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The Party of Fear Professor David H. Bennett February 16, 2012.

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1 The Party of Fear Professor David H. Bennett February 16, 2012

2 Elisha Williams (1694-1755)

3 Pope Night

4 Break the Pope’s Neck

5 George Washington (1732-1799) U.S. President, 1789-1797

6 Ursuline Convent, Charlestown, MA Riots of 1834

7 Maria Monk (1816-1849) Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (1836)

8 Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872)

9 Irish Immigration

10 American Republican Party, est.1843 (Native American Party)

11 The Organization of the Star Spangled Banner est. 1849 by Charles Allen

12 The Know Nothing Party Levi Boone, Mayor of Chicago 1855-1856

13 New Immigration, 1890’s


15 American Protective Association, est. 1887 Henry F. Bowers (1837-1911)

16 Professor E.A. Ross (1866-1951)

17 Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) U.S. President, 1913-1921

18 The Red Scare, 1919

19 A. Mitchell Palmer (1872-1936) Attorney General of the U.S., 1919-1921

20 Sacco and Vanzetti (executed 1927)

21 Ku Klux Klan Second KKK, est. 1921 in Georgia March in Washington, 1925

22 Hiram Wesley Evans (1881-1936) Imperial Wizard, Ku Klux Klan, 1922-1939

23 D.C. Stephenson (1891-1966) (Grand Dragon of Indiana)

24 Henry Ford (1863-1947) The Dearborn Independent, 1920-1927

25 William Dudley Pelley (1890-1965) Silver Shirt Legion (1933-1941)

26 Father Charles Coughlin (1891-1979)

27 Dr. Francis Townsend (1867-1960)

28 Huey Long (1893-1935) Governor of LA, 1928-1932 U.S. Senator, 1932-1935

29 Gerald L.K. Smith (1898-1976)

30 Alger Hiss (1904-1996) Whittaker Chambers (1901-1961)

31 HUAC (1938-1975) House Un-American Activities Committee

32 Joseph R. McCarthy (1908-1957) U.S. Senator, 1947-1957

33 Millard Tydings (1890-1961) U.S. Senator, 1927-1951

34 Joseph Welch (1890-1960)

35 John Birch Society, est.1958 Robert W. Welch Jr., (1899-1985)

36 Jerry Falwell (1933-2007)

37 Jimmy Swaggert (1935-)

38 Pat Robertson (1930-)

39 Timothy LaHaye (1926-)

40 Jim Bakker (1940-)

41 Moral Majority (1979-1989)

42 Ralph Reed Jr. (1961-)

43 James C. Dobson (1936-) Focus on Family, est. 1977

44 Christian Identity

45 Aryan Nations, est. 1970s Richard Girnt Butler (1918-2004)

46 Christian Patriots Defense League

47 Covenant, Sword and the Arm of the Lord, est. 1971 James Ellison Elijah, MO Siege, April 19-20, 1985

48 Louis Beam (1946-)

49 William L. Pierce (1933-2002) The Turner Diaries 1978

50 Oklahoma City bombing (1995) Timothy McVeigh (executed, 2001)

51 Waco (1993) and Ruby Ridge (1992)

52 Michigan Militia Corps, est.1994 Norman Olson

53 Militia of Montana, est.1992 John Trochman

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