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ATLAS Read Out Driver Aloisio, Capasso, Della Pietra, della Volpe, Izzo.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Read Out Driver Aloisio, Capasso, Della Pietra, della Volpe, Izzo."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Read Out Driver Aloisio, Capasso, Della Pietra, della Volpe, Izzo

2 ATLAS Read-Out Driver On detector Electronics execute the trigger algorithm at 40 MHz frequency and send information to the trigger processor, every 25 ns On detector Electronics also elaborate and group the detector’s data. Data are grouped according to the same event number and bunch crossing parameters (Bunch Crossing ID and Level1Accept) and are stored in FIFO memories On Detector electronics In occurrence of the L1A signal, data are transferred on optical fiber from the FIFO memories to the OFF Detector electronics; here data are elaborated by the Read Out Driver (ROD) and then sent to the next acquisition levels (Read Out Buffer) ROD Coincidence Matrix & PAD Logic S-Link to ROB (Read Out Buffer) 8 RX/SL  TCP Intf 8 RX/SL  TCP Intf L1Trigger Processor TTC LHC L1A Off Detector electronics FIFOs Trigger

3 RPC – LVL1 – DAQ Crate Each RPC DAQ subsystem reads-out data of two of the 64 trigger sectors of the spectrometer Data arrive at the receiver boards RX-SL on optical fiber and are transmitted to the ROD via the custom backplane RODbus on a High Speed Serial Link (each RX-SL sends 48 bit@40MHz) Timing signals arriving at the ROD are distributed to the daughter boards over LVDS connections on the custom backplane RODbus After being elaborated and grouped in a frame, data are sent to the Read Out Buffer

4 The custom backplane RODbus Plug-in on VME64x backplane Central connector for ROD Slot 2 and 4 for RX-SL Slot 1 and 5 for µTCP Interface Upper connectors for LVDS data (~2.2 Gbit/s) Lower connectors TTL for controls (busy, reset, diagnostics) Temperature sensor and ADC for power supply controls The RODbus has been successfully tested and is already installed µTCPI ROD µTCPI RX/SL

5 RPC ROD Functionality The ROD is “interface” between the RPC LVL1 Trigger Readout and the DAQ The ROD: - receives the TTC synchronization signals and re- distribute them via the RODbus to the RX/SL and μTCPI - handles the Busy Signal exchanged with μCTPI - readout data from RX/SL via the RODbus - formats the data according DAQ specification and sends them to the ROS via optical fiber (SLINK)

6 RPC ROD Data Format The ROD does the a local Event building of the data at Crate Daq Level. The data are formatted according to the ATLAS raw event format The ROD event building packs the data readout from the RX/SL in frame starting with an header block composed by 9 long word (Source ID, BunchID LVL1 ID, etc ) and an footer of 3 long word The data read-out from the RX/SL are packed according a similar schema, in which the fragment coming from different sources are packed in fragment starting with an header and a footer The RX/SL Data are 16 bit words packed in 32 bit word. This means that some word are needed to re-align the data frames. It performs LVL1 ID and Bunch ID alignment checks between the trigger information coming from central trigger processor and the ones coming from the front-end electronics It also does some overall data integrity checks (missing data from one or both RX within a timeout window; JUMBO size fragments; etc.. )

7 The ROD board


9 The ROD architecture The VME FPGA allows the communication with the VMEbus, with the microcontroller and with the receiver of the TTC The ROD FPGA is interfaced with the RODbus and with the RX-SL boards via the SerDes receivers The two FPGAs communicate via a custom serial protocol Data are sent to the Read Out Buffers through the S-Link transmitter 9 8 16 4 VME FPGA ROD FPGA TTCrq S-Link ck SerDes 32 ck SerDes 32 1 1 4 64 VMEbus RODbus 9 I2C 4 + 4 (LVDS) uP Power Supply analog monitoring RS232 2

10 Event Building: block diagram FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO S-Link interface Event Builder Engine TTCIntf. SerDes Intf. L1A, BCID Trig. Type L1A, BCID Trigger Type Strobe Controls TTC Clock RX data Write Enable RX Clock RX data Write Enable RX Clock x2 DLL 40 MHz Board Clock 40 MHz SLink Clock Controls in RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer Control Logic Configuration Register File Synchronous Serial Link RODbus Interface Serial data in Serial data out Controls out To S-Link to/from VME FPGA 4k x 32 512 x 36 4k x 32 MUON ROD FRAME L1A = xxxx

11 Event Building: clock domains FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO Mux FIFO S-Link interface Event Builder Engine TTCIntf. SerDes Intf. L1A, BCID Trig. Type L1A, BCID Trigger Type Strobe Controls TTC Clock RX data Write Enable RX Clock RX data Write Enable RX Clock x2 DLL 40 MHz Board Clock 40 MHz SLink Clock Controls MUON ROD FRAME L1A = xxxx RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer Control Logic Configuration Register File Synchronous Serial Link RODbus Interface Serial data in Serial data out

12 The data path 9 8 16 4 VME FPGA ROD FPGA uP TTCrq S-Link ck SerDes 32 ck SerDes 32 1 1 4 64 VMEbus RODbus 9 I2C Power Supply analog monitoring RS232 2 4 + 4 (LVDS) MUON ROD FRAME L1A = xxxx MUON ROD FRAME L1A = xxxx RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer TTC managed via I 2 C protocol by the microcontroller Timing signals (clock, L1A, synchronization) are received by the ROD FPGA and are distributed on the RODbus to the RX/SLs RX/SL frames arrive at the ROD FPGA via RODbus, through the SerDes, and are used to build the ROD frame Event monitoring and system status can be checked via VME

