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Natural Language Processing Artificial Intelligence CMSC 25000 February 28, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Language Processing Artificial Intelligence CMSC 25000 February 28, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Language Processing Artificial Intelligence CMSC 25000 February 28, 2002

2 Agenda Why NLP? –Goals & Applications Challenges: Knowledge & Ambiguity –Key types of knowledge Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse –Handling Ambiguity Syntactic Ambiguity: Probabilistic Parsing Semantic Ambiguity: Word Sense Disambiguation Conclusions

3 Why Language? Natural Language in Artificial Intelligence –Language use as distinctive feature of human intelligence –Infinite utterances: Diverse languages with fundamental similarities “Computational linguistics” –Communicative acts Inform, request,...

4 Why Language? Applications Machine Translation Question-Answering –Database queries to web search Spoken language systems Intelligent tutoring

5 Knowledge of Language What does it mean to know a language? –Know the words (lexicon) Pronunciation, Formation, Conjugation –Know how the words form sentences Sentence structure, Compositional meaning –Know how to interpret the sentence Statement, question,.. –Know how to group sentences Narrative coherence, dialogue

6 Word-level Knowledge Lexicon: –List of legal words in a language –Part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, determiner Example: –Noun -> cat | dog | mouse | ball | rock –Verb -> chase | bite | fetch | bat –Adjective -> black | brown | furry | striped | heavy –Determiner -> the | that | a | an

7 Word-level Knowledge: Issues Issue 1: Lexicon Size –Potentially HUGE! –Controlling factor: morphology Store base forms (roots/stems) –Use morphologic process to generate / analyze –E.g. Dog: dog(s); sing: sings, sang, sung, singing, singer,.. Issue 2: Lexical ambiguity –rock: N/V; dog: N/V; –“Time flies like a banana”

8 Sentence-level Knowledge: Syntax Language models –More than just words: “banana a flies time like” –Formal vs natural: Grammar defines language Chomsky Hierarchy Recursively Enumerable =Any Context = AB->BA Sensitive Context A-> aBc Free Regular S->aS Expression a*b*

9 Syntactic Analysis: Grammars Natural vs Formal languages –Natural languages have degrees of acceptability ‘It ain’t hard’; ‘You gave what to whom?’ Grammar combines words into phrases –S-> NP VP –NP -> {Det} {Adj} N –VP -> V | V NP | V NP PP

10 Syntactic Analysis: Parsing Recover phrase structure from sentence –Based on grammar S NP VP Det Adj N V NP Det Adj N The black cat chased the furry mouse

11 Syntactic Analysis: Parsing Issue 1: Complexity Solution 1: Chart parser - dynamic programming –O( ) Issue 2: Structural ambiguity –‘I saw the man on the hill with the telescope’ Is the telescope on the hill?’ Solution 2 (partial): Probabilistic parsing

12 Semantic Analysis Grammatical = Meaningful –“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” Compositional Semantics –Meaning of a sentence is meaning of subparts –Associate semantic interpretation with syntactic –E.g. Nouns are variables (themselves): cat,mouse Adjectives: unary predicates: Black(cat), Furry(mouse) Verbs: multi-place: VP: x chased(x,Furry(mouse)) Sentence ( x chased(x, Furry(mouse))Black(cat) –chased(Black(cat),Furry(mouse))

13 Semantic Ambiguity Examples: –I went to the bank- of the river to deposit some money –He banked at First Union the plane Interpretation depends on –Sentence (or larger) topic context –Syntactic structure

14 Pragmatics & Discourse Interpretation in context –Act accomplished by utterance “Do you have the time?”, “Can you pass the salt?” Requests with non-literal meaning –Also, includes politeness, performatives, etc Interpretation of multiple utterances –“The cat chased the mouse. It got away.” –Resolve referring expressions

15 Natural Language Understanding Input Tokenization/ Morphology Parsing Semantic Analysis Pragmatics/ Discourse Meaning Key issues: –Knowledge How acquire this knowledge of language? –Hand-coded? Automatically acquired? –Ambiguity How determine appropriate interpretation? –Pervasive, preference-based

16 Handling Syntactic Ambiguity Natural language syntax Varied, has DEGREES of acceptability Ambiguous Probability: framework for preferences –Augment original context-free rules: PCFG –Add probabilities to transitions NP -> N NP -> Det N NP -> Det Adj N NP -> NP PP 0.2 0.65 0.10 VP -> V VP -> V NP VP -> V NP PP 0.45 0.10 S -> NP VP S -> S conj S 0.85 0.15 0.05 PP -> P NP 1.0

17 PCFGs Learning probabilities –Strategy 1: Write (manual) CFG, Use treebank (collection of parse trees) to find probabilities –Strategy 2: Use larger treebank (+ linguistic constraint) Learn rules & probabilities (inside-outside algorithm) Parsing with PCFGs –Rank parse trees based on probability –Provides graceful degradation Can get some parse even for unusual constructions - low value

18 Parse Ambiguity Two parse trees S NP VP N V NP PP Det N P NP Det N I saw the man with the telescope S NP VP N V NP NP PP Det N P NP Det N I saw the man with the telescope

19 Parse Probabilities –T(ree),S(entence),n(ode),R(ule) –T1 = 0.85*0.2*0.1*0.65*1*0.65 = 0.007 –T2 = 0.85*0.2*0.45*0.05*0.65*1*0.65 = 0.003 Select T1 Best systems achieve 92-93% accuracy

20 Semantic Ambiguity “Plant” ambiguity –Botanical vs Manufacturing senses Two types of context –Local: 1-2 words away –Global: several sentence window Two observations (Yarowsky 1995) –One sense per collocation (local) –One sense per discourse (global)

21 Learn Disambiguators Initialize small set of “seed” cases Collect local context information –“collocations” E.g. 2 words away from “production”, 1 word from “seed” Contexts = rules Make decision list= rules ranked by mutual info Iterate: Labeling via DL, collecting contexts Label all entries in discourse with majority sense –Repeat

22 Disambiguate For each new unlabeled case, –Use decision list to label > 95% accurate on set of highly ambiguous –Also used for accent restoration in e-mail

23 Natural Language Processing Goals: Understand and imitate distinctive human capacity Myriad applications: MT, Q&A, SLS Key Issues: –Capturing knowledge of language Automatic acquisition current focus: linguistics+ML –Resolving ambiguity, managing preference Apply (probabilistic) knowledge Effective in constrained environment

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