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Published byAllison Carpenter Modified over 9 years ago
Annual Review of SC activities 2010 Study Committee C4 System Technical Performance Danielle McNabb, Hydro-Québec -TransÉnergie
2 C4 System Technical Performance Scope further revised: SC C4 deals with methods and tools for analysis related to power systems, with particular reference to dynamic and transient conditions and to the interaction between the power system and its apparatus/sub-systems, between the power system and external causes of stress and between the power system and other installations. Specific issues related to the design and manufacturing of components and apparatus are not in the scopes of SC C4, as well as those specifically related to planning and operation and control, apart from those cases in which component/apparatus/subsystem behaviour depends on, or significantly interacts with, the performance of the nearby power system. The fields on which the activity is carried include but are not limited to: Power Quality, Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Interference (EMC/EMI), Insulation coordination, Lightning, Advanced Tools for the analysis of power system performance, Power systems dynamic performance models and analysis.
3 C4 System Technical Performance : AG ’s Chairman C. A. Nucci (IT) AG C4.5 Transversal subjects M.T. Correia de Barros Secr. P. Pourbeik (USA) AG C4.1 Power Quality ____ R. Koch (SA) ________ 5 WGs 3 TFs AG C4.1 Power Quality ____ R. Koch (SA) ________ 5 WGs 3 TFs AG C4.2 EMC/EMF ____ J. Hoeffelman (BE) __________ 4 WGs AG C4.2 EMC/EMF ____ J. Hoeffelman (BE) __________ 4 WGs AG C4.3 Insulation coordination ____ C. Neumann (DE) ____________ 3 WGs AG C4.3 Insulation coordination ____ C. Neumann (DE) ____________ 3 WGs AG C4.4 Lightning ____ M. Ishii (JP) __________ 6 WGs AG C4.4 Lightning ____ M. Ishii (JP) __________ 6 WGs AG C4.6 Power System Security Assessment ____ K. Uhlen (NO) ________ 2 WG 4 TF AG C4.6 Power System Security Assessment ____ K. Uhlen (NO) ________ 2 WG 4 TF
4 C4 Technical Directions 1: Power Quality PQ contracting; Reliability improvement assessment; Sustainable technical performance – measures and reporting. – 2 : EMC/EMI influence of power installations on other installations; The ELF magnetic fields: characteristics and mitigation methods; EM vulnerability – 3: Insulation coordination Critical review of existing practice; UHV systems; Fast transients: interaction between system and transformers. Emphasis on Systems Aspects – 4: Lightning - Critical review of lightning parameter statistics; attachment process; correlation between lightning and voltage dips; protection of wind generators; - 5: “Transversal” subjects - Advanced theories/tools for surge propagation studies and for dynamic performance assessment. 6: Power systems dynamic performance models and analysis Tools for power balancing assessments; Risk-based security assessment. Methods for modelling and aggregation of loads in active power networks.
5 Highligths for 2009-2010 Keynote at EPE Centre Conference 2009: “Power Quality in Future Networks” University of Canterbury, Christchurch, – April 2009. Involvement in International Colloquium - Power Frequency Electromagnetic Fields ELF EMF Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. SC4 Colloquium “Harmonizing Environment, Power Quality and Power Systems” in Kushiro (Japan), June 2009. Malaysia colloquium on Lightning protection. Four TBs sent to CIGRE HQ for publication, plus one Electra paper, seven TBs being sent. Seven new WGs (four disbanded, one being disbanded); one JWG with B4 and C1.
6 Revised Strategic Plan for C4 The proposal is for collapsing into three groups: One strategic/technical advisory group One advisory group to liaise with other SC’s and institutions (IEEE, IEC, CIRED etc.) One advisory group to help with the dissemination of SC C4 achievements/results, namely to help with the organizing of tutorials, workshops, etc.
7 New structure – General concerns Some subjects may phase out if we do not properly focus on it. One way to address this is to have a balanced number of experts from each area in the technical AG. A contrasting comment was that we do not want to be too narrow in defining our scope, because maybe in the current structure we are limiting our selves and not including new areas. It was expressed that this new approach is fruitful as it would allow more efficiency and greater interaction between the various technical areas There is a concern about how big the single technical AG can be (practically) to be able to get a balanced view across the fields and still be effective. Another concern is that the scope of the subjects we deal with is too wide and so there is no best way to deal with a structure for such a committee so should we also deal with this issue. The overlap between the subject matters was thought by a few individuals to be perhaps 10-20% and so we may be going too far to collapse everything into a single technical group. In our group we have too broad areas (i) methods and (ii) tools; so maybe we can have two technical groups in these areas. It seems superfluous to have the organizational AGs on liaisons and tutorials. Maybe we should have two subcommittees (i) electromagnetic phenomena, and (ii) electromechanical phenomena, i.e. based on frequency range of phenomena.
