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Published byKerrie Stevens Modified over 8 years ago
1 The Washington Labor Market: Is This a Recovery or What? To: Manufacturing and Wholesale Distribution Summit By Greg Weeks, Ph.D., Director of Labor Market & Economic Analysis September 14-15, 2010 Olympia, WA
2 2 Recessions History and Summary PeakTrough % Job Change, US % Job Change, WADurationComment 1948 - Nov1949 - Oct-5.0% 11 1953 - Jul1954 - May-3.1%-1.0%10 1957 - Aug1958 - Apr-4.0%-3.8%8 1960 - Apr1961 - Feb-2.3%-1.9%10 1969 - Dec1970 - Nov-1.2%-5.3%11 1973 - Nov1975 - Mar-1.6%-4.2%16 1980 - Jan1982 - Nov-2.2%-3.6%34A double Dip 1990 - Jul1991 - Mar-1.1%1.0%8 2001 - Mar2001 - Nov-1.2%-1.9%8 2007 - Dec2009 - Dec-6.1%-6.5%24Started 2/08 in WA 2009 - Dec2010 - Jul0.5%0.7%7Recovery? Timing of 2007 recession and recovery unofficial, by author
3 * Mortgage Foreclosures Started: Nevada –NSA, % Mortgage Foreclosures Started: Arizona –NSA, % mortforclosure.EMF (MBAMTG) NVL14F / AZL14F 993-1102 Though foreclosures spiked in Washington, it was far less than in states with a bigger housing “bubble”
4 * NASDAQ Composite Market Capitalization –Billions, $ NYSE Market Capitalization: –Billions.$ mktcatnysenasdaq.EMF (USECON) SPNACAP / SPNYCAPH 9909-11008 Between these equity losses in value and home prices, US households lost nearly a year’s GDP in paper wealth
5 * US Quarterly Housing Starts: 1 Unit Structures – 4-qtr Change Not Seasonally Adjusted, Thous.Units ushsingstarts.EMF (USECON) HST1Q 993-1102 These data show the effects of the real estate financial crisis
6 * Conference Board: Consumer Confidence –SA, 1985=100 consconf.EMF (USECON) CCIN 7709- 11008 Consumer confidence has recovered from record lows to “normal” recessionary levels
7 * Nonagricultural Employment, Washington –Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands Nonfarm Employment, US –Seasonally Agjusted, Thousands nonaguswa.EMF (LABORR) WALNAGRA / LANAGRA 9909-11008 The recession hit both the nation and the state about equally hard
8 * Nonfarm Employment, US (Dec. 2007 = 100) –Seasonally Agjusted Nonagricultural Employment, Washington (Dec. 2007 = 100) –Seasonally Adjusted LANAGRAindex.EMF (LABORR) LANAGRA / WALNAGRA 9909-11008 Both Washington and the US shed over 6% of their jobs in the recession
9 * Unemployment Rate, United States –Seasonally Adjusted, % Unemployment Rate, Washington –Seasonally Adjusted, % WAUSUR.EMF (EMPLR) USRA / WARA 9909-11008 The Washington state unemployment rate has been just below the national rate throughout the recession
10 * Unemployment Rate, United States –Seasonally Adjusted, % Unemployment Rate, Washington –Seasonally Adjusted, % USRALon gterm.EMF (EMPLR) USRA / WARA 7509-11008 Much of Washington’s recent history has seen its unemployment rate exceed the national rate
11 * Unemployment Rate, Washington (Seasonally Adjusted, %) –SA, % Unemployment Rate, Oregon –SA, % atatesurs.EMF (EMPLR) WARA / ORRA 9908-11007 Washington near the middle of the pack among state unemployment rates
12 * Civilian Unemployment Rate: Women, 16 Years + –SA, % Civilian Unemployment Rate: Men, 16 Years + –SA, % MENWOMENUE.EMF (USECON) LRWT16 / LRMT16 9909-11008 This recession hit men harder than women, US data
13 * U.Rate: College Graduates: 25+ Years –SA, % U.Rate: < Bachelor's Degree: 25+ Years –SA, % ueeduc.EMF (USECON) LRCLG25 / LRLBA25 9909-11008 Recession hit less educated much harder, US data
14 * Civilians Unemployed for 27 Weeks and Over –Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands Civilians Unemployed for Less Than 5 Weeks –Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands durationUI.EMF (USECON) LUT27 / LU0 9909-11008 Nationally, this recession was associated with unprecedented numbers of long term unemployed
15 * + Part Time Econ Reasons –SA,% + Marginally Attached –SA, % usaltmeasures.EMF (USECON) MLU6 / MLU5 9909-11008 US measures of labor underutilization: what is the “real” unemployment rate?
