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Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio Developing Healthy Communities Through Partnerships and Capacity Presented by Ruby Lee, President

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Presentation on theme: "Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio Developing Healthy Communities Through Partnerships and Capacity Presented by Ruby Lee, President"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio Developing Healthy Communities Through Partnerships and Capacity Presented by Ruby Lee, President

2 Vision To create a thriving multicultural community enriched with confident and strong Latino families who actively contribute their voices, skills, entrepreneurial spirit, and cultural richness to the community at large. Mission To advance the capacity of Latino families to be healthy, prosperous, and engaged in their communities.


4 Values that lead our work Holistic and family-centered service delivery. Meet clients where they’re at, while building blocks for succesfull ladders of success. Focus on lifting two generations at once –working with parents and their children to build stable, nurturing homes for them to thrive socially, emotionally, educationally, and financially. Aim to eliminate barriers and build bridges out of poverty.

5 Goals for a Stronger Latino Community Boost employment and homeownership Advance policies that address equity in health, education, and financial assets Promote & preserve Latino culture Lift Latino Voices

6 Increasing Disparities in Minnesota National Ratings MN is home to 19 Fortune 500 Company headquarters with corporate giving programs #1 in per capita home ownership Among top five highest employment rate Lowest rate of outflow in the nation Highly educated population, usually at top of ACT/SAT test scores in nation People of Color Realities Largest racial poverty gap in the nation. #49 per capita home ownership Highest unemployment among people of color In 5 yrs 600,000 new hires will be needed. Projected increase in working age pop. is 55,000 Lowest High School graduation

7 Building Capacity and Capital to Close Disparities Through Policy Empowering Latino Families Today 32 million children live in in low- income homes. A study from National Center for Children in Poverty reported that Children who live in consitent poverty are more likely to enter their 20s without a H.S. diploma and four times more likely to have a teen premarital birth. However, an annual financial boost to the family of just $3,000 helped reap improvements in these areas. The asset of many communities is its network of community-based organizations. Through free tax services and innovative asset-building programs CLUES is providing that boost. We need to influence policy debates and channel resources to our community at state and local levels. Strengthening Partnerships That Reduce Racial Disparities Re-imagining government and each one of our roles as change agents to address individual and collective goals that reduce disparities. Re-engineering the way community development is promoted, organized, and financed. Engaging local non-profits led by people of color and American Indians. Re-directing public dollars and investment for people of color to access services, opportunities, and assets. Improving access and eliminating barriers to employment, homeownership, food, and healthcare.


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