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Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice Chapter 7

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1 Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice Chapter 7
The Effective Lesson This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program. ISBN:

2 Direct Instruction “…lessons in which the teacher transmits information directly to students, structuring class time to reach a clearly defined set of objectives as efficiently as possible.” (p. 199)

3 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: State Learning Objectives
Identify Reasons for Teaching and Learning Provide a Framework Specify Responsibilities of Teachers and Students

4 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Orient Students to the Lesson
Advance Organizer Arouse Curiosity Establish Expectations Response Set A Question or Problem Relate Objective to Student Experience

5 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Dealing With Lateness
Start on Time Avoid Backtracking or Repeating Let Students Know the Consequences of Being Late Demonstrate That Course Content Takes Priority

6 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Review Prerequisites
Link to Existing Information Assess Students Pre-Quiz Informal Information Sharing

7 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Present New Material
Progressive Differentiation Five to Nine Concepts Lesson Clarity Multi-Sensory Explanations Demonstrations, Models, and Illustrations (Authentic Learning) Cooperative Learning

8 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Conduct Learning Probes
Checks for Understanding Question Types Wait Time

9 Wait Time Associated With Questioning
Student is acknowledged and answers Teacher reacts to student’s answer Teacher question Wait Time I Wait Time II Time

10 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Conduct Learning Probes
Tactics for Questioning Ask Only One Question at a Time Wait for an Answer Call on Students at Random Choral Response Ask for Questions Plan Your Questions

11 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Conduct Learning Probes
Why did we have a depression in the 1930’s? What series of events led up to the stock market crash of 1929 and the high unemployment of the 1930’s?

12 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Provide Independent Practice
Seat Work Practice, Self-Assessment, and Teacher Assessment

13 Find the Cost Game 1 Game 2 $8 $6 $3 $7 $3 $6 $10 $4 $9 $5 $11 $9 $7
$2 $5 $6 $4 Game 1 Game 2 Choose two animals Find the Cost Locate the sum on the game board Mark it with and X or O Three marks in a line wins $8 $6 $3 $7 $3 $6 $10 $4 $9 $5 $11 $9 $7 $11 $5 $10 $8 $4

14 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Assess and Provide Feedback
Assessing Individual Lessons: Questioning, Independent Work, Quizzes Every Lesson Should Have Some Type of Assessment More Assessments = Higher Achievement

15 How Direct Instruction Is Taught: Distributed Practice and Review
Retention Increased by Review Spaced Out Over Time Achievement Increased by Homework

16 Cognitive Teaching Strategies: Transfer of Learning
Goal of Teaching? Goal of Learning? How Can We Teach Effectively Give Many Examples Analogies Elaboration Review and Practice

17 Transfer of Learning The Horse Question…

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