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2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG 1 JAXA Prototype Test Report for the SCCS Service Management (B-1) 3rd November, 2011 JAXA ASAMA

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1 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 1 JAXA Prototype Test Report for the SCCS Service Management (B-1) 3rd November, 2011 JAXA ASAMA Takashi( JAXA-GN-xxx

2 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 2 Contents 1.Background 2.Test Objectives 3.SCCS-SM Prototype 4.Interoperability Test Report 4.1 Test Configuration 4.2 Test Items 4.3 Test Cases 4.4 Anomalies 5. Comment to the schema v1.1.0 JAXA-GN-xxx

3 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 1 . Background a. In March 2008, JPL and JAXA conducted the protocol validation using the prototype, which was developed in compliance with the CCSDS Service Management(R-1), and we also conducted the tracking activities using the JPL DSN and the JAXA satellite “SELENE”. b. At the IOAG-12 in September 2008, JPL and JAXA agreed to conduct a second validation test between JPL and JAXA using a prototype, which is compliant with the Service Management Red-2. c. At the CCSDS spring meeting 2009 in Colorado Springs, JAXA proposed and coordinated preconditions and activity schedule for the second validation test using the upgraded prototype with JPL, before we start its activity. d. At the CCSDS spring meeting 2010 in Virginia, JAXA suggested the second validation test using SM Blue-1 and agreed by JPL. And JAXA coordinated the prototype testing with JPL at the meeting in Aug. 2010. e. At the last CCSDS spring meeting 2010 in Berlin, JAXA reported a problem of the difference of SOAP version between JPL and JAXA and explained the rescheduling. f. At this meeting, as the interoperability test was completed by Sep. 2011, JAXA will report the results of testing. 3 JAXA-GN-xxx

4 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 4 2. Test Objectives Primary objectives of this 2 nd test is the validation of the SCCS SM standard via prototyping. Specifically; a. Validate message exchange protocol b. Validate service request exchange About the test report of this second test, JAXA will add the report to the yellow book “SPACE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE MANAGEMENT PROTOTYPE TEST PLAN AND REPORT” for SM Blue-1, receiving the support from JPL. JAXA-GN-xxx

5 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 5 3. SCCS-SM Prototype a. Applicable document SPACE COMMUNICATION CROSS SUPPORT SERVICE MANAGEMENT SERVICE SPECIFICATION Recommended Standard (CCSDS 910.11-B-1) August 2009. b. Applicable schema JAXA and JPL use the following latest schema: SmBlue-1Schemas-v1_1_0 (May 20th, 2011) JPL and JAXA decided to use the latest schemas. c. Function assignment JPL : the SCCS SM service-provider (CM) prototype JAXA : the SCCS SM service-user (UM) prototype d. Target Mission : SELENE (JAXA satellite) JAXA and JPL keep the parameters of SELENE. e. Message Exchange Protocol: SOAP/Https f. SOAP: AXIS2 (SOAP1.2), JPL upgraded the CSSXP to AXIS2 (SOAP1.2) by the end of June. JAXA-GN-xxx

6 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 6 4. Interoperability Test Report The JAXA-JPL SCCS-SM Interoperability Test was conducted during normal working hours in the following period, and the test cases were conducted basically without voice contact between JPL and JAXA. (1) Test Period : August 31 through September 14 in 2011 (2) Test cases were:  Web Service Communication Test  Service Agreement Transaction Test  Trajectory Transaction Test  Configuration Profile Transaction Test  Service Package Transaction Test  Error Handling Test  Simulated Operation Test The final assessment of the tests was that both the prototype facilities of JPL and JAXA which are designated to support the Blue-1 of SCCS- SM could interface with each other. JAXA-GN-xxx

7 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 7 4.1 Test Configuration JAXA-GN-xxx JPL JAXA UMB-1 (UM) UMB-1 Terminal JAXA DNS JPL DNS CSSXP (CM) Internet JPL-FWJAXA-FW Figure 4-1 Test Configuration OEM SCCS SM massage exchanged by SOAP/HTTPS JAXA Flight Dynamics

8 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 8 4.1 Test Configuration (Cont.) JAXA-GN-xxx Figure 4-2 Interface between UMB-1 and CSSXP JPLJAXA UMB-1 (UM) CSSXP (CM) JPL-FWJAXA- FW https connect https connect

9 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 9 4.2 Test Items Table 4-1 Service operations implemented in Prototype (JPL & JAXA) SCCS-SM ServiceOperationsJPL CMJAXA UM Service Package serviceCreate Service PackageCSP XX Replace Service PackageRSP X Delete Service PackageDEP XX Query Service PackageQSP XX Select Alternate ScnarioSAS X Apply New TrajectoryANT XX Apply New Space link Events ProfileANSLEP X Service Package CancelledSPC XX Service Package ModifiedSPM X Confirm Tentative Service PackageCTSP X Configration profile serviceAdd Space Communication Service ProfileASCSP XX Deleate Space Communication Service ProfileDSCSP XX Query Space Communication Service ProfileQSCSP XX Add Space Link Events ProfileASLEP X Delete Space Link Events ProfileDSLEP X Add SLS Transfer Service ProfileASTSP XX Add Retrieval Transfer Service ProfileARTSP X Delete Transfer Service ProfileDTSP XX Query Transfer Service ProfileQTSP XX Trajectory Prediction serviceAdd Trajectory PredictionATP XX Extend Trajectory PredictionETP X Delete Trajectory PredictionDTP XX Query Trajectory PredictionQTP XX Service Agreement serviceQuery Service AgreementQSA XX JAXA-GN-xxx

