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Sign-in Checklist Sign-in Confirm number of students Confirm number of students needing wheelchairs/physical accommodations Confirm number of adult chaperones.

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Presentation on theme: "Sign-in Checklist Sign-in Confirm number of students Confirm number of students needing wheelchairs/physical accommodations Confirm number of adult chaperones."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sign-in Checklist Sign-in Confirm number of students Confirm number of students needing wheelchairs/physical accommodations Confirm number of adult chaperones Confirm lead contact cell phone number Supplies Collect Career Fair booklets Agenda (for you and additional chaperones) Parent letter (2) Emergency Procedures Guide Bus Schedule

3 Career Fair Prep Activities Career Cluster Survey (Part 1) Complete CIC Career Cluster Survey and explore careers and PS options Complete inside cover of Career Fair booklet Identify Cluster Color for Career Fair COLLECT ALL CAREER FAIR BOOKLETS

4 Go to Sign in using the information below: Click “Sign In” (dps + student ID number) (6 digit birthday, mmddyy) dps482679 040900

5 Click “Learn About Yourself” Click “Career Cluster Survey” Click “Get Started”

6 Once students complete the survey, they will use their Career Fair booklet to record their top Career Cluster Please list your top Career Cluster  Architecture_ &Construction (example only)

7 Cluster Color: Orange Use the color code system to help students find their career cluster group color Please list your Career Cluster group color  _Orange___ (example only)

8 Career Fair Prep Activities Our office requires at least an 85% completion rate in order to participate in this event.

9 Career Fair Prep Activities Career Fair Prep Lesson (Part 2) Distribute Parent Letter Show Career Fair video Review expectations, exit system, map, etc. Practice Interviews

10 Event Sponsors Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Bronze Sponsor

11 Career Fair Video

12 Interview Role Plays Elevator speech (“Hello, my name is Kelly Green and I am interested in the health science field because I enjoy taking care of others….”) Take turns practicing the interview questions from the Career Fair Booklet with a partner Tips to remember: Introduce yourself Shake hands Make eye contact Speak clearly Take your time Say thank you

13 Boys What to wearWhat NOT to wear Clean shirt and pants, ideally a collared shirt and dress pants Dress shoes or clean sneakers Jeans, hats, shorts, jewelry, baggy or low- riding clothing, t-shirts with design on them

14 Girls What to wear What NOT to wear Loose-fitting blouses/shirt Knee-length or longer skirts or pants Flat or low heel dress shoes Low cut, see through, or tight shirts, tank tops, shorts, high heels, hats, distracting jewelry, bright colors, low- riding pants

15 Schedule for the Day _______ Dismissed from class _______ Begin loading buses _______ Bus departs from school ________ Career Fair START TIME

16 When you Arrive… A Career Fair volunteer will greet you on the bus. Take everything with you off the bus (you will take a different bus to go back to your school)

17 4 Parts to the Career Fair 1. Entrance Waiting Area 2. Career Expo Area 3. Education Expo Area 4. Departure Gate Area

18 4 Parts to the Career Fair 1 2 3 4

19 PART 1

20 Bus Unloading & Entrance Area Chaperone Directions Wait on your bus until a bus greeter provides further instruction. Note: Students will arrive and depart on DIFFERENT BUSES so students and teachers must take everything with them as they get off the bus. Confirm # of buses and student count, accept student raffle tickets to hand out during fair. Instruct students to pick up their backpack (and get out their clipboard and pen) in entrance area. Instruct students to wait quietly in the entrance waiting area until their scheduled start time. Note: All schools in each wave will enter and exit each section of the fair at the same time. Your wave will not be allowed to enter until the wave before you has cleared out. This way, students and chaperones can enjoy their experience without worrying about students getting left behind.

21 Entrance Area Pick-up a Career Fair Backpack Get out your pen and clipboard Attach your booklet to the clipboard so you can begin taking notes. Wait patiently until your official Career Fair START TIME!

22 Entrance Area Awards & Recognition Group Recognition Volunteers will award points to schools based on the following criteria: 1. Appropriate Dress (no heels, tight clothes, etc.) 2. Preparation (know your Cluster, Color, Gate #) 3. Behavior (wait patiently, follow directions)

23 PART 2

24 Business, Marketing, Public Administration Agriculture, Natural Resources, Energy STEM, Arts, Design & Information Technology Hospitality, Human Services, Education Health Science, Criminal Justice, Public Safety Skilled Trades, Technical Sciences Career Cluster Title Look for balloons and signs with your Career Cluster color

25 Career Expo Map 20 minutes 30 minutes

26 Career Expo Within each color group there are 2-4 different Career Clusters. Interview career representatives from at least 2 different Career Clusters in your color group. Search for signs like these Next, feel free to search around to find a business representative to interview from a different color group.

27 Career Expo You have 30 min to visit 3 career tables that interest you!

28 Career Expo Introduce yourself Shake hands Speak clearly Make eye contact Ask questions listed in your career fair booklet (page 3-5) Listen and take notes using the space provided Say “Thank You”

29 Career Expo Awards & Recognition Individual Recognition Teachers and business representatives may reward you with raffle tickets for the following behavior: 1) Interacting with business representatives 2) Completing your Career Fair booklet Write your Name and Student ID on the back of your ticket. Turn in all raffle tickets earned to the teacher on your bus. Bob Dillon 78601

30 Career Expo Display Screen School Current Time Career Exit TimeGate Bruce Randolph 9:4510:001, 2, 3, 4 Lake International 9:4510:005, 6, 7 DC-21 9:4510:008 (Example) Career Expo Exit Time: ________

31 Career Expo Exit When you hear music, stop what you are doing and head immediately to the very back of the Career Fair. EXIT through the back doors. All students in the Career Fair area will exit at the same time into the Education Fair so don’t worry about finding your group.

