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Representation 2. Rembrandt: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr.Tulp (1631)

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Presentation on theme: "Representation 2. Rembrandt: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr.Tulp (1631)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Representation 2

2 Rembrandt: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr.Tulp (1631)

3 Aris Kindt

4 Tulp’s Anatomy (detail)


6 „Aris Kindt without Dr. Tulp”

7 Painkiller: St. Jacob ’ s Oil

8 Panadol

9 Panadol: „Crushed”

10 Panadol: pain relief

11 Darvocet painkiller ad

12 Vistaril painkiller ad

13 US Civil War photo

14 Robert Capa: Death of a Militiaman (1936)

15 National Geographic 1982

16 Laocoon group (2nd cent. B.C)

17 Laocoon (head)

18 Zurbar á n: Luke the Painter (ca. 1660)

19 Diego Vel á zquez Las meninas (1656)

20 Las meninas (detail)

21 Las meninas – the mirror

22 Picasso: Las meninas

23 René Magritte: Two Mysteries (1966)

24 Claude glass - Thomas Gainsborough

25 Tintern Abbey through a Claude glass

26 Tintern Abbey

27 Magritte: The Uses of Speech

28 Magritte: The Interpretation of Dreams

29 Alain: „Egyptian life class”, 1955

30 Relief of the divine birth of Hatshepsut

31 Gentile da Fabriano: Adoration of the Magi (1322-3)

32 Rubens: Adoration of the Magi (1633)

33 Magritte: The Human Condition

34 19th-century cartoon

35 the dark side of the moon

36 Mrs. R ö ntgen ’ s hand

37 Andy Warhol: Marilyn (green) 1960s

38 Andy Warhol: Marilyn (pink) 1960s

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