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Published byAllyson Doyle Modified over 9 years ago
Indices of deprivation 2015
Contents IntroductionIntroduction 3 Index of multiple deprivation 2015Index of multiple deprivation 2015 4 Income domainIncome domain 7 Employment domainEmployment domain 9 Education domainEducation domain11 Health domainHealth domain15 Crime domainCrime domain18 Barriers to housing and services domainBarriers to housing and services domain20 Living environment domainLiving environment domain24 Income deprivation affecting children indexIncome deprivation affecting children index29 Income deprivation affecting older people indexIncome deprivation affecting older people index31 Comparison 2010 to 2015Comparison 2010 to 201533 Technical notesTechnical notes37
The indices of deprivation 2015 is the official measure of relative deprivation for small areas in England. The indices of deprivation rank each lower super output area (LSOA) in England in order of deprivation. These are then grouped into ten groups known as deciles. LSOAs in decile 1 are the 10% most deprived LSOAs in the country. LSOAs in decile 10 are the 10% least deprived in the country. The deprivation is measured using a number of domains, some domains are rated more highly than others so make up a higher share of the score. The measure that combines all the indices of deprivation domains is the most commonly used measure of deprivation and is known as the index of multiple deprivation (IMD). Introduction
The deprivation is measured using a number of domains, some domains are rated more highly than others so make up more of the score. The domains that make up the index Employment deprivation Income deprivation Living environment Barriers to housing and services Crime Health deprivation and disability Education, skills and training deprivation 22.5% 13.5% 9.3% Measures the proportion of the population experiencing deprivation relating to low income. This includes both people that are out of work and those that are in work, but have low earnings Measures the lack of attainment and skills in the local population. The indicator has two sub-domains: children and young people adult skills Measures the risk of premature death and the impairment of quality of life through poor physical or mental health Measures the risk of personal and material victimisation at local level Measures the physical and financial accessibility of housing and local services. The indicator has two sub- domains: geographical barriers wider barriers. Measures the quality of the local environment. The indicator has two sub-domains: indoor living environment - the quality of housing outdoor living environment measures of air quality and road traffic accidents Measures the proportion of the working age population involuntarily excluded from the labour market. This includes people who would like to work but are unable to do so due to unemployment, sickness or disability or caring responsibilities
Index of multiple deprivation (IMD) 2015 Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived Brent’s national rank 326 Brent has 173 LSOAs
Index of multiple deprivation 2015
IndicatorSource Adults and children in income support families Department of work and pensions (DWP) and HM revenues and customs Adults and children in income-based jobseekers’ allowance families Adults and children in income-based employment and support allowance families Adults and children in pension credit (guaranteed) families Adults and children in child tax and working tax credit families, below 60% median income not already counted HM revenues and customs Asylum seekers in England in receipt of subsistence support, accommodation support, or both Home office Income deprivation (22.5%) Changes since 2010 Modified indicator: People in receipt of child tax and working tax credit – includes all people who are below the income threshold. Method Numerator: The non-overlapping counts for each indicator were summed Denominator: Total population mid-2012 less the prison population Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Income deprivation (22.5%) 326 Brent’s national rank
IndicatorSource Claimants of job seekers allowance, aged 18 to 59/64 (women/men)Department for work and pensions Claimants of employment and support allowance aged 18 to 59/64 (women/men) Claimants of incapacity benefit aged 18 to 59/64 (women/men) Claimants of severe disablement allowance, aged 18 to 59/64 (women/men) Claimants of carer’s allowance, aged 18 to 59/64 (women/men) Employment deprivation (22.5%) Method Numerator: The non-overlapping counts for each indicator for four time points, May, August, November and February, were averaged. Denominator: Total working age population (18 to 59 for women and 64 for men) minus the prison population mid-2012 and mid-2013 were averaged Changes since 2010 New indicator: claimants of carer’s allowance Removed indicators: new deal claimants Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Employment deprivation (22.5%) 326 Brent’s national rank
IndicatorsDetailSourceIndicator weight Key stage 2 attainment: average points score Numerator: total score of pupils taking English and maths in 2010/11 and 2011/12 and reading, writing and maths in 2012/13 Denominator: total number of subjects taken by pupils for the same years as the numerator Department for education from the National pupil database 0.210 Key stage 4 attainment: average points score Numerator: total capped score of pupils taking key stage 4 in 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 Denominator: total number of pupils who took key stage 4 exams for the same year as the numerator 0.232 Secondary school absence Proportion of authorised and unauthorised absences of pupils in state funded schools Numerator: number of half days missed Denominator: total possible number of half day sessions 0.224 Staying on in education post 16 Proportion of young people not staying on in school or non- advanced education above 16, based on receipt of child- benefit Numerator: number of people aged 17 receiving child benefit 2010 to 2012 Denominator: number of people aged 15 receiving child benefit 2008 to 2010 HM Revenue and customs 0.130 Entry to higher educationNumber of people under 21 not entering higher education Numerator: number of successful entrants under 21 to higher education for 2009 to 2012 Denominator: population aged 14 to 17 for the four years 2009 to 2012 less the prison population Higher education statistics agency 0.204 Changes since 2010 Removed indicators: key stage 3 attainment indicator Education, skills and training deprivation (13.5%) Children and young people sub-domain
