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Presentation on theme: "FREEDOM-PEACE-EQ UALITY-RIGHTS-ORDE R-RESPECT-DECISON FREEDOM-PEACE-EQ."— Presentation transcript:


2 WE ARE A BILINGUAL COUNTRY The official language is English and French, however a vast amount of the population also recognizes Japanese and Spanish. WE ACCEPT ALL Citizens from other countries are welcome into Saralopia! Any gender, sexuality, race, age, religion- we are a non-discriminatory country! BEST FOR YOUR CHILDREN In Saralopia, we believe children are the future and therefore all children must be enrolled in a school system which is school is free and is paid for by the government. YOU ARE TAKEN CARE OF Health care is also paid by the government. Also, police and fire fighters are dispatched whenever you are in need of their assistance! Financial Aid is also available to anyone who needs it! WE WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL Anyone who wishes to pursue in a post-secondary education may do so for no fee. WE ARE A FAMILY COUNTRY There are laws and restrictions in place so that you and your family can experience the best Saralopia has to offer in a happy and safe environment!

3 o Protection/ Human Services: Police, Fire Fighters : to provide employment, safety, protection, awareness and a sense of order among citizens (provides right of safety- limits certain actions and behavior) o Grocery Stores: to provide employment, food and socialization among citizens (right to a healthy lifestyle) o Medical Systems: Ambulance, Hospitals, Clinics : to provide employment, medicine, health care and services (basic services provided for no cost; services supplied to everyone) (right to a healthy lifestyle) o School/Education System: provides a learning environment for students and provides them with life skills for the future (right to an education- limits freedom) o Financial System/Banks: provides employment, and a place to keep your belongings and money protected with easy access (right of safety- limits action) o Family: provides love, care, comfort and support (right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression) Sporting Teams: provides entertainment, socialization, personal fitness and a sense of belonging (right to a healthy lifestyle and participation) o Entertainment: Hair Salon, Clothing/Retail Stores, Department Stores, Gas Stations, Movie Theatres : provides employment, personal hygiene, clothing, shelter, fashion, appliances, gas for transportation, entertainment, socialization and needs for a basic lifestyle (right to a healthy lifestyle and participation) o Gym/ Fitness Centers: provides personal hygiene and fitness (right to an healthy lifestyle) o Churches/Religious Centers: provides comfort, support and a place to fulfill spiritual needs and well being (right to practice any religion- limits freedom of speech)

4 In Saralopia we strive for peace, freedom, order and equality among all. The official language is English and French, however a vast amount of the population also recognizes Japanese and Spanish. Citizens from other countries are welcome into Saralopia, though will not be a Saralopian citizen until the citizenship process is complete. However, while in the citizenship process, the immigrants are expected to abide by all the laws of Saralopia. If these laws are not followed, government officials have the right to detain you until a court of law can review your case. In Saralopia we believe children are the future and therefore all children between the ages of 5/6-18 years of age must be enrolled in a school system recognized by the country. All schooling is free and is paid for by the government. Also, anyone who wishes to pursue in a post-secondary education may do so for no fee (within age limit.) Health care is also paid by the government. Taxes are enforced however in small amounts and help to keep our country a successful and beneficial place for all. Financial aid to those who need it is also available by the government.

5 What happens in Saralopia if the Social Contract promised to its citizens fails? If the Social Contract fails and the people of Saralopia do not agree with its countries decisions, they will relay their concerns onto their Representatives. From that point the Reps will then vote accordingly on laws and bills and will voice the concerns to congress. In Saralopia, a Rep is loyal to the people it is representing over the party it belongs to. If the problem is not resolved by the congress, the citizens have the right to have a peaceful demonstration and meetings with the congress to state their concerns. A violent outbreak will never occur in Saralopia because we are a country that listens to its people. A president can also be removed before their four- year term is up by the congress declaring a “Lack of Trust.” This involves the majority voting against the president and thus concluding in another election. This will occur when the Reps remaining loyal to the people that trust in them and that truly matter: the citizens.


