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Survival. Learning objectives Be able to describe how temperature is monitored and controlled by the body Be able to explain how body temperature can.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival. Learning objectives Be able to describe how temperature is monitored and controlled by the body Be able to explain how body temperature can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival

2 Learning objectives Be able to describe how temperature is monitored and controlled by the body Be able to explain how body temperature can be maintained in extreme conditions Be able to investigate different methods of temperature control and evaluate their effectiveness

3 How will the human body cope with immersion in cold water? What changes will take place to stop core body temperature dropping? Try to think of ways that a survivor could stop themselves being affected too much by the cold water.

4 The following are four survival strategies which could help to increase a casualty’s chances of survival in cold water… Huddling If there is more than one casualty, they should huddle together for warmth. PPE Sailors should wear the correct Personal Protective Equipment such as an insulating jacket in case of cold water immersion. Life raft If possible casualties should remove themselves from the water by climbing onto a life raft. HELP Casualties should adopt the Heat Escape Lessening Position by drawing up their knees and crossing their arms.

5 Work in pairs to investigate one of the methods that a survivor could use to reduce the effects of cold water immersion. Your teacher will give you an investigation card - read the instructions carefully and carry out your investigation so you can compare results with other groups.

6 You have 5 minutes to work with the other groups that investigated the same survival strategy as you. After 5 minutes present your findings to the rest of the class. Describe your results and try to explain them. Why was the temperature loss increased or decreased?

7 You have been given the task of advising lifeboat crews on the problems of cold water immersion. What will you suggest as the best way of reducing heat loss?

8 You now have the role of supplying the correct equipment to all lifeboat crews. Have a look at the costs involved. Does this change your recommendations to the RNLI?

9 Homework Write a report to the RNLI outlining the dangers of cold water immersion and how the body reacts. Describe some methods of reducing heat loss and explain why they are effective. What strategy do you think most increases the chance of survival?

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