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NUTRITIONAL NEEDS What is a vegetarian? Do Athletes have special nutrition needs? What nutrition is needed during the Life Cycle?

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2 NUTRITIONAL NEEDS What is a vegetarian? Do Athletes have special nutrition needs? What nutrition is needed during the Life Cycle?

3 What is a Vegetarian? A person who does not eat meat, fish or poultry. Some may not even eat animal products such as milk, eggs, and cheese.

4 Reasons People may be Vegetarians? Religious Opposed to the use of animals for food resources. (Animal Rights Activist) Concerned with conserving natural resources. (It takes more resources to produce animals for food than to raise crops.) Way to eat less fat and cholesterol and more fiber.

5 Vegetarians are less likely to develop health problems related to diet such as: Heart Disease High Blood Pressure Cancer Obesity

6 What Nutrients Do Athletes Need?

7 Do You Know... Why you need to drink fluids even if you’re not thirsty? What Helps build bigger muscles? What’s best to eat and drink before, during, and after a workout or competition?

8 Athletes Need... Plenty of Carbohydrates –Remember!! Body’s main source of energy –3-4 hours before a vigorous workout or competition, enjoy a meal high in starches and low in fat and protein –Easier to digest Need Extra Energy!! Eat.. –A Banana –Rice cake –Cereal Bar

9 Athletes Needs... Enough, but not too much, protein –The body uses extra protein for energy OR stores it as fat Enough vitamins and minerals –Eat calcium-rich foods for healthy bones and iron-rich foods for healthy blood

10 Athletes Need... Fluids are your top priority during physical activity. –If you don’t replace the fluids you lose by sweating, your strength, endurance, and coordination may be affected. –You may risk dehydration –Dehydration may cause muscle cramps and heat exhaustion. Fluid Choices: –Cool water is the best way to replace fluids –Juice and milk will also fuel your working muscles –Sport drinks –Caffeine and Carbonated drinks are not good choices


12 High Performance Meals Orange Juice Bagel Peanut Butter Apple Slices Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce with Mushrooms French Bread Low-fat milk Baked Potato with broccoli and shredded low-fat cheese Low-fat pudding Apple Juice Grapefruit juice Cornflakes with low- fat milk Banana Wheat toast with jelly

13 Nutrition Needed through the Life Cycle

14 Nutrition and the Life Cycle Pregnancy--the beginning of the life cycle –food choices effect expectant mother and the unborn baby. –Expecting mother needs extra calories and nutrients--especially calcium, folic acid & iron

15 Nutrition and the Life Cycle Infants--foods for infants are specially prepared so that they are safe and easy for the baby to digest –all nutrients come from babies milk The baby may grow in length by 50% and triple in weight during the first year!!!

16 Nutrition and the Life Cycle Children (ages 3-12): –Children need the same food variety that adults and teens do. The difference is in the amount of food they need. –Children need about two-thirds of an adult serving. (except for the milk group) –Their stomachs are small, but their energy levels are high, so snacks are a must.

17 Nutrition and the Life Cycle Teenagers (ages 13-19): –Nutrient and energy needs are as high as they’ll ever be!!!! –Go easy on high-fat foods, and choose plenty of nutrient-dense foods that are high in complex “carbs” for more food energy and for their nutrients.

18 Nutrients & the Life Cycle Adults (ages 20- ??): –Because the body is no longer growing, adults’ energy needs can be lower. –Choose foods from the Food Guide Pyramid that are mostly low-fat and lean in order to maintain a healthy weight.


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