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The evaluation of effects and processes in the course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme „effizient mobil“

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1 The evaluation of effects and processes in the course of the German Mobility Management Action Programme „effizient mobil“

2 2 General information about the programme  Background: until 2009 no national initiative to foster mobility management on a larger scale  Motive: Action Programme first attempt to encourage MM networking and MM activities systematically  Financing: funded by the Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU)  Performance: performed by the German Energy Agency (dena)  Runtime: present runtime: 01/2009-12/2010  Target groups: main target groups are municipalities and companies/institutions  Objective: Special focus on possible CO 2 -reduction

3 3 Regionalisation Objective:  Establishment of 15 regional networks Tasks:  Addressing relevant stakeholders and protagonists  Support for well-directed placing of initial consultation

4 4 Initial consultation  Initial consultation for more than 100 companies and municipalities  Consulting done by qualified consulters  Standardised approach for initial consultation (category companies):  analysis of location characteristics  employees mobility behaviour  analysis of home to work distances  development of a location specific concept

5 5 Evaluation - modules and objectives Two modules:  Evaluation of effects on the site/local level  Evaluation of processes on the regional and on the site/local level  In the following concentration on the effects and processes on the site/local level; starting with effects

6 6 Spheres of action in mobility management Doris Bäumer (ILS) & Conny Louen (ISB) The German Mobility Management Programme „effizient mobil“ 5. International Symposium on Travel Demand Management, University of in Aberdeen, 26th to 28th October 2010

7 7  Mobility management for companies  Focus: mobility of employees  Aim: CO 2 saving Data Base  Profile of the Companies  Employee Survey  Dispersion of places of residence Assessment of the impact of mobility management concepts in terms of CO 2


9 9 Objectives:  identifying strengths and weaknesses in the consultation processes  identifying factors, that probably promote or rather hinder the implementation of Mobility Management Data Base:  Consulters and beneficiaries survey Contents of the questionnaires:  Motivation of companies/municipalities, to take part  Need for action; thematic fields with high need of action  Comprehension and experiences  Important future topics/themes  Details concerning the process of consultation Evaluation of processes – what about?

10 10 Evaluation of processes – what about? Details concerning the process of consultation, e. g.:  Persons involved; internal participation  Assessment of the collaboration of consulter and company/municipality  Contentment with the participation in finding fitting measures  Acceptance of the measures and the concept  Willingness for implementation

11 11 Evaluation of processes and effects – combined results e. g. theoretical potential and willingness to implement the suggested MM measures

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