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Modelling Deforming Interfaces using Level Sets by Hans Mühlhaus, Laurent Bourgouin and Lutz Gross The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator.

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Presentation on theme: "Modelling Deforming Interfaces using Level Sets by Hans Mühlhaus, Laurent Bourgouin and Lutz Gross The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modelling Deforming Interfaces using Level Sets by Hans Mühlhaus, Laurent Bourgouin and Lutz Gross The Australian Computational Earth Systems Simulator (ACcESS)

2 Overview Introducing Example What’s needed to model interfaces Constitutive models Surface tracking, level set, stress advection EScript & Finley Separation of Physics from Linear Algebra and Parallel Computing Applications Advection, upwinding, implicit vs. explicit Lava dome simulation, Subduction, Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities

3 Moving Interface: a 1D Example v2v2 x1x1 x2x2 h  large  small   We define: so that Update: Note that: Time integration:

4 Governing equations Temperature and concentration dependence of density : Heat Equation Stress Equilibrium Concentration advection:

5 Example for Rayleigh – Taylor Instabilities using level sets: Mantle Plumes

6 The General Case Implicit representation of the interface by the zero level set of a smooth function φ φ is usually chosen as a “signed” distance function ( ) At each time step, φ is updated solving the (hyperbolic) advection equation:

7 Problems…… 1. Symmetric difference expressions like (symm.) (non-symm.) don’t work well in hyperbolic problems (upwinding etc!) 2. Inhomogeneous velocity field causes loss of distance function property ( ) of 

8 Problems……(cont.) 1. Symmetric difference expressions don’t work well in hyperbolic problems (upwinding!) 1. Upwinding If v is constant:

9 Problems…… This can be transformed into a non-symmetric expression by adding…. We expect that the FE approx. of the PDE: is better conditioned than the original Hyperbolic problem

10 Generalisations….. Taylor-Galerkin : 2-step alternative to Taylor-Galerkin upwinding (very effective in the presence of diffusion  terms….):

11 2 Gaussians

12 1 Gaussian

13 The Level Set Method: Solving the advection equation Explicit Implicit Taylor Galerkin Test: A Gaussian is advected in a constant 1D velocity field.

14 Formulation Finley PDE: Example : Momentum and Heat equation Software can be downloaded, contact Ken Steube ( If you need instructions re libraries

15 LinearPDE class General form (as relevant here): PDE: natural boundary condition Kronecker symbol: δ ij =0 for i=j and 0 otherwise

16 Helmholtz Class in from esys.linearPDEs import LinearPDE import numarray class Helmholtz(LinearPDE): def setValue(self,kappa,omega,f,eta,g): ndim=self.getDim() # spatial dimension kronecker=numarray.identity(ndim) self._setValue(A=kappa*kronecker,\ D=omega,Y=f,d=eta,\ y=g)

17 Use the Helmholtz Class # Helmholtz class defined in from mytools import Helmholtz mydomain=... mypde=Helmholtz(mydomain) mypde.setValue(kappa=10,omega=0.1,\ f=12,eta=0,g=0) u=mypde.getSolution()

18 2. Problem: Inhomogeneous velocity field causes loss of distance function property of  Previous test: No topological change in the solution Need for a new test with: and New test: shear flow Mesh: 100x100 Courant Number: 0.25 1000 steps forward 1000 steps with -v

19 The Level Set Method: Solving the advection equation The shape gets “noisy”… Problem: φ looses its distance function property Reinitialisation needed!

20 The Level Set Method: Reinitialisation Idea: Rebuild a “signed” distance function ψ from the distorted function φ Requirements: The interface must not be changed ψ must represent a distance function Solution: Solve to steady state the equation: Rewritten as: with Interpretation: The “distance information” is carried by w, a unit vector pointing away from the interface.

21 Remarks on re-initialisation….. During iteration (pseudo time integration) the vector w is established once and then kept constant In the explicit solution of the advection problem for  we found that only alumped mass matrix discretisation works

22 The Level Set Method: Reinitialisation (2/3) 1D 2D 3D

23 The Level Set Method: Reinitialisation Same test as before, with reinitialisation

24 Level set cont. : Merger of small and large bubbles Parameters: Surface tension: Calculation, includes inertia, Courant Number=0.5, msh:30 by 45 8 node quad’s

25 Level set cont. : Calculation of curvature for C_0 continuity Projection: and Representation of surface tension b.c. as volume force: l smoothing length, related to the element size =distance in the direction of the normal of

26 Level set cont. : Merger of small and large bubbles

27 Surface Tension: Benchmark

28 Level set: Surface membrane shell, surface tension where Inserting yields where at equilibrium.

29 Collapsing Cylinder

30 Lava Dome

31 Remarks Escript & Finley: Rapid development of simulation software; parallelised assembly and solution phase; separation of physics from linear algebra Level set modelling of interfaces: distance function property crucial Modelling of surface tension; example of higher order b.c.’s Upwinding strategy dependent on element type Re-initialisation strategy has an (undesirable) element of mystique…..

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