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Measures of Employment. What agency measures the unemployment rate?

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Presentation on theme: "Measures of Employment. What agency measures the unemployment rate?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures of Employment

2 What agency measures the unemployment rate?

3 Bureau of Labor Statistics.

4 Who gets classified as employed?

5 The BLS classifies people with jobs as employed. People are considered employed if they did any work at all for pay during the week in which a Current Population Survey “household survey” was conducted.

6 Who gets classified as being in the labor force?

7 To be counted as in the labor force, individuals must be aged 16 years and over. They must also have a job or be actively looking for a job.

8 How is the unemployment rate calculated?

9 The unemployment rate equals the total number of unemployed persons divided by the total number of people in the labor force. BLS calls this the U-3 rate.

10 Are there other BLS measures of unemployment?

11 Discouraged workers have given a job-market related reason to BLS for not currently looking for work. An example would be that they can’t find any jobs. BLS adds discouraged workers to their U-3 numbers for a second measure of unemployment called U-4.

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