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Chapter 43, Campbell & Reece’s Biology 8th Edition

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1 Chapter 43, Campbell & Reece’s Biology 8th Edition
14-2 Immunology Chapter 43, Campbell & Reece’s Biology 8th Edition

2 Overview: Reconnaissance Recognition and Response
Pathogen Barrier Defenses Immune System Innate Immunity Acquired Immunity


4 43.1: Reliance on Shared Traits of Pathogens
Innate Immunity of Invertebrates Chitin Lysozyme Hemocytes Phagocytosis Toll Receptors Discussion of Disadvantages


6 43.1 (continued) Innate Immunity of Vertebrates Barrier Defenses
Enzymes pH Cellular Innate Defenses Leukocytes TLR Neutrophils Macrophages Responses Exclusive to Vertebrates Lymphatic System



9 Eosinophils and Dendritic Cells Antimicrobial Peptides “and” Proteins
Interferons Complement System Inflammatory Responses Histamine Fever Septic Shock


11 43.1 Natural Killer (NK) Cells
Role of Class I MHC receptor Innate Immune System Evasion by Pathogens

12 43.2: In acquired immunity, lymphocyte receptors provide pathogen-specific recognition
Lymphocytes (/Leukocytes) T Cells B Cells Cytokines Acquired Immunity: An Overview

13 43.2: Antigen Recognition by Lymph/Leucocytes
Antigens and their receptors B cells and plasma cells Antibodies/Immunoglobulin Epitopes

14 Receptors Heavy & Light Chains Variable & Constant Regions
T vs. B cell receptors Introduction to the MHC



17 The Role of the MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex
Antigen Presentation Class I MHC Molecules Cytotoxic T Cells Class II MHC Molecules Antigen presenting cells Recognition Properties of the Acquired Immune System


19 Amino acid rearrangement
Review: Figure 17.10, Campbell 8th edition, RNA splicing, etc. Recombinase


21 Origin of Self-Tolerance
Involvement of Apoptosis


23 Amplifying Lymphocytes by Clonal Selection
Effector and Memory Cells Clonal Selection Primary Immune Response B Cell role T Cell role Secondary Immune Response


25 43.3: Acquired immunity defends against infection of body cells and fluids
Humoral immune response Cell-mediated immune response


27 Helper T Cells: A response to nearly all antigens

28 Cytotoxic T Cells: A Response to Infected Cells
Cell-mediated CD8 B Cells: A Response to Extracellular Pathogens Humoral



31 Antibody Classes IgM: first antibody produced in response to infection
Usually consists of four polypeptide chains IgM: first antibody produced in response to infection IgG: most abundant, and can cross a placenta IgA: found in milk, sweat, and tears IgD: may function to make some B cells memory cells IgE: involved in allergic reactions and stimulates release of histamine Polyclonal Antibodies Monoclonal Antibodies Medical Use


33 Role of Antibodies in Immunity

34 Active Immunity Immunization Passive Immunity Cowpox
Accelerated secondary response Influence on society International affairs Side effects Passive Immunity IgG IgA

35 Immune Rejection Blood Groups Tissue/Organ Transplants
Bone Marrow Transplant

36 43.4: Disruptions in immune system function can elicit or exacerbate disease
Allergens IgE Anaphylactic Shock Autoimmunity Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Multiple Sclerosis Rh incompatibility Cancer

37 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Helper T Cells Use of CD4 protein Transmission & Effects AZT Protease Inhibitor Treatment Social Implications Discussion on Rationalized Morality

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