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Vision and Objectives for SITE Emil M. Petriu SITE / 24 October 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision and Objectives for SITE Emil M. Petriu SITE / 24 October 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision and Objectives for SITE Emil M. Petriu SITE / 24 October 2008

2 SITE mission is an integral part of the Faculty of Engineering mission to “provide its graduates with top quality education in engineering and computer science, preparing them to practice their professions competently to meet the ever-changing needs of society, and to continue learning their discipline, allowing them to move into other related fields including business, law and medicine. Excellence and diversity in research are essential to our mission and build on our strong collaboration with industry and government research laboratories. The Faculty encourages a spirit of entrepreneurship amongst its students and personnel. The Faculty strives to provide a learning environment that promotes excellence and innovation, ethical practice and responsibility towards society. The Faculty is committed to a culture built on respect of the individual and fair treatment for all.” SITE / 24 October 2008

3 SITE vision is an integral part of the Faculty of Engineering vision “to uniquely position the faculty as a leader in innovation and excellence in engineering and computer science through education, research and scholarship in a professional framework reflecting our social responsibility. ……. The faculty will continue to support the individual research initiatives of its professors, but will promote a strong focus on inter-disciplinary research in high- interest and impact areas as perceived by governments and industry as follows: e-Society Bio and health engineering Critical infrastructure design and survivability Sustainable energy and environmental technologies ………………….. The faculty benefits from a strong presence and reputation in information technology (IT) and is firmly committed to continuing cutting edge research in this field. Given the now pervasive nature of IT, its position in the faculty’s vision is now that of a fundamental “enabler”. The faculty therefore strives to use its IT and related engineering capabilities to catalyze developments and advancements in other disciplines through collaboration and team efforts. SITE / 24 October 2008

4 SITE Director’s Role The SITE Director should work within the framework of the Faculty of Engineering, providing leadership, formulating specific goals, carrying on management duties, listening to stakeholders, communicating the sense of purpose and passion, and working together with the colleagues to implement the SITE mission and vision. SITE / 24 October 2008

5 # Undergraduate Students # Graduate Students #TAs BASE BUDGET ($$$) Prof. Teaching Effort Prof. Research Productivity Research Funding ($$$) # Support Staff SITE / 24 October 2008

6 Teaching, Learning, Programs  Continue improving the quality and student-workload of our programs in order to make them more responsive to our students needs. => meeting CEAB, CIPS, and OGS accreditation requirements  Continue improving the professor-workload in order to increase the quality and productivity of their teaching and research. SITE / 24 October 2008

7 >>> Teaching, Learning, Programs SITE / 24 October 2008 Telecommunications (POT style) IT-Telecommunications 1985 1990 1995 1997 2002 2008  Electrical & Electronics Engineering  Computer Science  Computer Engineering  Software Engineering SITE PROBLEM: Reach and maintain a critical mass for our undergraduate and graduate enrolments that would allow to dampen the effects of enrolment variations

8 >>> Teaching, Learning, Programs SITE / 24 October 2008 Telecommunications (POT style) IT-Telecommunications 1985 1990 1995 1997 2002 2008  Electrical & Electronics Engineering  Computer Science  Computer Engineering  Software Engineering SITE PROBLEM: Reach and maintain a critical mass for our undergraduate and graduate enrolments that would allow to dampen the effects of enrolment variations => SOLUTION: Increase the visibility and support to the existing SITE programs + develop new interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs and options as well as other initiatives dealing with business & management, entrepreneurship, law, arts ( e.g. undergraduate program in "emergent technology and culture" ), … Games c- Games Faculty of Arts Arts e- Arts Faculty of Arts Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Healthcare e- Healthcare Business e- Business School of Business

9 >>> Teaching, Learning, Programs Increase the visibility and identity (branding) of the main academic components of SITE:  Computer Science  Electrical Engineering  Computer Engineering  Software Engineering SITE / 24 October 2008

10 >>> Teaching, Learning, Programs Existing interdisciplinary graduate programs: Bioinformatics - (M.Sc./M.C.I.) Biomedical Engineering (M.A.Sc.) e-Business (Certificate) e-Business Technologies (M.Sc., M.E.B.T.) e-Commerce (Certificate) Engineering Management (M. Eng.) Information Technology Project Management (Certificate) Internet Technologies (Certificate) Modelling and Animation for Computer Games Technology (Certificate ) Systems Science –Certificate (M.Sc., M.Sys.Sc.) SITE / 24 October 2008

11 >>> Teaching, Learning, Programs SITE / 24 October 2008 Develop cost-effective (max_impact & min_cost) new undergraduate programs and options by “market-oriented” (appealing to the job aspirations of our potential students) “repackaging” existent course offerings and a minimal number of additional new courses:  Biomedical Electrical/Computer Engineering (… Pre-Med)  Biomedical Software Engineering (… Pre-Med)  “Green energy option” in Electrical Engineering  Major in Computer Science + Minor in Law / Biology / Psychology / Arts / …  ………………

12 Bilingual Mandate Providing support for maintaining and increasing the level of bilingualism of our undergraduate programs. Continue the efforts to forge long-term privileged relations with the French schools in Ontario and Québec and especially with those in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario (e.g. École secondaire de Casselman ) and the Outaouais. SITE / 24 October 2008

13 Research and Innovation The SITE Director should support visionary research that explores new science applications and technologies for the future & encourage a climate of entrepreneurship for marketing and technology transfer of research results and knowledge-related activities. SITE / 24 October 2008

14 Students, Professors, Support Staff, Alumni It is SITE Director’s responsibility to promote a working environment that allows all personnel and students to thrive for excellence. SITE / 24 October 2008

15 >>> Students, Professors, Support Staff, Alumni Students Being first of all an academic unit SITE should continue placing the students at the core of its educational mission. Students should be encouraged to develop leadership, team- work, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and business skills, interdisciplinary interests including non technical fields, and soft skills through extracurricular activities (e.g. Undergraduate Computer Science Student Association, Engineering Students Society, IEEE Student Branch, ARISE) SITE / 24 October 2008

16 >>> Students, Professors, Support Staff, Alumni Professors Maintain a positive working environment for all the professors providing opportunities and support for personal development and encouraging the young professors to develop into outstanding world-class researchers. It is essential to continue improving the professor- workload in order to increase the quality and productivity of their teaching and research. SITE / 24 October 2008

17 >>> Students, Professors, Support Staff, Alumni Support Staff The support staff plays an essential role in the delivery of the academic and research programs in SITE. SITE will continue encouraging and recognizing initiatives made by the support staff for the improvement of the academic services, cyber-infrastructure, teaching and research laboratories. SITE / 24 October 2008

18 >>> Students, Professors, Support Staff, Alumni Alumni Strengthen the connections with our alumni who are essential to the reputation, as well as to the fundraising. They are role-models and provide professional networking to our undergraduate and graduate students ( e.g. Joseph Noor, Protus, and Jim Pinard, PIKA, give a lecture on entrepreneurship to the CEG4910/4911 Project Design Class every year ). SITE / 24 October 2008

19 Public Relations Promote SITE to the industrial, research, government, and public at large communities … including our own University. Reactivation of the SITE Advisory Board. Continue support for the existent SITE Promotion Ambassadors and SITE Distinguished Lectures initiatives. Actively pursue local visibility by the publication of our success stories in the local media. SITE / 24 October 2008

20 Merci ! Thank You ! SITE / 24 October 2008

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