7 In my country there are laws that need to be followed in order to keep the peace and the order within: o Abortions are not permitted o Assaulting or causing bodily harm to another is not permitted o Stealing from another is not permitted o Drugs used for non-medical purposes are not permitted o Treatment of another due to religion, race, disability, sexuality or gender will not be permitted o Smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages under the age of 18 will not be tolerated o To commit fraud is not permitted o Murder will not be allowed in any circumstance (a plead of murder in self-defense will be reviewed); this also means that the death penalty is illegal o Any acts of Terrorism and Treason are illegal o ‘Victimless' crimes such as littering and graffiti are illegal o ALL weapons (ex. guns, hunting equipment) must be registered with the government o All children between the ages of 5/6- 18 are required to attend school recognized by the country o Smoking is not permitted in public places

8 o Right of Freedom o Right to Free Speech o Right to practice any religion o Right to partake in peaceful assembly public protest o Right to equality - No restrictions to citizens based on: Religion, Sexuality, Race, Gender, Disabilities o Right to vote after age 18 o The Right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression o Right to a safe and healthy lifestyle o Right to an education o Right of freedom in the press and other media of communication o Right to enter, remain in and leave Saralopia o Right not to be subjected to any cruel, unusual treatment or punishment o Right to participate in any lawful organization (if meet requirements of specific organization)

9 The government meets at the Grande House in the capital city, Zantepawn. There is a congress which is held in the Grande House, this is also the place where the emperor and their family resigns, along with the emperors closest advisors. The congress is made up of the District and Provincial Representatives, the Emperors Council and the Emperor. They discuss/challenge/vote on laws and decisions for Saralopia. The Government Special Heads/Analysts are present in the Grande House to give their opinions, but do not vote. When a law is being passed the majority in the congress rules. After a law is agreed upon by the congress, it is taken to the Ultimate Court to review and change it as they see fit. The emperor is elected from the party with the most votes forming the majority government ; the losing parties form the minority government. Even though they are not the majority, they are still present in the Grande House and part of the countries decision making process. A emperor can remain in power for up to four years. After this time another election is enforced to either keep the remaining emperor and his party or elect someone from the minority.

10 Candidate - a citizen who desires to be a District Representative - they can do this by sending in an application to the party of their choice along with 100 signatures from supporting citizens, if selected they are a Candidate for their party District Representative (part of Congress) -citizens then vote for the Candidate they choose to represent their district - the Candidate with the highest amount of votes will then represent that district in the Grande House - responsible for: local fire and police services, libraries, transportation services, local health issues/vaccines, pest control, and so on. District Reps and there party members may pass laws governing these areas, and these laws are called bylaws (must be approved by Prov. Rep) Provincial Representative (part of Congress) - a provincial representative is chosen by the president and his council - there is one representative from each province, they are chosen from the district representatives within that division - responsible for: health care, child welfare, municipal government, highways, labor, property and civil rights, and education Special Government Analysts (represented in Congress) - people in the government who specialize in certain areas of the country; these are areas in which the council may benefit from to make an informed decision - there are around 3- 15 specialists in each area of expertise

11 Head of Specialist (represented in Congress)- a specialist who was voted by his/her group members to be the head of the group - they keep the specialists organized, gives ideas, assign tasks ect - areas specialized in such as: economy, defense, taxes, environment, foreign affairs, crime, media, funding, transportation, agriculture, multiculturalism, labor, ECT The Ultimate Court Judges - the ultimate court is the last resort and highest court in Saralopia - the panel is made up of seven honorable judges; there must be at least three judges from each gender on the panel (chosen by the emperor/council) - the judges look at cases which are being questioned by lower courts, cases pertaining to civil law, freedom and individual rights - how a particular law should be interpreted and applied by the court system - they also have the power to reject a traditional way of interpreting/applying a law or manner of judicial reasoning and will lay down a new approach - also to review/ change/advise/challenge laws made by the president/council The Emperors Council - the officials in the emperors council are a select five who personally work with the emperors and are chosen by the emperor himself - they aide the emperor in making decisions and are responsible for making laws and decisions pertaining to the country such as: citizenship, foreign policy, national defense, currency, banking, budgets and the postal service. Emperor - is the head of country who develops federal policies, prepares national budgets, enforces federal laws, and appoints federal officials - to direct foreign policy, appoint ambassadors and ultimate judges, make treaties, and meet with foreign leaders (their support does not guarantee that a law will be instated)

12 EMPEROR Emperor's Laws are made by the congress and the executive branches of the government. If the majority votes for the law it is then passed on to the Ultimate Court Judges. They review the law and can approve, dismiss, or change laws: with their approval it can be legalized. A bill (law) can be passed between the congress and judges until both sides agree.