10 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 10 4.3 Test Cases Table 4-2 Test Cases JAXA-GN-xxx Test CaseTitleOverview 1Web Service Communication TestVerifying the SmMessage port of CSSXP and the SmException port of UMB-1 Verifying the SmMessage port of UMB-1 and the SmException port of CSSXP 2Service Agreement Transaction Test Normal case of QSA. 3Trajectory Transaction Test Normal case of ATP, QTP, DTP. 4Configuration Profile Transaction Test Normal case of ASTSP, QTSP, DTSP, ASCSP, QSCSP and DSCSP 5Service Package Transaction TestNormal case of CSP, QSP, DSP, ANT and SPC. Revised ANT 6Error Handling TestAbnormal case of QSA, DTP, ATP, DSCSP, ASCSP, DTSP, ASTSP, DSP and CSP. Service denial and Transaction Management errors 7Simulated Operation TestSimulated operations containing QSA, ASTSP, ASCSP, ATP, CSP and DSP. SPC notification

11 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 11 4.3 Anomalies Table 4-3 Anomalies in Test Cases JAXA-GN-xxx No.Test caseDateAnomaliesActionInvestigation ContentsTreatmentClosed Statu s 1 Web Service Communicatio n Tests 31-Aug- 11 UMB-1 sent a QSA-I including invalid smDesitination, but received QSA-SR from CSSXP. JPL CSSXP didn't chack the smDestination. Although QSA-I had an invalid smDestination, CSSXP returned QSA-SR. JAXA tried the procedure, and UMB-1 sent QSA-I including invalid serviceAgreementRef, and JAXA confirmed that UMB-1 received UnrecognizedMessage. 1-Sep-11CLOSE 2 Configuration Profile Transaction Tests 31-Aug- 11 When UMB-1 receive ASTSP-AR from CSSXP, UMB-1 detected disposition timeout. JPL The “expectedDispositionTimer” in ASTSP-AR was JPL local time which is later than UTC, because the clock setting of CSSXP was the local time. JPL fixed the machine clock from the local time to the UTC. 2-Sep-11CLOSE 3 Service Package Transaction Tests 31-Aug- 11 When UMB-1 sent an ASCSP-I, UMB-1 detected an error occurred on Axis2 level. JPL CSSXP didn't implement for the type "unmodulated" of "carrierModulationType". JPL implemented for "unmodulated" of "carrierModulationType". 1-Sep-11CLOSE 4 Service Package Transaction Tests 1-Sep-11 When UMB-1 received ANT-SR, XML schema error occuerd. JPL The "updatedServicePackageRsu lt" in the ANT-SR from CSSXP was an empty tag, and it did not match the XML schema. JPL fixed the problem, and the ANT-SR conforms to the XML schema. 2-Sep-11CLOSE 5 Error Handling Tests 1-Sep-11 UMB-1 received ASCSP-FR, ASTSP-FR and CSP-FR without each AR. JPL It depends on the specification of CSSXP, and there was no concrete requirement for this matter. No treatment. The FR without AR are allowed by the recommendation, and this is limited to prototype. 2-Sep-11CLOSE 6 Web Service Communicatio n Tests 3-Sep-11 When CSSXP sent a SPM-N message to UMB-1, CSSXP received an error "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable". JAXA This was a problem in Apache that was used as middle ware in UMB-1. When Apache received a message, Apache failed to transfer the message to Tomcat in UMB-1. It was caused by the mistaken parameters of Apache and Tomcat in UMB- 1. JAXA changed the parameters of Apache and Tomcat, and the protocol between Apache and Tomcat was changed into HTTP (text based) from AJP (binary based). 13-Sep- 11 CLOSE

12 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 12 5. Comment to the schema v1.1.0 There is a definition of pcmpskpm(symbolStream) in the schema of SubcarrierAgreement, but it is different from the Errata. In the item No.27 of SCCS-SM Blue-1 Errata Sheet, there is a revised description as following; JAXA-GN-xxx " In Figure 7-2, remove composition associations between F401SubcarrierAgreement and F401SymbolStreamAgreement, and between R401SubcarrierAgreement and R401SymbolStreamAgreement. (Reason - symbol stream agreements should not be contained in subcarrier as well as carrier agreements.)“ In the schema SmSchemaServiceAgreement-v1.1.0.xsd, the following are set.

13 2011 Fall CCSDS meeting SMWG (@Boulder) 13 5. Comment to the schema v1.1.0 (Cont.) JAXA-GN-xxx <xsd:element name="symbolStreamAgreement" type="R401SymbolStreamAgreementType"/> Therefore, if the R401SubcarrierAgreement doesn't have the "pcmpskpm(symbolStream)", it becomes the schema check error by all means.

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