IndicatorDetailsSource Adults with no or low qualifications, aged 25 to 59/64 (women/men) Proportion of working age adults (women aged 25 to 59 and men aged 25 to 64) with no or low qualifications 2011 Census English language proficiency, aged 25 to 59/64 (women/men) Proportion of the working age population (women aged 25 to 59 and men aged 25 to 64) who cannot speak English well or at all Education, skills and training deprivation (13.5%) Adult sub-domain Changes since 2010 New indicator: English language proficiency Modified indicator: Adult skills indicator – the upper age band was changed from 54 to 59 for women and 64 for men. Sub-domain method Numerator: A non-overlapping count for the two indicators were determined by the ONS from 2011 Census data. Denominator: Number of working age adults (women aged 25 to 59 and men aged 25 to 64) from the 2011 Census Domain method The two sub-domains were combined with equal weight Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Education, skills and training deprivation (13.5%) Subdomains maps Children and young people (50%)Adult skills (50%) These maps show the subdomains for education, skills and training deprivation. The combined domain map is on the next slide.
Education, skills and training deprivation (13.5%) 326 Brent’s national rank
IndicatorDetailSourceIndicator weight Years of potential life lost Years of potential life lost, death before the age of 75 Denominator: 2008 to 2012 mid-year population estimates minus the prison population The level of unexpected mortality weighted by the age of the person who has died – i.e. a younger person dying has a greater impact The indicator was age and sex standardised. ONS0.244 Comparative illness and disability ratio Indicator of work limiting conditions based on those receiving benefits due to inability to work through ill health. Numerator: 2013 disability living allowance, employment and support allowance, attendance allowance, disability premium of income support, incapacity benefit, sever disablement allowance recipients (can only receive one of these at a time) Denominator: 2013 mid-year population estimates minus the prison population. The indicator was age and sex standardised. Department of work and pensions 0.287 Acute morbidityLevel of emergency admissions to hospital Numerator: Number of hospital spells that started with an emergency admission and lasted more than one calendar day, 2011/12 to 2012/13 Denominator: 2011 and 2012 mid-year population estimates (minus the prison population) The indicator was age and sex standardised. Health and social care information centre (HSCIC), from hospital episode statistics (HES) 0.254 Health deprivation and disability 1 (13.5%)
IndicatorDetailSourceIndicator weight Mood and anxiety disorders Modelled estimate based on four sources: Prescribing data – number of patients for which particular drugs were prescribed by GP practice Hospital episode data – proportion of people suffering at least one sever mental health inpatient spell during the years 2012 and 2013 Suicide mortality data – Deaths between 2008 and 2012 with international classification of diseases 10 (ICD10) codes recognising death as suicide Health benefits data – Rate of long term disability or sickness in an area, including for mental health reasons, measured using receipt of benefits: incapacity benefit, severe disablement allowance, employment and support allowance where condition is coded for mental ill health. Weight of indicators: HSCIC - Prescribing data Hospital episode data Department of work and pensions 0.216 Health deprivation and disability 2 (13.5%) Prescribing data0.224 Hospital episode data0.419 Suicide mortality data0.086 Health benefits data0.270 Changes since 2010 No changes made Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Health deprivation and disability (13.5%) 326 Brent’s national rank
IndicatorDetailSourceIndicator weight Recorded crime rates for: Violence Burglary Theft Criminal damage Recorded crime data for 2013/14 Rate of violence per 1,000 at risk population Rate of burglary per 1,000 at risk properties Rate of theft per 1,000 at risk population Rate of criminal damage per 1,000 at risk population Association of chief police officers and the home office 0.324 0.189 0.222 0.265 Crime (9.3%) Changes since 2010 No changes made Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Crime (9.3%) 326 Brent’s national rank
IndicatorDetailSource Geographical barriers sub-domain Road distance to: Post office Primary school General store/ supermarket GP surgery A measure of the mean distance to the closest listed amenities, using postcode location for primary schools and GP surgeries and grid references for post offices and food shops. Ordnance survey Department for educations Ordnance survey Health and social care information centre Wider barriers sub-domain Household overcrowdingProportion of all households classed as overcrowded using the occupation rating based on rooms 2011 Census HomelessnessRate Numerator: number of acceptances for housing assistance under the homelessness provisions of housing legislation average of 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 Denominator: Local authority district count of households from the 2011 Census Department for communities and local government Housing affordabilityModelled estimate based on house prices and rents where the head of the household is under 40. A measure of the inability to afford to enter owner occupation or the private rental market, where whether people can afford to rent in the market without assistance from housing benefit is assessed. Family resources survey for household incomes and composition Regulated mortgage survey Land registry for house prices Valuation office agency for market rents Annual population survey Annual survey of hours and earnings Barriers to housing and services (9.3%) Changes since 2010 Modified indicators: Housing affordability – broadening the measure to include affordability of the private rental market and raising the head of household age looked at from 35 to 40 Method Indicators were standardised by ranking and normalising and then combined using equal weights
Barriers to housing and services (9.3%) Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Barriers to housing and services (9.3%) Subdomains maps Geographical barriers sub-domain (50%)Wider barriers sub-domain (50%) These maps show the subdomains for barriers to housing and services. The combined domain map is on the next slide.
