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The NHS Modernisation Agency: Direction of Travel NICE Annual Conference 5 December 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "The NHS Modernisation Agency: Direction of Travel NICE Annual Conference 5 December 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NHS Modernisation Agency: Direction of Travel NICE Annual Conference 5 December 2001

2 Maxines 3 Rs of Modernisation Renewal and expansion Redesign Respect

3 How can NICE, CHI and the Agency help deliver the 3 Rs? How can we create a Modernisation Movement? Some results so far

4 Setting Standards: NICE, NSFs Performance Assessment: CHI Performance Improvement: Modernisation Agency A System for Service Improvement

5 The Agencys Role Seeing through patients eyes Re-shaping services Developing leaders Clinical Governance

6 We will work through... AWR Lateral connections - not top down Investments in learning and development Harnessing the enthusiasts Developing local transformation teams

7 Creating a Modernisation Movement 60,000 clinical staff involved LMRs Local Modernisation Support Teams Associates of the Agency STBOP as a major opportunity

8 Some Results so far…. Primary Care collaboratives Coronary Heart Disease revascularisations Clinicians involved in Modernisation programmes Fast cancer outpatient service Booked admissions Calls to NHS Direct 7.5 million 5 million by March 2002 1.3 million people 60,000 48,000 this year 694 practices

9 Primary Care Collaborative Access to primary care, reducing waiting times GP practice reduces waiting time from 7 days to zero days to see a GP and 11 days to 2 days to see a nurse Primary Care - secondary prevention of Coronary Heart Disease 5 month wait reduced to 5 weeks Cancer Collaborative North Hampshire Hospital Trust - CT Scan wait down from 20 days to 2 days

10 Action On Dermatology Wakefield PCT Community Dermatology Scheme - only 7% needed hospital appointments Changing the Workforce South Devon NHS Trust - Trauma Co- ordinator. Time for admission to op for FNOF down from 3 days to 1.

11 Helping Maxine NICE, CHI and the Agency as system for improvement Developing leaders for Modernisation Creating a Modernisation Movement

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