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Maddie Warren. “The Middle Colonies were a part of the Thirteen Colonies. They included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Today these.

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Presentation on theme: "Maddie Warren. “The Middle Colonies were a part of the Thirteen Colonies. They included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Today these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maddie Warren

2 “The Middle Colonies were a part of the Thirteen Colonies. They included New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Today these areas are described as the Mid- Atlantic States. The middle colonies were the most ethnically and religiously diverse of the thirteen original colonies. (they were also the most tolerant). They had more agriculture than the New England colonies. The Middle Colonies were also known as the "bread basket" colonies because of their large grain export.”


4 The Middle Colonies political groups began as small groups with narrowly focused goals. These colonizations eventually grew into diverse and large political organizations. The Middle Colonies were generally run by Royal or Proprietary Governors and elected Colonial Assemblies. Many Middle Colony constitutions guaranteed freedom of religion and forbade taxation without representation.

5 Education in the Middle Ages –“Colonial leaders agreed that education was very important but they were not concerned with providing it. –The decision of whether to educate children was left to individual families until 1683, when a Pennsylvania law was passed, requiring that all children be taught to read and write and be trained in a useful trade. –A variety of local religious groups ran most schools in the middle colonies and stressed the practical aspects of education. –All boys learned a skill or trade. Depending on their social class, they might also study classical languages, history and literature, mathematics, and natural science. –Girls were tutored at home in a variety of household and social skills.”

6 Religion “The Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the Church of England and worked towards religious, moral and societal reforms.”

7 FaMiLy LiFe “Everyone had a job to do. The men had to take care of the animals and the garden. They had to chop firewood and fix tools. The boys had to help so they could learn what they would need to do when they were men. The women and the girls had to cook, do all of the cleaning, and take care of the children. They had to make butter, soap, candles, and clothes. They had to spin wool, dye cloth, and spin thread.”

8 The Key Products, Jobs and Goods in The Middle Colonies JOBS: Farmers Lumberjacks Fishermen Rum Makers Orchard Workers Merchants Bakers Craftsman Candle Makers Traders Rope Makers Miners Tin Craftsmen Ship Builders Products Cattle Fish Grain Lumber Orchards Rum Corn Pumpkins Peaches Apples Squash


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