Barriers to housing and services (9.3%) 326 Brent’s national rank
Living environment (9.3%) DetailSourceIndicator weight Indoors sub-domain0.666 Houses in poor condition Modelled estimate of the proportion of social and private homes that fail to meet the decent homes standard 2011 English housing survey Houses without central heating Proportion of houses that do not have central heating in any room 2011 Census Outdoors sub-domain0.333 Air qualityEstimate of the concentration of the four pollutants nitrogen dioxide, benzene, sulphur dioxide and particulates. The atmospheric concentration was compared to a national standard value for each pollutant form 2012 air quality data UK air information resource Road traffic accidentsNumerator: number of reported accidents that involve death or personal injury to a pedestrian or cyclist averaged across three years, 2011 to 2013 Denominator: non-resident workplace population and the average of the mid-year population estimates for 2011 to 2013 Severity was weighted: 1 for slight; 2 for serious and 3 for fatal. Department of transport Living environment domain (9.3%) Changes since 2010 Modified indicators: Housing affordability – broadening the measure to include affordability of the private rental market and raising the head of household age looked at from 35 to 40 Method Indicators for each of the sub-domains were standardised by ranking and normalising and then combined using equal weights The domain was created by summing the two sub-domains, weighted (indoor sub-domain 2/3 and the outdoor sub-domain 1/3).
Living environment domain (9.3%) Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Living environment domain (9.3%) Subdomains maps Indoor sub-domain (67%)Outdoor sub-domain (33%) These maps show the subdomains for living environment domain. The combined domain map is on the next slide.
Living environment domain (9.3%) 326 Brent’s national rank
Income deprivation affecting children and Income deprivation affecting older people
Income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Income deprivation affecting children index (IDACI) 326 Brent’s national rank
Income deprivation affecting older people index (IDAOPI) Number of LSOAs in each decile Most deprivedLeast deprived
Income deprivation affecting older people index (IDAOPI) 326 Brent’s national rank
Comparison: 2010 to 2015
Index of multiple deprivation National rank: 24th National rank: 39th 20102015 Number of LSOAs in each decile
Income deprivation affecting children index National rank: 9th National rank: 27th 20102015 Number of LSOAs in each decile
Income deprivation affecting older people index National rank: 13th National rank: 14th 20102015 Number of LSOAs in each decile
Technical notes Brent’s national rank Deprivation is measured at LSOA level. The LSOAs are then ranked nationally. Each local authority has its average rank calculated from the ranked LSOAs. These are then ranked. Brent’s national rank is the rank of average ranks. Indicator weight Instead of combining everything equally, some indicators are given a greater emphasis so make up more of the domain. E.g. if there were four indicators, and they were distributed evenly, each indicator would make up 0.25 of the domain. Lower super output areas In 2010 Brent had 174 LSOAs. In 2011 there were a number of changes and Brent now has 173 LSOAs. Numerator This is usually the total number of people in the category being measured. This number is then divided by the denominator to provide a rate, often expressed as a percentage. Denominator This is the total number of people in the population. The population can change, for example, the total working age population is all women aged between 18 and 59 + all men aged between 18 and 64. This number is then used with the numerator to calculate a rate, often expressed as a percentage. Useful links English indices of deprivation 2015 site Interactive map (internal only)
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