32 Career Expo Area Chaperone Directions Use map and color code system to help students find their area of interest. Actively walk around and watch that students are interacting with exhibitors and completing their booklets, rather than clustering with friends. Use raffle tickets to reward positive behavior. Likewise, chaperones must refrain from clustering and chatting with other adults. Listen for music and/or watch the clock or display screen to keep track of your time. At your scheduled time, head through the back doors into the Education Expo area. Instruct students around you to follow. Do NOT worry about finding or counting your students at this time.

33 PART 3

34 Education Expo You have 20 min to visit at least 1 college & 1 HS table

35 Education Expo Find a college that will help prepare you for your career goals. Arapahoe Community College ASCENT College In Colorado College in Colorado Community College of Aurora Community College of Denver Concurrent Enrollment Denver Scholarship Foundation Emily Griffith Technical College Front Range Community College Johnson & Wales University Metropolitan State University of Denver Red Rocks Community College University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Denver University of Denver Western State University

36 Education Expo Find a HS that will help prepare you for your college/career goals. Academy of Urban Learning Abraham Lincoln Bruce Randolph CEC Middle College of Denver Contemporary Learning Academy Collegiate Prep Academy Denver Center for 21 st Century Learning Denver Center for International Studies Denver Online High School Denver School of the Arts DSISD Denver School of Science and Technology East High School George Washington High Tech Early College John F. Kennedy Kunsmiller Creative Arts Academy Manual High School Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College North High School Northfield High School PREP Academy South High School Southwest Early College STRIVE Prep Summit Academy Thomas Jefferson Venture Prep Academy Vista Academy West Generation

37 Education Expo Awards & Recognition Individual Recognition Teachers, colleges, and high school representatives may reward you with raffles for the following behavior: 1) Interacting with college and high school reps 2) Completing your Career Fair booklet Write your Name and Student ID on the back of your ticket. Turn in all raffle tickets earned to the teacher on your bus. Bob Dillon 78601

38 Education Expo Display Screen School Current TimeExit TimeGate Missing Students Lake International 10:1510:205, 6, 7 Bus group/Gate Assignments Gate AssignmentBus Group 5 Teacher, Section A 6 Teacher, Section B 7 Teacher, Section C (Example)

39 Education Expo Display Screen School Current Time Education Exit TimeGate Missing Students Lake International 10:1510:205, 6, 7 Gate AssignmentBus Group 5 6 7 (Example) Education Exit Time: ________

40 Education Expo Area Chaperone Directions Use back page of booklet and wall posters to help students find high schools programs that align with their career interests. Actively walk around and watch that students are interacting with exhibitors and completing their booklets, rather than clustering with friends. Listen for an announcement and watch the display screen to keep track of your time. At your scheduled time, head to your bus group’s assigned Departure Gate and instruct students around you to follow.

41 PART 4

42 Departure Gate Area Lake MS Find your teacher and pre-assigned Departure Gate assignment - See screen for departure times, gates will be assigned as you exit the expo.

43 Departure Gate Area & Bus Loading Chaperone Directions Wait at your assigned Departure Gate for students in your bus group to arrive. As students arrive, instruct them to sit quietly and begin completing the exit survey. Count your students and inform your Departure Gate volunteer once all students arrive. Status: GREEN If you’re missing a student, provide volunteer with student’s name to add to display screen. Status: RED Wait patiently until you are instructed to exit to your bus. Note: Volunteers may break up your group to load buses more quickly. Load the bus. Do NOT stop to recount your students. Transportation staff will ensure that all students are returned to your school. Collect Career Fair booklets and raffle ticket stubs on bus and return to lead contact

44 Departure Gate Awards & Recognition Group Recognition: Volunteers will award points to schools based on the following: 1. Departure Gate behavior (getting to Gate quickly, sitting and waiting quietly, listening to directions) 2. Survey Completion 3. Bus Loading

45 Schedule for the Day Arrival back at school _______

46 The end Please hand in your Career Fair booklets!

47 Career Fair Prep Activities Complete Google Doc Survey to let me know when you plan to complete these prep activities with your students.

48 Lead Contact Prep Responsibilities Create name tags (see below) and a plan for distributing name tags to students School: Hill Name: Sam Smith Cluster Color: Red Group/Chaperone: Ms. Taylor

49 Lead Contact Prep Responsibilities Review your school’s Departure Gate assignment(s) Identify which students/teachers will be assigned to which bus and/or Gate/Bus # Create chaperone folders with Gate/Bus #, student lists, booklets/nametags, & agenda. Departure GATE #WHO (Teachers/Students)

50 Lead Contact Prep Responsibilities Set up grade-level/chaperone team meeting (see agenda) Review agenda and provide school-specific information.

51 Career Fair Follow-up Activities 8 th Grade Survey (November) Explore High School Options (November) Teach graduation requirements, how to read a transcript, how to calculate GPA, etc. Use Career Fair booklet in development of HS 4-Year Course & Extracurricular Plan

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