9 AG C4.1 Power Quality 105 Benchmarking PQ Perform. Trans. syst.. (M. McGranaghan) JWG C4.103 Emission Limits for Disturbing Installations (G. Beaulieu) JWG C4.103 Emission Limits for Disturbing Installations (G. Beaulieu) TF C4.102 Voltage Dip Simulation Tools (J. Martinez) TF C4.102 Voltage Dip Simulation Tools (J. Martinez) 2007 2007 107 Economic Framework (J.L. Gutierrez Iglesias) 106 Instrument Test Protocols (E. Gunther) 108 Review of Flicker Objectives (M. Halpin) 110 Equipment Dip Immunity (M. Bollen) Work to start in 2009 109 Emission Assessment Meth. (E. De Jaeger) 2008 2009 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 - Temporary Over-voltages - Power Quality improvement programs - System PQ performance measurement and assessment - Temporary Over-voltages - Power Quality improvement programs - System PQ performance measurement and assessment
10 Deliverables: JWG C4.106 : No WG meeting held– No recent progress - Meanwhile - IEC TC85 PQ Instrument Product Standard and protocols to be issued - Proposal to disband JWG C4.105: “Guidelines for benchmarking technical performances in transmission systems” Daft document Dec 2008 JWG C4.107:“Economic Framework for PQ” CIRED Paper (May 2007) Expected completion date - Dec 2009. TF C4.108: CIGRE report “Review of flicker objectives in EHV/HV/MV&LV systems” 1 st draft completed, meeting held with C4.109 CIRED paper 2009 JTF C4.109: CIGRE report “ Emission Assessment Techniques for Harmonics, Flicker, and Unbalance” Drafts Version of Harmonics and Flicker, Unbalance to be Developed, CIRED paper 2009 WG C4.110: CIGRE report “Dip immunity of equipment in Installations” 7 conference publications, Expected completion date Jan. 2009 AG C4.1 - Power Quality
11 AG C4.2 EMC/EMF WG C4.201 EMC in HV substations and generating stations WG C4.201 EMC in HV substations and generating stations JWG C4.202 EMC with communication circuits, LV systems and metallic structures (L.E. Juhlin) JWG C4.202 EMC with communication circuits, LV systems and metallic structures (L.E. Juhlin) TF C4.203 ELF field measurement techniques (F. Deschamps) TF C4.203 ELF field measurement techniques (F. Deschamps) TF C4.204 Magnetic Field Mitigation Techniques E. Salinas TF C4.204 Magnetic Field Mitigation Techniques E. Salinas 2008 2008 2009 2009 WG C4.206: Protection of the High Voltage Power Network Control electronics against intentional Electromagnetic interference WG C4.209: Assessment of Contact current related to ELF electric field exposure WG C4.206: Protection of the High Voltage Power Network Control electronics against intentional Electromagnetic interference WG C4.209: Assessment of Contact current related to ELF electric field exposure Work to start in 2009
12 Deliverables : WG C4.201 :New Convenor appointed Mr Siew (UK) Update Guide TB 124 – New T.o.R. to be approved WG C4.202 : Guide for “Measurement of Radio frequency Interference from HV and MV substations” approved and ready for publication (2008) Guide for “Assessment of Transferred EPR on telecommunication Systems due to fault in a.c. power systems –New Convener and T.o.R WG C4.203 : Guide for “Measurement of low frequency electric and magnetic fields near overhead power lines” Final draft ready WG C4.204 : Guide for “Mitigating Techniques of Power Frequency magnetic Fields originating from Electric Power Systems” Final draft ready TF C4.205 : Published as TB 320 in APRIL 2007. TF disbanded AG C4.2 - EMC
13 AG C4.3 Insulation Coordination WG C4.301 Procedures for station and OHL insulation coordination (A. Xémard) WG C4.301 Procedures for station and OHL insulation coordination (A. Xémard) WG C4.302 Insulation Coordination related to internal insulation SF6 & N2/SF6 GIS (G. Muhr) WG C4.302 Insulation Coordination related to internal insulation SF6 & N2/SF6 GIS (G. Muhr) WG C4.303 Pollution and Environmental Influences on Electrical Performance of systems (C. Engelbretch) WG C4.303 Pollution and Environmental Influences on Electrical Performance of systems (C. Engelbretch) 2009 2007 JWG A2-C4.39 Electrical Transient Interaction between Transformers and the Power System ( A. da Costa oliveira Rocha ) JWG A2-C4.39 Electrical Transient Interaction between Transformers and the Power System ( A. da Costa oliveira Rocha ) Work to start in 2009
14 Deliverables : WG C4.301 : Application guide for line arresters, Final version at the end of 2008 Study of resonance and ferro-resonance. Draft under preparation. To be transferred to new WG WG C4.302 : Paper to be published in 2008: Insulation coordination in SF 6 and N 2 /SF 6 WG C4.303 : Brochure “Outdoor Insulation in Polluted Conditions : Guidelines for selection and dimensioning- Part 1 General Principles and AC case“ Just published and can be downloaded from CIGRE website Brochure part 2: DC case - Paper in progress AG C4.3 - Insulation Coordination