16 State measures of labor underutilization: What is the “real” unemployment rate?
17 * U. Rate: Wholesale and Retail Trade, US –NSA, % U.Rate: Manufacturing,, US –NSA, % urmanwholesconstr.EMF (USECON) LRNAWRTN / LRNAMGN 9909-11008 Construction and manufacturing industries hit particularly hard
18 * Wholesale Trade Employment (Thousands) –SA, Thous Manufacturing Employment (Thousands) –SA, Thous constmanwhole.EMF (USECON) LAWTRDA / LAMANUA 9909-11008 Construction and manufacturing shed over four million jobs during the recession
19 * US Wholesale Trade Employment, Decmber 2007 = 100 –200712=100 US Manufacturing Employment, December 2007 = 100 –200712=100 manconstwtusindex.EMF (USECON) LAWTRDA / LAMANUA 9909-11008 Nationally, construction employment dropped 25% while manufacturing shed 15% of its employment
20 * Washington Durable Goods Mfg. Employment –SA Washington Non-Durable Goods Mfg. Employment –Seasonally Adjusted wadurnondurmanempl.EMF (WACES) WAADURG / WAANDUR 9008-11007 Durable manufactured goods more cyclical than nondurable manufactured goods
21 * Mfrs' Shipments: All Manufacturing Industries –Seasonally Adjusted, Millions $ All Employees: Manufacturing –Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands manempshpmnts.EMF (USECON) NMS / LAMANUA 6009-11008 Manufacturers shipments have recovered more than employment
22 * US Wholesale Trade Employment (left) –Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands US Merchant Wholesale Sales: (right) –Seasonally Adjusted, Millions $ whlsemplsales.EMF (LABORR) LAWTRDA / NWSH 7009-11008 Nationally, wholesale sales have recovered stronger than employment
23 * All Employees: Wholesale Trade, Washington – 3-month avg Change SA All Employees: Wholesale Trade, Washington – 1-month Change SA wholesalechange.EMF (WACES) WAAWTRD / WAAWTRD 9908-11007 Anemic recovery in wholesale trade employment
24 * All Employees: Total Nonfarm, Washington – 3-month avg Change SA All Employees: Total Nonfarm, Washington – 1-month Change SA WAnonfarmchange.EMF (WACES) WAANAGR / WAANAGR 9808-11007 Washington state lost 192,700 jobs during the recession (Feb 2008 – Dec 2009)
25 * All Employees: Service-Providing, Washington –200712=100 All Employees: Goods-Producing, Washington –200712=100 goodssvcWAindex.EMF (WACES) WAASERP / WAAGOOD 9908-11007 Within the state, the goods producing industries dropped about one-fifth of their employment
26 * All Employees: Manufacturing, Washington –200712=100 All Employees: Construction, Washington –200712=100 manconstindexWA.EMF (LABORR) WALMANUA / WALCONSA 9908-11007 In Washington, construction lost over 35% of its employment while manufacturing dropped 15%
27 * Washington Professional & Business Svces Employment –SA Washington: Retail Trade Employment –Seasonally Adjusted profbussrvsnretailempl.EMF (WACES) WAAPBSV / WAARTRD 9008-11007 These industries may have bottomed out
28 * All Employees: Educational & Health Svcs, Washington –SA All Employees: Information, Washington –SA educhealthninfoWA.EMF (WACES) WAAEDUH / WAAINFO 9008-11007 These industries weathered the recession with no major job losses
29 * US Professional & Business Service Employment –December 2007 = 100 US Retail Trade Employment –December 2007 = 100 busservretail usindex.EMF (USECON) LAPBSVA / LARTRDA 9909-11008 These industries lost about eight percent of their employment, but business services is stronger lately
30 * WA Specialty Trade Contractors, Dec. 2007 = 100 –200712=100 WA Hvy and Civil Engineering Constr, Dec. 2007 = 100 –200712=100 WAconsttypes.EMF (WACES) WAAD8 / WAAD7 9908-11007 Washington heavy and civil engineering construction employment may have bottomed out
31 * All Employees: Leisure & Hospitality, Washington –December 2007 = 100 All Employees: Educational & Health Svcs, Washington –December 2007 = 100 WA leisurenednhealth servicesindex.EMF (WACES) WAALEIH / WAAEDUH 9908- 11007 Health services employment remained relatively strong throughout the recession
32 Washington statewide hiring dropped substantially, but did not disappear during the recession
33 Washington labor markets are dynamic -- hiring happens even in the depths of recession
34 Washington Local Employment Dynamics: employment and new hires, by sector Source: Local Employment Dynamics Partnership, US Census Bureau and LMEA, ESD
35 Greg Weeks, Email: (360) 438-4804 Thank you for your time and attention. Please direct any additional questions, comments, or suggestions to me at the email or telephone number below
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