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Prop 23 What’s at Stake for San Diego and California.

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Presentation on theme: "Prop 23 What’s at Stake for San Diego and California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prop 23 What’s at Stake for San Diego and California

2 The Threat Who’s Behind Prop 23 Who Opposes it What’s at Stake How You Can Help Overview

3 Texas Oil Companies are spending millions for a deceptive proposition to kill AB32. If Prop 23 passes, it will result in:  Increased air pollution  Billions of dollars in health care costs.  Loss of clean energy investment and jobs  Continued dependence on fossil fuels The Threat

4 Who’s Behind Prop 23

5 What’s at Stake for California? Clean energy bright spot in our economy:  500,000 “green jobs”  $9.1 billion venture capital funding in California since 2005  12,000 clean energy businesses  Green jobs growing 10 times faster than statewide average

6 What’s at Stake for San Diego

7  The American Lung Association in California  AARP  Kaiser Permanente  Google  Ebay  California Center for Sustainable Energy  So far a total of 454 organizations/companies and 1016 Individuals opposing Who Opposes Prop 23

8 Proposition Increases Air Pollution and Threatens Public Health  Proposition repeals California health and safety codes that require major polluters to report and reduce pollution.  Proposition will increase air pollution.  Air pollution responsible for 19,000 premature deaths.  Proposition Opposed by American Lung Association in California, AARP, Public Health Institute etc. Key Point

9 Proposition Kills Clean Energy Jobs and Billions in Economic Growth  Texas oil wants to kill competition from wind, solar and other renewable businesses to keep us addicted to their oil  California is national leader in clean energy: 7 of top 10 U.S. companies here, 3 of top 5 cities for clean tech, 60% market share of venture capital investment (five times more than nearest rival Massachusetts). Key Point

10 Proposition Kills Clean Energy Jobs and Billions in Economic Growth (cont.)  Clean energy bright spot in our economy:  500,000 “green jobs”  $9.1 billion venture capital funding in California since 2005  12,000 clean energy businesses  Thousands of jobs in recession-battered rural California for solar and wind projects up and down the career ladder  Green jobs growing 10 times faster than statewide average  Proposition opposed by CA Wind Energy Association, CA Solar Energy Industries Association, National Venture Capital Association. Key Point

11 Key Response  They Say: Temporary suspension…we are just hitting the “pause button.”  Proposition is an effective repeal of clean energy laws…  Unemployment levels have only hit 5.5% for an entire year 3 times in last three decades…once in a blue moon economic conditions.  Repeal will pull the rug out from under the fastest growing segment of our economy -- will lose our state’s national competitive edge.  Stop/start regulation would cause chaos for business planning.  Oil companies’ want to repeal laws so they don’t have to spend their billions in profits to minimize pollution.

12 1. Texas Oil Companies spending millions for deceptive proposition to repeal clean energy and clean air laws. 2. Increases air pollution/threatens public health. 3. Kills competition and jobs from clean energy businesses. Summary

13 How You Can Help 1) Endorse the “No on Prop 23” campaign. 2) Volunteer with the San Diego Regional Task Force to Stop Prop 23. 3) Alert your friends and family to Vote No on Prop 23 on November 2. 4) Sign up for local email alerts. com/ group/san-diego- region-against-proposition-23

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