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Payroll Giving – some options Gareth Potts, Cabinet Office November 1 st 2011 Presentation to Institute of Fundraising Special Interest Group on Payroll.

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Presentation on theme: "Payroll Giving – some options Gareth Potts, Cabinet Office November 1 st 2011 Presentation to Institute of Fundraising Special Interest Group on Payroll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Payroll Giving – some options Gareth Potts, Cabinet Office November 1 st 2011 Presentation to Institute of Fundraising Special Interest Group on Payroll Giving

2 2 Context Giving White Paper Need to look at system reform Making PG something that charities like and want to promote Making PG something that compares well with over forms of giving Non-options Do-nothing Scrap PG

3 3 Option 1 - Improve the existing system working with existing PGAs to improve performance tighten existing regulation reducing the time in which they must process donations shared contracts template for data submission to charities funds to upgrade antiquated systems (e.g. reducing reliance on paper forms).

4 4 Option 2 - Encouraging the entrance of a new-look PGA all the aspects seen in Option 1 new entrant might offer a donor- and charity-friendly online giving experience rapid processing of donations potentially building on their current on-line giving platforms.

5 5 Option 3 - License a single PGA (‘Camelot Model’) HMRC would license a single PGA to operate PG for a set period (e.g. five years) following a competitive application process operator would be expected to provide a “total solution” managing the whole process from donor interface processing donations

6 6 Option 4 - Centralised PG infrastructure single back end system processing payments data/ reporting services for charities donor and employer-facing elements of the system (e.g. the website through which a donor signs up) could be developed by any number of providers. similarly large companies could provide customised sites for their employees that linked directly to this back-end infrastructure.

7 7 Taking things forward Where we are at – option consideration / ideas welcome Implications for charities - invite

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