13 Legend Provincial Representative District Representative Candidate (ran but was not elected for Dis. Rep) Provincial Border District Dividing Lines EMPEROR Emperor’s Council *GRANDE HOUSE* Government Special Groups Ultimate Court/ Judges - Head Government Specialists (the 3 different colors represent the parties running)

14 When should the government intervene in Social Organizations business and issues? The government of Saralopia trusts their organizations to do what is best for them and their participants. However, the government also has a responsibility towards the participants. When it seems the needs of the participants are not being recognized, the government should intervene. If an issue seems big enough to attract the attention of the government, the government will hold a meeting with the council of the organization to try and resolve the issue peacefully. If the issue can not be resolved, the government has the highest position of authority and has the power to fix the solution there way: even if the cooperation of the organizations council is not given. An example of this would be the ice hockey organization, IHN. If the violence in the IHN is getting too intense and too many serious injuries occur, the government has the duty to keep their citizens safe; no matter the game or its rules. They will make their concerns aware to the IHN council who will have a period of time to resolve or make new rules for the game. However if they do not resolve the issue the government can make the rule legal. They can also begin to charge the players and participants who do not abide by these rules.

15 In Saralopia citizens are expected to abide by all laws and commands made by government officials. The laws are expected to be followed by all citizens and with these restrictions; freedom is guaranteed. A citizen can only be held in government possession for 48 hours. Within that time the citizen goes to a court to determine where they will remain during the court process. After a trial by a selected jury of peers or judge, the accused will face an amount of time at “Badpeopleisland.” Badpeopleisland is an island where criminals will go for a selected amount of time, depending on the severity of the crime. If the government agrees, criminals can be eligible for parole after a set amount of time and if they have behaved properly during their stay. There is no final amount of time one will spend on Badpeopleisland for their crime; it all depends on the situation and person. For example: a repeat offender abuses another man in cold blood and leaves him there to die: he may go to the island for at least 25 years. VS. A woman who accidentally strikes a man with her vehicle when driving at night, who has no criminal record and stops to help him: A minimum of 5 years. The severity of the crime will be the judge of the sentence.

16 Saralopia has a very organized government system to help fulfill the needs and wants of its citizens in a productive manner. It is a democracy where citizens over eighteen have the right to vote whom ever they choose to represent them and their country. The citizens of Saralopia have the freedom to choose if they want to vote and whom they will vote for. They will vote for the District Representative from the party they choose; the choices will be represented on the ballots. The citizens who wish to vote will go to the area designated for their district and go into a private booth to cast their vote. They will sign in and receive their ballot at a secure area so each person only receives one vote. To receive a ballot some form of ID must be present.

17 In Saralopia we agree with the statement “The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number.” The greatest good for the greatest number means that a law or decision is made to benefit the majority of the citizens. The government forms laws and makes decisions based on the majority of its citizens. An example of this would be that driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal. The reason for this being that the majority of citizens in Saralopia have vehicles. Also, the majority of accidents pertaining to vehicles are due to DUI’s. In order to keep all of the citizens who are driving safe, alcohol is not allowed in your body system while behind the wheel. However, sometimes the government may form laws based on the minority which they think will benefit all. An example of this is the illegalization of smoking in public places: though many people, perhaps the majority, smoke, the government believes that smoking is unhealthy. It is also unfair that smoking in public places will endanger innocent people lives who have no interest in smoking but inhale the toxins anyway. This is why a law is sometimes based on the minority of Saralopian citizens.



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