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Functional Programming Think Differently!! Functional languages are expressive, accomplishing tasks using short, succinct and readable code. Functional.

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Presentation on theme: "Functional Programming Think Differently!! Functional languages are expressive, accomplishing tasks using short, succinct and readable code. Functional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional Programming Think Differently!! Functional languages are expressive, accomplishing tasks using short, succinct and readable code. Functional languages provide richer ways for expressing abstractions: We can hide the HOW and just focus on the WHAT or RESULT 1-1

2 Real-world functional programming Modern programming languages like C# and C++ have incorporated functional programming paradigm. Generally this is done through libraries. It is not necessary to use a functional language to do functional programming. Although it’s much easier to do functional programming with a functional language. 1-2

3 Characteristics of Functional Programming Functions as first class objects Ability to pass functions around as parameters. No side effects Everything is done through function return values. Pass by value parameters only. Generally typeless, don’t have to declare the type of variables before using. Generally have implicit data structure support. You don’t have to mess with your own data structure.

4 Let’s get functional Monday: C++ algorithms that use functional style. Function objects Lambda expressions Tuesday: TR1: Functions Binders Lab in C++ Next Monday: Functional programming overview Intro to F#? Next Tuesday: Lab in F#?

5 Let’s get functional in C++ Characteristics of algorithms in C++ standard library: Functional style, generally don’t use explicit recursion or loops Implicit loop structure (for loop) Do something to each element of the vector Implicit data structure is a vector (array) In C++ standard library, there is a set of vector-based algorithms. You can think of a vector as an array. The algorithms just need a range (begin, end). Note where end is. begin end

6 for_each algorithm Needs #include for_each is in the std namespace. for_each takes a range of values specified with pointers or iterators. for_each takes a function pointer or a function object. for_each will apply the function to each element in the range of values.

7 for_each void print(int x) { cout << x; } void add5(int &x) { x = x+5; } int array1[5]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for_each(array1, array1+5, add5); for_each(array1, array1+5, print);

8 Function Objects struct someFun{ void operator()(int& x) const { x = x+ 43; } }; int data[10]; someFun aFunObj; for_each(data, data+10, aFunObj); for_each(data, data+10, someFun());

9 accumulate Accumulate is in It has two forms: accumulate(begin, end,initValue); accumulate(begin, end,initValue, binaryFunc); The second form of accumulate is a little strange:

10 accumulate w/ function accumulate(beg, end, initValue, binaryFunc) initValue = binaryFunc(initValue, eachValueInRange) int data[10]; int result = accumulate(data, data+10, 1, binaryFunc); int binaryFunc (int sum, int value) { return sum * value; } data

11 Transform There are two forms of transform: transform(sourceBegin, sourceEnd, destination, unaryFunc); // apply unaryFunc to each element in source range, write results to // sequence starting at destination transform(source1Begin, source1End,source2Begin, destination, binaryFunc); // same as above, but work with two source ranges transform() can modify an existing sequence or can make a new one. To modify an existing sequence, make destination the same as sourceBegin.

12 Transform: Single Source int data[10]; int changeData(int &x) { return x*2; } transform(data, data+10, data, changeData);

13 Transform: Two Sources int data1[10]; int data2[10]; int data3[10]; int addThem(int x1, int x2) { return x1+x2; } transform(data1, data+10, data2,data3, addThem);

14 Transform: Two Sources w/ function object int data1[10]; int data2[10]; bool data3[10]; Struct magicSum { int sum; magicSum(int x): sum(x){} bool operator()(int x, int y) { return x+y == sum; } }; transfor m(data1, data+10, data2,data3, magicSum(37));

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