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SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber Rationality and Organization © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Maximilian Karl Emil "Max" Weber Born in Erfurt, Germany (1864) Well-to-do family Eldest of eight children Sickly child Physical problems Mental problems
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Background His mother (Helene Fallenstein): Calvinist Concerned with social issues Very religious His father (Max Weber): Politician Lawyer Self-centered and authoritarian © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Mr. and Mrs. Max Weber
Background Parents had marriage problems
Different beliefs and values Max Weber and his brother Alfred became sociologists and economists.
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber Weber Pronounced: “vay-bear” Max, Alfred, and Karl -> (1879) © by Ronald Keith Bolender
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber’s Sociology Concerned with individuals, as well as social structure Macro Micro © by Ronald Keith Bolender
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Sociology Comprehensive science of Social Action Behavior versus Action Behavior= move, react, eat etc. Action=Behavior + Meaning © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Different from Other Theorists
Spencer: Evolution of society as analogous to an organism Natural laws of society Durkheim: Society as an organism Maintaining cohesion of social structures Social Solidarity
Different from Other Theorists
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Different from Other Theorists Marx: Society influenced by economy Conflict between social classes Mauss: System of gift-exchange as basic to society © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Social Action
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Social Action Weber’s primary focus: Subjective meanings that humans attach to their actions and interactions Within specific social contexts Behavior without meaning, is not in the purview of sociology © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Social Action
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Social Action Four Major Types of Social Action 1. Traditional Action Guided by custom or habit Action is simply "always done" Example: Celebrating holidays © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Social Action
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Social Action 2. Emotional or Affective Action Motivated by emotional state Love, Anger, Happiness, Revenge Examples: Hitting a person out of anger © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Social Action
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Social Action 3. Value-oriented Rational Action Working toward a goal, which may not be rational But is pursued through rational means Values: Ethical, Religious, Philosophical Not rationally "chosen“ Example: Going to college because you value learning and knowledge © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Social Action
4. Instrumental Rational (Goal-oriented Rational Action) Goals & means are rationally chosen Example: Earning a college degree in order to get a good paying job How to get rich
Max Weber: Social Action
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Social Action Primarily concerned with modern Western society Behavior increasingly dominated by goal-oriented rationality In the past: Motivated by tradition, affect, or value-oriented rationality © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Rationalization Rational calculation, Efficiency, and Control (Bureaucracy) Replace: Affective ties Spirituality Tradition
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Ideal Types An ideal type not meant to refer to “best” or to a moral ideal e.g., Ideal type brothel or Ideal type chapel Analytical construct that provides a basic method for comparative study © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Ideal Types Identifies “logically consistent” features of social institution Compare “ideal type” to reality Used to develop research hypotheses
Example of Ideal Type-Democracy
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Example of Ideal Type-Democracy 1. A political system with the quality of being responsive to all or nearly all of the citizens. 2. Free to form & join organizations 3. Freedom of expression 4. Right to vote © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Example of Ideal Type-Democracy
5. Eligibility for public office 6. Right of political leaders to compete for support 7. Alternative sources of information 8. Free and fair elections
Legitimation & Authority
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Legitimation & Authority Legitimation-> Turns coercion into acceptable Authority Authority = Legitimate Power Three modes of authority 1. Legal-rational 2. Traditional 3. Charismatic © by Ronald Keith Bolender
1. Legal-rational authority Based on impersonal rules
Max Weber: Authority 1. Legal-rational authority Based on impersonal rules Rules are legally enacted or contractually established Who has legal-rational authority? Presidents, judges
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Authority 2. Traditional authority Based on belief in tradition Passed down generation to generation Who has Traditional Authority? Aristocracy, Parents, Elders © by Ronald Keith Bolender
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Authority 3. Charismatic authority Allegiance to leader Leader’s characteristics Quality of individual's personality Source of change Who has had Charismatic authority? Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Bureaucracy
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Bureaucracy Formal organization of large-scale enterprises for example: Government Military Economy Religion Education © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Ideal–type Bureaucracy
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Ideal–type Bureaucracy Clearly defined division of labor Rationality Attention to implementing goals of organization Impersonal application of rules Routinization of tasks © by Ronald Keith Bolender
1.Rigidity: Rules and regulations often rigid and inflexible. Discourages initiative and creativity. 2. Goal Displacement: Rules become ends to themselves. 3. Impersonality: Stresses mechanical way of doing things. Organizational rules and regulations given priority over individual’s needs and emotions. 4. Compartmentalization of Activities: Jobs divided into categories, Encourages preservation of jobs even when redundant
5. Paperwork: Involves excessive paperwork --every decision must be put into writing. All documents have to be maintained in their draft and original forms. Leads to great waste of time, stationery, and space. 6. Empire Building: People to use their positions and resources to perpetuate self interests. Every superior tries to increase the number of subordinates As if this number is symbol of power and prestige 7. Red Tape: Procedures involve inordinate delays and frustration in the performance of tasks
Bureaucracy: Advantage & Disadvantages
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Bureaucracy: Advantage & Disadvantages George Tooker paintings illustrate rationality and modernity © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Max Weber: Class, Status, and Party
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Class, Status, and Party Method for Studying Social Stratification: Sources of Power Social Class “…property…and lack of property…” Life chances Socio-economic category Lower class Middle class Upper class © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Sources of Power: Class, Status, & Party
SOC4044 Sociological Theory Sunday, April 23, 2017 Status Prestige Honor Evaluations people make of one another Ranking desired behavior & traits © by Ronald Keith Bolender
SOC4044 Sociological Theory
Sunday, April 23, 2017 Max Weber: Party Association that attempts to influence social action Religious Political Age-based Race/Ethnicity Lobbyists Working toward a goal in a planned manner (i.e., rationally) © by Ronald Keith Bolender
Weber’s Contribution to Sociology
Stratification theory (class, status, party) Bureaucracy & large scale organizations Power & Authority Sociology of law Sociology of religion
Weber’s Contribution to Sociology Theory and Methodology
“Verstehen” helps in understanding why certain behaviors occur Social Action: Subjective meanings Values: Role in relationships
Weber’s Contribution to Sociology
Multi-causality of Social Phenomena Complete Objectivity is Impossible Values & Value relevance
Weber’s Contribution to Sociology
The Protestant Ethic & The Spirit of Capitalism Cultural barriers can prevent an economy from growing to its full potential Ex: religion
Weber’s Contribution to Sociology
Max Weber had more powerful positive impact on a wide range of sociological theories than any other sociological theorist Created the German Association for Sociology (1909) Starting Point for Careers: Karl Mannheim, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton and C. Wright Mills
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