15 AG C4.4 Lightning WG C4.401 Lightning (C.A. Nucci) WG C4.401 Lightning (C.A. Nucci) JWG C4.402/Cired 05 Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning (F. Rachidi) JWG C4.402/Cired 05 Protection of MV and LV networks against lightning (F. Rachidi) WG C4.404 Lightning Location System Data for Engineering Applications (G. Diendorfer& H. Torres) WG C4.404 Lightning Location System Data for Engineering Applications (G. Diendorfer& H. Torres) WG C4.407 Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications (V.A. Rakov) WG C4.407 Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications (V.A. Rakov) TF C4.405 Lightning interception (V. Cooray & T. Shindo) TF C4.405 Lightning interception (V. Cooray & T. Shindo) TF C4.406 Performance of grounding electrodes for lightning currents (S. Visacro) TF C4.406 Performance of grounding electrodes for lightning currents (S. Visacro) 2008 2007
16 Deliverables : WG C4.401: Draft of “Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Power Lines – Part IV “Application of theory to distributed lines” almost complete (was prepared by disbanded TF C4.403 WG C4.402: Protection of MV and LV networks against Lightning – Draft of Part 2almost complete. WG C4.404: Report: Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters Derived from Detection Systems – The effects of System Performance”. Final draft to be approved WG C4.405: Lightning Interception – Survey on literature - Report under preparation, Document on ESE devices Report under preparation WG C4.406: Electra paper on “ Performance of Transmission Lines Grounding Electrodes for Lightning Currents” draft waiting for approval WG C4.407 Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications – Kick off meeting in June 2008 Next meeting in Brazil Nov. 2008 AG C4.4 - Lightning
17 AG C4.6 New name : Power systems dynamic performance models and analysis WG C4.601 Power System Security Assessment (P. Pourbiek) __________ Unformal TF’s : WG C4.601 Power System Security Assessment (P. Pourbiek) __________ Unformal TF’s : Modeling and Performance of Wind Generation (P. Pourbeik) Modeling and Performance of Wind Generation (P. Pourbeik) On-line Power System Security Assessment tools and techniques (K. Morrison) On-line Power System Security Assessment tools and techniques (K. Morrison) Review of Potential Tools and Techniques for Risk based and Probabilistic Planning in Power Systems (P. Pourbeik) Review of Potential Tools and Techniques for Risk based and Probabilistic Planning in Power Systems (P. Pourbeik) 2004-8 Wide-area Monitoring and Control (C. Rehtanz) Wide-area Monitoring and Control (C. Rehtanz) WG C4.603 Analytical Techniques and Tools for Power Balancing Assessments (K. Ulhen) WG C4.603 Analytical Techniques and Tools for Power Balancing Assessments (K. Ulhen) 2009
18 Deliverables : Technical Brochures in the last 2 years: “Modeling and Dynamic Performance of Wind Generation as it Relates to Bulk Power System Control and Dynamic Performance”, by WG C4.601. “Wide-Area Monitoring and Control for Transmission Capability Enhancement”, by WG C4.601. “On-Line Power system Security Assessment Tools and Techniques: Application of Intelligent Technologies”, by WG C4.601. "Coordinated Voltage Control in Transmission Networks", by TF C4.602. AG C4.6 Power System Security Assess nt.
19 SC C4 System Technical Performance Preferential Broad Subjects 2012 Preferential Broad Subjects 2012 PS1 : New generation technologies and their connection to the transmission and distribution system: modeling and case studies. The impact of new generation technologies on the power quality of the network; this includes passive and active impacts; positive and negative impacts; dynamic and transient performance. Power quality and EMC issues in the transmission and distribution system related to the massive use of power electronics (this includes power electronics in the transmission system as well as large numbers of power electronics in the distribution system) and external agents. PS2 : New and improved tools and techniques for power system performance analysis with particular reference to stochastic methods. Incorporating risk in analysis through probabilistic tools and assessment in light of the increasing complexity of future networks Advanced numerical methods PS3: Lightning protection and insulation coordination as it relates to new generation and transmission technology Wind turbines UHV systems HVDC systems Models for the calculation of lightning performance of transmission lines Next SC4 meetings: Next SC4 meetings: SC4 meeting – April 3-7, 2011, Recife, Brazil SC4 meeting – April 3-7, 2011, Recife, Brazil
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