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Not Done!. Unit 5 Lesson 2 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Not Done!. Unit 5 Lesson 2 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Not Done!

2 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Grade 2 2008 Imagine It Reading Series


4 /aw/ aw a_u aw

5 Daily News My mom used to be a teacher. Now she writes children’s books. Her willingness to keep trying and never give up has made her a great writer. It took a lot of courage for her to follow her dreams. Do you have the courage to follow your dreams?

6 /aw/ caught

7 /aw/ taught

8 /aw/ daughter

9 /aw/ distraught

10 /aw/ fought

11 /aw/ thought

12 /aw/ bought

13 /aw/ ought

14 /aw/ all

15 /aw/ called

16 /aw/ ball

17 /aw/ baseball

18 /aw/ also

19 /aw/ almost

20 /aw/ walk

21 /aw/ walnut

22 Phonics and Fluency 1. caught taught daughter distraught 2. fought thought bought ought 3. all called ball baseball 4. also almost walk walnut

23 2. I thought you were going for a walk. 1. Matt’s daughter caught the ball.

24 Syllabication 1. daugh.ter 2. dis.traught 3. base.ball

25 Syllabication 1. 2. al.most 3. wal.nut

26 Vocabulary trickling…

27 ... flowing drop by drop. Selection Vocabulary

28 Vocabulary flooded…

29 cover with water. Selection Vocabulary

30 Vocabulary rumbling…

31 ... making a heavy, deep, rolling sound. Selection Vocabulary

32 Vocabulary numb…

33 ... having no feeling. Selection Vocabulary

34 Vocabulary dike…

35 ... a thick wall to hold back water. Selection Vocabulary

36 Vocabulary windmill…

37 ... a machine that uses the power of the wind to turn sails. Selection Vocabulary


39 Daily News My friends and I walked home from school today. When we were almost home, we heard a scary sound. We thought it was the roar of a big tiger. “We ought to run,” I yelled. When we ran past a tall bush, we saw a small kitten. The kitten had made the scary sound. We laughed the rest of the way home.

40 Phonics and Fluency 1. caught taught daughter distraught 2. fought thought bought ought 3. all called ball baseball 4. also almost walk walnut

41 2. I thought you were going for a walk. 1. Matt’s daughter caught the ball.

42 Vocabulary trickling…

43 ... flowing drop by drop. Selection Vocabulary

44 Vocabulary flooded…

45 cover with water. Selection Vocabulary

46 Vocabulary rumbling…

47 ... making a heavy, deep, rolling sound. Selection Vocabulary

48 Vocabulary numb…

49 ... having no feeling. Selection Vocabulary

50 Vocabulary dike…

51 ... a thick wall to hold back water. Selection Vocabulary

52 Vocabulary windmill…

53 ... a machine that uses the power of the wind to turn sails. Selection Vocabulary

54 Dictation 1. naughty 2. brought 3. fall

55 Dictation 1. stall 2. talked 3. chalk

56 Dictation 1. altogether 2. He caught the small ball with his hand.


58 Daily News Peter saw a small hole in the dike. He put his finger in the hole and called for help. He thought someone would hear him, but no one did. Peter kept his finger in the hole all night. Everyone thought Peter was a hero.

59 /-ly/ slowly

60 /-ly/ softly

61 /-ly/ loudly

62 /-ly/ suddenly

63 /-y/ lucky

64 /-y/ snowy

65 /-y/ rainy

66 /-y/ dirty

67 /-ed/ stopped

68 /-ed/ nodded

69 /-ed/ hopped

70 /-ed/ skipped

71 Phonics and Fluency 1. slowly softly loudly suddenly 2. lucky snowy rainy dirty 3. stopped nodded hopped skipped

72 Syllabication 1. 2. 3. rain.y

73 Syllabication 1. 2. snow.y 3. nod.ded

74 Syllabication 1. nod.ded 2. dirt.y 3.

75 Vocabulary trickling…

76 ... flowing drop by drop. Selection Vocabulary

77 Vocabulary flooded…

78 cover with water. Selection Vocabulary

79 Vocabulary rumbling…

80 ... making a heavy, deep, rolling sound. Selection Vocabulary

81 Vocabulary numb…

82 ... having no feeling. Selection Vocabulary

83 Vocabulary dike…

84 ... a thick wall to hold back water. Selection Vocabulary

85 Vocabulary windmill…

86 ... a machine that uses the power of the wind to turn sails. Selection Vocabulary


88 Daily News We have a new student in our class. His name is Roberto. He speaks very softly. I think it would be scary to be a new student. I am going to be friendly by asking him to eat lunch with me. Have you ever had a new student in your class?

89 Phonics and Fluency 1. slowly softly loudly suddenly 2. lucky snowy rainy dirty 3. stopped nodded hopped skipped

90 Vocabulary trickling…

91 ... flowing drop by drop. Selection Vocabulary

92 Vocabulary flooded…

93 cover with water. Selection Vocabulary

94 Vocabulary rumbling…

95 ... making a heavy, deep, rolling sound. Selection Vocabulary

96 Vocabulary numb…

97 ... having no feeling. Selection Vocabulary

98 Vocabulary dike…

99 ... a thick wall to hold back water. Selection Vocabulary

100 Vocabulary windmill…

101 ... a machine that uses the power of the wind to turn sails. Selection Vocabulary


103 Phonics and Fluency 1. caught taught daughter distraught 2. fought thought bought ought 3. all called ball baseball 4. also almost walk walnut

104 2. I thought you were going for a walk. 1. Matt’s daughter caught the ball.

105 Phonics and Fluency 1. slowly softly loudly suddenly 2. lucky snowy rainy dirty 3. stopped nodded hopped skipped

106 Vocabulary trickling…

107 ... flowing drop by drop. Selection Vocabulary

108 Vocabulary flooded…

109 cover with water. Selection Vocabulary

110 Vocabulary rumbling…

111 ... making a heavy, deep, rolling sound. Selection Vocabulary

112 Vocabulary numb…

113 ... having no feeling. Selection Vocabulary

114 Vocabulary dike…

115 ... a thick wall to hold back water. Selection Vocabulary

116 Vocabulary windmill…

117 ... a machine that uses the power of the wind to turn sails. Selection Vocabulary

118 Spelling Words 1.walk 2.overall 3. bought 4. call 5. always

119 Spelling Words 6. sought 7. taught 8. caught 9. halt 10. small

120 Spelling Challenge Words 1. daughter 2. chalk

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