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The Story of Veggieunzel By Rebekah & Callie Once upon a time, there was a princess named Rapunzel. She had beautiful long brown hair. Then one day,

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2 The Story of Veggieunzel By Rebekah & Callie

3 Once upon a time, there was a princess named Rapunzel. She had beautiful long brown hair. Then one day, she decided she would be a vegetarian. The whole next day she ate vegetables. The next day when she woke up she went to the mirror to clean her ears. When she took the cleaning stick out, there was orange gooshy stuff. Then when she opened her eyes she screamed. Her ears were carrots!!

4 Then when she looked at her arms, they were celery and her fingers were broccoli! Her parents came running. When they opened the door they said, “Her head is a watermelon and her body is a cucumber!” The next thing you know they fainted. When the dog came running, he fainted, too.

5 After they fainted Rapunzel cried. Then she heard a knock at the door. It was the evil Vegetable Witch. She said “Everybody will call you Veggieunzel until you eat three whole pieces of meat and when you do, the people will stop calling you Veggieunzel.’’

6 Then the mail carrier called, “ Veggieunzel you have a letter”. Then Veggieunzel said “Oh No people will really call me Veggieunzel”. Then the Vegetable Witch said “You must do this in a week, or the spell shall not be broken. One more thing Veggieunzel, when you eat 3 whole pieces of meat, people will stop calling you Veggieunzel and your mother and father will wake up from the spell that I put on them”.

7 When she went into the kitchen she tried to eat the 3 pieces of meat, but she said this is too horrible! The next night she made herself eat 3 pieces of meat. The next morning when she woke up she ran to the mirror to see if she was herself again, and she was! Then she heard somebody call her name, they said” Rapunzel somebody is waiting for you.”

8 When she came down the long staircase (which took long of course) her parents yelled SURPRISE! “Rapunzel,” they said, “this is a surprise party for eating 3 pieces of meat to save us from the spell. You also turned into a human again.” Then she yelled “Let’s celebrate!” Then that night when Rapunzel went to bed she said, “Everything is back to normal except for the dog. After that they never heard from the Vegetable Witch again.

9 ~The End~

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