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Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. PowerPoint to accompany Krar Gill Smid Technology of Machine.

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1 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. PowerPoint to accompany Krar Gill Smid Technology of Machine Tools 6 th Edition Instant Manufacturing Technology Section 17

2 88-2 Instant Manufacturing Technology Gone are the days when a plant operated autonomously Companies compete globally Based on IT (Information Technology) among the consumer, manufacturing operations and suppliers For success, need link between factory floor and enterprise business system

3 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. PowerPoint to accompany Krar Gill Smid Technology of Machine Tools 6 th Edition Instant Digital Manufacturing Unit 88

4 88-4 Objectives Define Instant Manufacturing and give some of its features Explain indirect manufacturing and provide some examples of its use Describe Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and list its benefits Describe Multi-Jet-Modeling (MJM) and list its benefits

5 88-5 Progression of Technology Tradition method used conventional machine tools and processes until age of computers Computer-aided design (CAD) replaced drafting CAD generated prints for Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) Introduced Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (RP&M) for design and production

6 88-6 Solid-Imaging Solutions Software, equipment produced by Rapid Prototyping manufactures Used to speed production of customized specialized end-use parts Allows existing design to be manufactured without costs and lead-time associated with hard tooling

7 88-7 Instant Digital Manufacturing Comprehensive technology, relatively new –Production of part starting at design stage –Progresses through prototype development –Ends with manufacturing stage Uses solid-imaging technology to produce end-use components or product Also called mass customization Reliable and cost-effective

8 88-8 Direct Manufacturing Method for creating end-use products directly on solid-imaging system Advancements in Laser Sintering, and Stereolithography made solid imaging systems alternative to conventional Fundamental benefits: –No tooling required –Design for function –Significant cost savings –Design changes quickly at very low cost

9 88-9 Indirect Manufacturing Method for creating end-use parts from a mold, pattern, or tool that is generated on solid-imaging system Examples: –Invisible orthodontic treatment devices Thermoforms thin sheet of polycarbonate over accurate individual molds (SLA ®7000 system) –Producing pattern for investment casting –Generating tool used on injection mold machine

10 88-10 Main Features of Instant Digital Manufacturing Able to add custom features and complexity to designs not currently feasible Opens up new product design possibilities Number of steps in the engineering and manufacturing phases is reduced

11 88-11 Main Features of Instant Digital Manufacturing Use of 3D Systems’ solid-imaging systems to speed production of customized/specialized parts Ability to manufacture using additive fabrication techniques Costs and lead time associated with hard tooling is eliminated

12 88-12 How Instant Manufacturing Got Started 3D Systems, founded in 1986, provides solid imaging products and systems solutions –Utilize patented proprietary technologies to create physical objects Digital input –Used in design communication, prototyping, and functional end-use parts

13 88-13 Common Solid-modeling Imaging Systems and Materials Concept modeling, three-dimensional printing –Visualizing and communicating mechanical design applications Architecture, art, entertainment Rapid prototyping –Generation of product concept models Instant manufacturing –Manufacture end-use parts directly from digital image

14 88-14 Instant Manufacturing Consists of range of integrated technologies capable of providing solid-imaging solutions Accomplishing this change requires: –Strong focus on developing and acquiring superior materials capable of wider applications for manufacturing –Solid-imaging systems offering greater choices in material-delivery systems –Software required to grasp fully opportunities developing for instant manufacturing applications

15 88-15 Solid Imaging Hardware Components Sterolithography or (SLA ® ) systems –Use laser to convert photosensitive resins into solid cross-sections, layer by layer Selective Laser Sintering (SLS ® ) systems –Use heat from laser to melt and fuse powdered materials into solid cross-sections Multi-Jet Modeling ("MJM") –Uses hot-melt ink-jet technology to print 3-D physical parts

16 88-16 SLA ® System Digital data using CAD/CAM Laser beam exposing and solidifying successive layers of liquid photosensitive polymers Used for concept models, patterns, mold masters

17 88-17 Benefits of SL Process Reduction in product-development and design time Improved part quality Durable parts that can be used for rapid manufacturing Ability to make multiple objects at the same time

18 88-18 SLS ® System Parts created from digital data using computer-aided design and manufacturing Laser energy used to melt and fuse, or sinter powdered materials into solid cross-sections –Layer by layer build until parts complete Capable of processing multiple parts within same build cycle

19 88-19 Benefits of SLS Technology Reduces product-development time from months or weeks to days or even hours Produces functional models from plastic or metal powdered sintering material Multiple objects can be made at same time Produces durable parts that can be used for rapid manufacturing. Parts can be used in final product assemblies

20 88-20 Multi-Jet Modeling (MJM) Uses hot-melt ink-jet technology to print 3-D physical parts in successive layers using solid imaging materials Uses ThermoJet printer 3-D models used in many areas –Used to verify CAD model geometry –Used as marketing models –Produces wax-based patterns for investment casting applications

21 88-21 MJM Technology Process Parts created from digital data using computer-aided design Models created by depositing material onto build platform, layer-by-layer, using ink-jet- style print head Print head scans back and forth until model completed

22 88-22 MJM Benefits Networked 3D printer can be used easily by almost everyone in organization Requires very little training Models built unattended ThermoJet printers use standard office power and same size as office copiers

23 88-23 Solid Imaging Software Components Provides interface between digital data and solid-imaging equipment Digital data converted within software –Object viewed, rotated, scaled Generates information used by SLA, SLS, and MJM systems to produce desired object

24 88-24 Solid Imaging Processing Materials Two general classes used in solid-imaging systems –Photosensitive liquid resins for sterolithography –Sintering powdered materials Produce high-quality models, prototypes and parts Market under Accura ®, DuraForm TM, LaserForm TM and CastForm TM ThermoJet ®, and VisiJet ®

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