LOCAL TRANSPORT BIODIFFUSION BIOIRRIGATION Ingestion Fecal pellets Water + Solutes Particles t = 0 Matter at the interface Non local upward transport t = x Matter in the sediment Bioadvection M. Tackx
Role of bioturbation in sediment evolution in a newly created march ?
M. Tackx
measurements on the Lippenbroek
Bioturbation: measurements on the Lippenbroek 3 sampling sites distributed on the Lippenbroek along a gradient of immersion 3 replicates per site + 1 control (without fauna) 12 replicates / campaign 4 campaigns / year (one each season) during two years - First campaign : middle of january 2007 M. Tackx
Bioturbation: Experimental protocol
Frozen mud cake + fluorescent microspheres (ø = 1.0 µm) 0.5 cm 1 cm 15 cm Inserting the core in the sediment Sieving each slice through a 250 µm mesh Identification and counting of the benthic fauna Microspheres counting Extracting the core and slicing into 9 slices 0 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 10 / 15 cm 15 days exposure Depositing the fluorescent microspheres on the sediment surface M. Tackx
Bioturbation: who does what
Inserting and extracting the cores Cores slicing Benthos identification and counting Olivier Beauchard ECOBE France ECOLAB/LMGEM Sieving of each sediment slice Microspheres counting
Phytoplankton and phytobenthos
4 13 h-campaigns water samples taken at one central site (bridge) 3 extra sites in summer filtration for pigments in the field 90 analyses with HPLC for 2006 Phytobenthos: 5 sampling campaigns: (April, May, July, September, October) contact cores with liquid nitrogen 88 analyses with HPLC for 2006 microscopical and field observations
Fast colonisation with Vaucheria, filamentous cyanobacteria
Oscillatoria © Natuurpunt Vaucheria Euglena Fast colonisation with Vaucheria, filamentous cyanobacteria and both planktonic and benthic diatoms
Wouter Vandenbruwaene
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Wouter Vandenbruwaene Universiteit Antwerpen, Dep. Biologie, PLP m.m.v.: Tom Maris, Sander Jacobs Universiteit Antwerpen, Dep. Biologie, ECOBE Jan De Schutter, Patrik Peeters Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium Borgerhout
monitoring of sedimentation and erosion in a FCA-CRT Objective
Stijn Temmerman monitoring of sedimentation and erosion in a FCA-CRT Objective
monitoring of sedimentation and erosion in a FCA-CRT Objective
Stijn Temmerman monitoring of sedimentation and erosion in a FCA-CRT Objective Water storage capacity CRUCIAL for Ecology Schelde estuary Ring dike FCA dike
Sedimentation-erosion measurements at:
Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements at: Different places Different time intervals
Sedimentation-erosion measurements
Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 50 locations within the FCA-CRT 8 locations on adjacent marsh (ref.sites)
13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET)
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST)
13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET)
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST)
13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET)
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: + Method developed by USGS 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) World widely used in marshes + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST)
13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET)
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: Measurements every 2 months + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST)
13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET)
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: Perforated plate Kaoline clay + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST) Measurements every 2 months
Sedimentation-erosion measurements
Stijn Temmerman Methods Sedimentation-erosion measurements 3 methods: 13 places: sediments sampled over periods of 2 months + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST) 58 places: sediments sampled for individual tides (13h measurements)
Sedimentation Preliminary results 3 methods:
Stijn Temmerman Preliminary results Sediment balance measured at sluices by WL Borgerhout 3 methods: Sedimen-tatie + 13 Sediment Elevation Table (SET) (g/m²/tij) 150 + + 33 Marker Horizons (MH) + + + 58 Sediment Traps (ST) UA - KUL 13h measurement 11/09/06
Periodic topographic surveying using Total Station
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Morphological development of creek system Periodic topographic surveying using Total Station Every 6 months
Morphological development of creek system
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Morphological development of creek system Planimetric position of creeks Length profile of creeks Cross section profiles of creeks
Morphological development of creek system
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Morphological development of creek system Planimetric position of creeks Length profile of creeks Cross section profiles of creeks
Morphological development of creek system
Sedimentation Stijn Temmerman Methods Morphological development of creek system Planimetric position of creeks Length profile of creeks Cross section profiles of creeks
Fishing Fishing
Monitoring at the bridge
Water quality monitoring Monitoring at the bridge General water quality by ECOBE Suspended matter: transport and characteristics by VUB (Hydrology) Water balance and sediments (at in- and outlet sluices) by Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium
Water quality monitoring
Water quality monitoring
Water quality monitoring
Bad mixing of the water mass in the Lippenbroek? INFLOW OUTFLOW
Suspended matter: transport (at the bridge)
Transport of suspended matter through the main gully
Transport of suspended matter through the main gully
Grain-size properties of suspended particles
In-situ particle (Floc) near surface and bottom
Jul., 2006
In-situ particle (Floc) near surface and bottom
Oct., 2006
Water quality: tidal lake
ULB contribution to the Lippenbroeck study
Light climate in the main creeks and in the tidal pounds, in the water column and at the surface of the sediments. SPM – light attenuation relationship Photosynthetic parameters of phytoplankton in the inflow, tidal pounds and outflow.
Environmental variables
FINAL DATA Environmental variables Season spring summer autumn winter S1 S10 Site Quadrat Q1 Q6 Stratum st1 st2 st3 Taxa Sampling units Ref3 (mudflat) Ref2 (reed) Ref1 (willow)
Impact estuary Estuarine functions Impact of FCA – CRT on the estuary
Ring Dike Low FCA dike CRT Outlet Inlet polder area Impact on estuary Estuarine functions
Impact of FCA – CRT on the estuary
Model results: Oxygen Saturation averaged oxygen saturation (data 2000)
Impact of FCA – CRT on the estuary
Model results: denitrification Decreasing denitrification with Increasing CRT surface loss of pelagic denitrification gain of benthic denitrification loss of pelagic denitrification gain of benthic denitrification
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