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Which New Holiday Entre 2015. Marketing Opportunities? The Big 10 Christmas Thanksgiving Valentine’s Day New Year’s Day/Eve July 4 Mother’s Day Father’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Which New Holiday Entre 2015. Marketing Opportunities? The Big 10 Christmas Thanksgiving Valentine’s Day New Year’s Day/Eve July 4 Mother’s Day Father’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which New Holiday Entre 2015

2 Marketing Opportunities? The Big 10 Christmas Thanksgiving Valentine’s Day New Year’s Day/Eve July 4 Mother’s Day Father’s Day Memorial Day Labor Day President’s Day Newest Editions Groundhog Day -- 1887 Flag Day – 1916 (1949) Columbus Day – 1937 Secretaries’ Day – 1952 (renamed in 2000) Bosses Day – 1958 Grandparents’ Day – 1978 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – 1983

3 Out of School Fair Day June 2 Everyone is out of school by then Fair Food -- Hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, funnel cake, frozen drinks, soda, bque and ribs Neon Colors Activity: Fairs across the country

4 National Napping Day March 15 Rainiest month of the year Rain=sleeping in Food – Midnight snack food Activities – Napping, of course Use blue as the defining color because people that sleep in blue rooms get more sleep

5 Frat Day June 21 First day of summer Food – Food you would see at a frat party Chicken, fries, burgers, brownies Colors – Non-specific Activities: Parties Attire – Button ups and Togas

6 Walking Day June 15 Summertime Good time to walk Food: New Year’s Resolution – start a diet of healthy food and exercise Activities: Event where everyone walks, runs, or rides a bike wherever they go that day Colors: Silver and Orange

7 Happy Day April 7 Food: Lucky Charms, Smiley faces, Superman ice cream, rainbow sherbet, laffy taffy and skittles Activities: Singing and Dancing Colors: Yellow, White, Baby Blue

8 #Hashtagday July 15 Celebration of the creation of all social media Date from the date that Twitter was launched Colors: blue, white and black (Twitter colors) If you dress up using hashtags, you get free hash browns at participating restaurants

9 National Conner Day March 8 His birthday Food: Any and all food (because Conner likes any and all foods) Businesses sell food at 50% off Activities: Gather around Conner statues after eating and bestow presents at the statue; parade with floats and balloons

10 George Smith Day November 2 Day after National FFA Convention FFA Adviser who has many nationally recognized achievements Colors National Blue and Corn Gold Activities: Part, Ag Appreciation, Cornhole, Ping Pong, Beard Growing

11 WP Day May 20 Food: Friend Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, Catfish, Fried Green Tomatoes, Green Bans, Fried Squash, Potato Salad and Pecan Pie Blue and White Activities: Tractor Races, Corn Hole and Fishing Tournament

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