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Unit 2.  A formal set of plans or principles that addresses problems and can be used as a guide for decision making in regards to our treatment of the.

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1 Unit 2

2  A formal set of plans or principles that addresses problems and can be used as a guide for decision making in regards to our treatment of the environment  What does it do? Regulates use Reduces pollution Promotes human welfare Protects our resources

3  Science  Ethics  Economics  Citizens  Organizations  Private sector  Government

4  Prevents the “tragedy of the commons”- overuse and degradation of our resources  Prevents market failure  Prevents “free riders”  Eliminates external costs

5  Occurred in three waves  First wave was unregulated use –use for self interest from 1780s to 1800s  Second wave- protected our pristine lands 1872 -Yellowstone  Third wave- brought on by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring 1962-clean up polluted air and lands

6  Began in the 1970s with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Required and EIS or Environmental Impact Statement for all federally funded projects and actions that might impact the environment

7  Environmental Protection Agency  Formed by executive order of President Nixon  This is the governing agency that Conducts and evaluates research Monitors environmental quality Sets and enforces standards for pollution levels Assists states in meeting standards and goals Educates the public



10 United Nations- Sponsors conferences, coordinates treaties, publishes research UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) promotes sustainability – Research, outreach activities – Provides information to policymakers and scientists Also have the World Bank, European Union, and World Trade Organization

11  Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): entities that influence international policy  Some do not get politically involved Example: The Nature Conservancy  Others try to shape policy through research, education, lobbying, or protest Example: Conservation International, the World Wide Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, Population Connection

12  Steps to Policy Making

13  Lawsuits  Command and Control  Economic Policy tools

14  Green Taxes (ex: Carbon Taxes)  Subsidies (government cash giveaway)  Permit Trading (Cap and Trade-lets polluters emit some pollution, sell permits, gives companies economic incentive to lower emissions)  Ecolabeling (ex: Dolfin Safe Tuna)

15  1. What is Environmental Policy?  2. What is the most common approach to environmental policy?  Remember- this is a problem solving tool towards supporting our economy and protecting our resources

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