13 The Event Building algorithm (1) L1A Fifo empty ? yes Write ROD header no Timeout ? yes no Error handling procedure yes SerDes Fifos empty ? Parse RX frame no continue RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer ROD Header L1A = xxxx The builder engine waits for a L1A signal to process data Then starts writing Header in the output FIFO (SLink, VME or both) The engine waits for data arriving from the RX boards, stored in SerDes FIFOs RX frames retrieved from SerDes FIFOs are parsed to find header and L1A If data are not available from RX boards within a programmable time window, an error handling procedure is started

14 The Event Building algorithm (2) RX frames correct ? yes append RX frames RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer MUON ROD FRAME L1A = xxxx RX Header L1A BCID Data RX Footer no Error handling procedure write ROD footer L1A Fifo empty ? yes no ROD Footer continue If the RX frame is correctly formatted and the embedded L1A matches the current one, it is appended to the ROD frame An error procedure is started elsewhere The ROD Frame is closed by a specific footer with keywords, word count and error flags

15 Event Building: syntax error................. BCID Data....... Data RX Footer RX Header L1A BCID Data....... Data RX Footer RX Header L1A BCID Data....... Data RX Footer Skipped data RX Header L1A BCID Data....... Data RX Footer RX Header L1A BCID Data....... Data......... RX Header L1A BCID Data....... Data RX Footer Skipped data JUMBO Frame: frames greater than the maximum allowed length Maxlength. Realignment at next Header. Error Flag RX Frame incomplete: RX Frame Footer missing. Realignment at next Header. Error Flag RX Frame corrupted: RX Frame Header missing. Search for next valid Header

16 The ROD microcontrolled The ARM7 microcontroller allows us to monitor the power supply on the ROD board, on the backplaneand to access via I 2 C to all the TTCrx registers Microcontroller data can be read by RS232and by VME

17 ROD Test in Naples Stand-Alone test in Naples – ELECTRICAL TESTS –FUNCTIONAL TESTS –FPGA’s Firmware –Microcontroller –TTC receiver –Busy handling (send to MUCTPI) –Data transfer RODROS via SLINK ROD Crate functional Test –Data Readout of RX/SL via RODBus EVENT BUILDING –Only random data packet in RX/SL fifos –Loading of pre-built data packets in RX/SL fifos (Walking bit RX/SL, Empty Packet, Simulated data packet) Test procedure still to be finalized

18 Status - Hardware 10 RODs already at CERN –1 pre-series to be replaced + 9 Final version 32 RODs delivered in Naples in November (spares are coming). Test started upon delivery Regular shipment at CERN in the coming weeks Tests & shipment at CERN will finish within first half of 2008

19 Status – Software A complete low-level VME API Library and Scripts to operate and configure the ROD are ready and used in test bed since long. A First Prototype of the Final FSM for RPC RCD is ready and successfully tested during Muon Combined Cosmic Runs in the week 3-9 Dec. ROD DAQ software fully integrated in the ATLAS DAQ system. Data Channel For data sampling (monitoring) still to be debugged.

20 ROD in ATLAS runs As of friday we managed to run the system –10 RODs on 6 different crates sending data to the ATLAS ROS. The data trasfer from ROS to the Event builder was done through TCP/IP. Many noise runs taken smoothly –We generate LVL1 triggers using an external clocks that is sent to the whole chain (ROD, SL/RX, TTC,etc ) and we acquire the chamber with HV on (noise run) –We took smoothly a noise run of about 200K evts at a trigger rate of 180 Hz –We than tried to raise up the clock frequency up to 180 kHz. The TCP/IP limited the bandwidth but there were no problem in the event building nor data corruption Several comsmic runs in both stand-alone or combined with other subdetectors. –About few millions of cosmics stored in 1 week @ 200 Hz of trigger rate ECR and BCR signals handled in the correct way Deeper data analyses are ongoing

21 Cosmics with RODs Qui inserirò un paio di plot con I cosmici acquisiti con il ROD e statistiche sugli errori di formato dei dati.

22 ATLAS RPC & LVL1 Online Monitoring Canale, Della Pietra, della Volpe

23 Online Monitoring Based on GNAM framework and fully integrated in the ATLAS Online MOnitoring group. Custom RPC Data Decoding library Custom Mapping scheme between elx channels and physical strips (40% done) Operational since 2004 Combined test beam

24 Coincidence between eta and phi strips on the same chamber for each plane in the muon specrometer. RPCGnam Online Monitoring RPC time with respect to LVL1 signal for each chamber

25 RPCGnam Online Monitoring Data fragment consistency in the RPC readout Difference between BCID of the ROD fragment and all sub- fragments (RX, PAD, CM, SL)

26 RPC Gnam Online Monitoring Open issues –Complete the mapping files for all the sectors –Better organization of OKS Segments –Selection of histograms to be sent to the DQMF and definition of checking algorithms. –Porting of the offline analysis into the online framework: Clusters Geometry Fast tracking –Combined Online Monitoring with MDTs

27 ATLAS Data Quality and Commissioning with cosmics Biglietti, Canale, Conventi,Della Pietra, della Volpe, Toglia

28 Offline Data Quality with cosmics Cluster size of RPC Hits for each plane RUN 20504 Cluster size

29 Offline Data Quality with cosmics Simple Geometry description of the RPC in the muon spectrometer Z (cm) Y (cm) RUN 20504 Napoli group

30 Offline Dat Quality with cosmics RPC standalone 3D tracking RUN 20504 Theta angle Phi angle Direction of muons recontructed in Barrel C Direction of muons recontructed in Barrel A Biggest shaft seen from different point of view

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